Peach Beauty

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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Trend Style Baru yang akan membuat rambut-mu tersenyum bersama SHARP Plasmacluster

Trend Style Baru 
yang akan membuat rambut-mu tersenyum 
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
lagi nge-trend nih yang namnaya gaya hidup sehat, mulai dari makanan sehat, minuman sehat, snack sehat, cafe organik, diet mayo dan seterusnya.
pokoknya semua deh di serempet-serempetin sama yang judulnya pola hidup sehat.
karena mengingat perkembangan gaya hidup orang modern yang maunya serba instant.
pokoknya cepat, kenyang dan langsung go. jadi udah ga sempet lagi tuh mikirin berapa kalorinya yang masuk, gizinya sudah terpenuhi atau belum, dan segala macamnya.

begitu pun juga dengan ke-alamian dan kelembaban rambut kita.
butuh perhatian khusus dan intensive juga loh!
siapa sih yang nolak punya rambut sehat dan terlihat cantik setiap hari?
masa perawatan rambut kita kalah dengan pola trend gaya hidup sehat yang sedang di gandrungi oleh masyarakat banyak.
apalagi katanya rambut adalah mahkota wanita, harusnya sih para wanita sudah lebih sadar akan pentingnya merawat rambut.

bersamaan dengan berkembangnya macam-macam bentuk rambut (Hairstyle Trend) yang semakin hari semakin tidak sehat.
rambut ditarik sana ditarik sini biar lurus.
rambut di gulung sana digulung sini biar keriting.
belum lagi yang doyan banget kerjaannya gonta-ganti warna rambut.
kalau bisa teriak rambutnya, maka teriaklah dia sampai suaranya habis.

ibarat pribahasa "sudah jatuh, tertimpa tangga pula"
inilah pribahasa yang cocok mencerminkan dengan keadaan rambut kita, sudah kena obat-obatan kimia yang ga jelas mereknya, ditambah penggunaan alat elektronik rambut yang terlalu panas dan tidak bersahabat dengan rambut kita.

belum lagi wanita karier yang jadinya sering telat masuk kantor gara-gara harus ngurusin rambut kusut.
setiap hari kena catokan? apa engga rusak itu rambut.
saya punya solusinya,
SHARP Plasmacluster yang sudah terbukti hasilnya bagi Kesehatan dan Kecantikan rambut kamu.

SHARP Plasmacluster ini mengandung ion yang dapat melindungi rambut.
maksudnya adalah dengan molekul air yang mampu melapisi rambut sehingga lebih lembap dan teksturnya lebih halus.
manfaat ion bagi kesehatan dan kecantikan rambut adalah:
meningkatkan kandungan oksigen yang diserap oleh rambut, karena tidak semua hair dyer memberikan kualitas seperti ini.
disamping itu bisa sekaligus memperbaiki dan merawat warna rambut agar tidak cepat merah.
karena tanda-tanda rambut tidak sehat adalah berwarna merah dan kering.

sehingga rambut kamu bisa tetap bernapas walau bersentuhan langsung dengan panas.
pokoknya cuma SHARP Plasmacluster yang mampu memberikan rambut sehat dan cantik alami secara instant.
Berasal dari ion negatif yang memberikan efek anti kusut sekaligus kelembaban. Hal ini berbeda dengan traditional Hairdryer pada umumnya, karena rambut tidak lagi kusut melainkan rambut Anda akan terlihat bervolume (mengembang). Inilah teknologi ionic yang sering dipakai salon.
dan cocok buat kamu yang super sibuk dan tidak punya waktu untuk pergi ke salon.

terdapat tombol pengatur suhu yang memudahkan pengguna untuk mengatur sendiri kebutuhan akan hair dryer Plasmacluster tersebut.
suhu normal berguna untuk menata hasil akhir rambut.
suhu sedang berguna untuk menata rambut
dan suhu yang paling tinggi berguna untuk mengeringkan rambut.

SHARP  sendiri menawarkan 3 variant warna dari produk hair dryer-nya ini:
secara personal aku lebih suka warna gold (emas).
kelihatannya elegant dan wah :p

Pink, Gold, dan Putih

Say Good Bye to bad hair day and unhealthy Electronic Hair.
Welcome aboard SHARP Plasmacluster.
menawarkan kualitas rambut sehat dan memberikan hasil akhir rambut cantik yang maksimal.

Berapa sih harganya SHARP Plasmacluster?
kira-kira sih harganya Rp 1,399,000  yang dijual dipasaran.
sedikit mahal sih, tapi namanya harga juga ga bisa bohong.
ada kualitas ada harga juga yang patut dibayar kan?

tapi lagi ada diskon sebesar 31% nih kalau kamu beli di
coba yuk di lihat langsung.
Click Me

atau kalau mau lebih jelasnya bisa langsung kunjungi website yang menjual Sharp Plasmacluster.
ada 3 variant warna yang bisa kamu pilih.
Gold, White, Pink Sharp Plasmacluster Hair dryer.
1. SHARP Plasmacluster Hair Dryers - IF-PB1Y-W - White
2. SHARP Plasmacluster Hair Dryers - IF-PB1Y-P - Pink
3.SHARP Plasmacluster Hair Dryers - IF-PB1Y-N - Gold
hanya meyakinkan saja bahwa saya tidak salah menyebutkan harganya.
dan harganya bisa berubah tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.

Beli dimana ya SHARP Plasmacluster?
kamu dapat membelinya di toko resmi yang menjual SHARP Produk.
atau kalau ga punya waktu untuk pergi ke toko, kamu dapat membeli langsung lewat website resmi
lagi ada diskon dan promo cicilan loh. yuk dilihat langsung linknya dibawah ini.
Click Me

Officially Account SHARP Plasmacluster lebih lanjut?
Officially Website: Click Me
Fanpage Facebook: Click Me
Twitter Account: Click Me
Youtube Account: Click Me

so, i think that's all about my review..
let me know what you think..
please drop your comments on my post!

Plasmacluster Banner

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Get The Perfect Powerful Beauty With

Get The Perfect
Powerful Beauty
By: @ClaraNovK
Hello Peach!
i have a story and i won't let you guys have missed my story.
start by randomly searching for Korean Makeup on internet..
because its kinda hard to find trusted seller online shop for korean makeup.
sometimes we find for some online shop is not selling authentic and original korean makeup.
so, i am a bit frustrated because my skin type is sensitive (afraid to trying something unbranded stuff).

a bit curious about korean makeup and then decided to read one by one review from beauty bloggers.
so i start it to surfing on internet..
and i found so many great review from blogger about a website selling korean makeup.
suddenly falling in love with all collections on
especially for this Melting Cream Foundation : Dark Brown <3

many variations of choices Korean make up you can get from many Korean brand make up.
not only selling makeup, but you can also found Skin Care, Hair, Body Care, and Tools/Accessories options.
i can guarantee you that this product is provide 100% Trusted Seller.

so, if you enjoy read my post
please keep continue reading!

Are you looking for Beauty Korean Make up for improving your Beauty looks? 
You can visit today. 
This site offers a lot of great Korean Make up for all customers. 
You are able to enjoy all high quality Korean Beauty Products that are provided by this company. 

There are many people who are satisfied with all products and services from this site. 
You can read a lot of positive reviews about this Wish Trend site. 
When you want to choose the best Korean Beauty Products for yourself, you can visit this site today. Here are some good reasons why this site becomes popular today. 

1. Many Korean Beauty Product Options

Many people want to visit Wishtrend website because of this reason. This website offers a lot of Korean Beauty Product with many variants functional options. You are able to choose the best quality and function for each product you need by directly read review from beauty blogger. There are some popular offering and discount that are available today. This website displays some attractive Korean make up with their other beauty product options. 

2. Trusted Seller And Absolutely Original Product

This is another reason why you have to choose your favourite Korean Beauty Products from Wishtrend. This seller always provide authentic and original products for all customers. All products are made in Korea and first hand distributor from Korea. Because of this reason, you will never have to worry about getting any not authentic product from your favourite Beauty product. 

3. Shipping Worldwide and Free

After you order the best beauty products for yourself, you can receive this product very quickly. There are program shipping options that are offer by this company, including worldwide free shipping service.You don't need worry about wishtrend shipping service, so you can freely choose your beauty trend favourite make up at because wishtrend always like to give customers an opportunity to try their beauty items without any shipping cost concern. more details free shipping items, you read on me HERE .

Wishtrend offers a lot of types of Korean beauty make up for all customers. You can visit its official website to learn more about this company. You can also choose the right beauty product that are suitable for your needs. Don't forget to take a look at some pictures of your favourite beauty products in this website. Because this site offers a lot of benefits for all customers, it becomes one of the most popular Korean Beauty Make Up sellers on the Internet these days.

How Much Does It Cost Rate Shopping at
it rate cost maybe around below $5-$50 USD.
the price is reasonable and not overpriced.
standard rate price for korean makeup or even less.

maybe you can check on their officially website..
just to make sure i'm not mistaken to tell you about the price tag..
because the price can change anytime by the wishtrend company...

How to purchase Korean Makeup at
you can buy and find on their officially website..
Also, you can do order and shopping through their officially website.
shipping worldwide and Free shipping if you shop at

Officially Account Wish Trend For Further Information?
Official Website: Click Me
Fanpage Facebook: Click Me
Google+ Account: Click Me
Pinterest Account: Click Me
Twitter Account: Click Me

so, i think that's all about my review..
let me know what you think..
please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Review: Kiss Me Fake Eyelashes No. 3

Kiss Me Fake Eyelashes
No. 3
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
today i'm gonna review about Fake Eyelashes No. 03 from Kiss Me..
i got this from my office matte, she had great winter session in Japan Last December.
she is the lucky one. you can check her instagram to see more picture while she is in Japan.
Instagram: Atanasia Sucipto Putri (

she gave me a lots of stuff.
from snack to the beauty stuff things.
feel so honor she is still remember about me :p
she is so kind, just can't stop to say thank you!

Snack, Beauty stuff, candies from Japan

more and more fake eyelashes on my goodies bag.
can't stand to not try while i am at home.
ok then i wont talk to much again.
just read and enjoy my post beauty review.

Here is the product:

Before open the box

After Open the box

Product Design More Details

Details Glue Eyelashes and Fake Eyelashes
From Kiss Me No. 3

and here is the picture after i apply it on my eyelids:

Applied on my lids

EOTD using Kiss Me Fake Eyelashes No. 3

Final Looks

The Facts About  Kiss Me Fake Eyelashes No 03:
in the descriptions of the box, i am so shocked read this.
the fact about kiss me fake eyelashes which is they said from Japan.
actually Made in Indonesia! *say what*
and assembled in China :')
oooh god, but why should i purchase this from far away places if this made in Indonesia. 
i found this still funny.
quality export brand from Indonesia is better than they sell in ourselves country.
we serve good quality for export, and i hope we serve good quality for selling in our country as well.
i hope you guys understands what i mean :p

What i love?
1. Thick Eyelashes, made my eyes looks bigger
2. Natural
3. Easy to Apply
4. i can use it more than twice (reuse)
5. not heavy on my eyelids 

What i hate?
so far until right now i really falling in love with this fake eyelashes.
even this is so thick lashes, but in the finish is still looks natural.
that's why i love it so much <3

How much does it cost  Kiss Me Fake Eyelashes?
i dunno how much exactly does it cost for this product..
because as you know this is gift from my friend was holiday in Japan.

Where you can purchase this?
at this moment, if you want to buy product from KISS ME you can purchase it only in Japan.
or you can directly order on there officially website.
just in case if you interesting to see more :p

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Make Up Tutorial: Fabulous Mystic Pink Valentine Make Up Looks

Make Up Tutorial: 
Fabulous Mystic Pink
Valentine Make Up Looks
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
valentine's day is almost coming girls!
what you already prepare for your partner?
buying chocolate? baking some cake? cooking for your partner?
whatever it is, don't ruin your perfect valentine dinner with messed up makeup!

even you are so lazy to do makeup, you should always be beautiful in front of you partner.
for this beauty post, i will guide you very simple make up looks for your special day.
hope you like it, and helpful!

i dunno why, i always excited to celebrate valentine's day.
even i am still single! *crying in the corner* :')
but anw, showing your love is not only just to your partner.
but you can showing your love to your family, brother/sister, your beloved pets, and your very best friend as well.

well anw, back to topic about makeup. lol
if you interest to read my post, please keep continue reading.
enjoy! :D

Here is my mandatory tools to do makeup tutorial:

Foundation and Two Way Cake

Eyebrows Tools and Lipstick
*Lipstick Review:
 Face Recipe Lip Color Nursing Lipstick
CLICK ME to see the review

Eyeliner, Mascara, and Fake Eyelashes
and Eyeshadow Makeup Tools
*Eyeshadow Review:
Face Recipe Triple Glam Shadow No 01
CLICK ME to see the review

Step By Step Makeup Tutorial:

Step By Step Eyes Tutorial

Finishing applied eyeliner 
and wear on your fake eyelashes

Before and after picture:

Before and After Eyes Tutorial

Close and Open My Eyes

Final Result!

Please be my Valentine? <3

so, i think that's all for my review..
let me know what you think..
please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!


Monday, February 9, 2015

Sponsored Review: Face Recipe Triple Glam Shadow No. 01

Sponsored Review:
Face Recipe
Triple Glam Shadow No. 01
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
today i'm gonna review about Triple Glam Shadow No. 01 from Face Recipe..
i really love it the color and super simple for beginners..
the color is so soft and natural. besides that perfectly pigmented into my skin
Glam Shadow No. 01: white glitter, Pink glitter, and Brown glitter.
absolutely recommended to create something sweet and calm make up looks..
super love it!

Here is the product:

Triple Glam Shadow No. 1
From Face Recipe Series

Glam Shadow From Face Recipe

Box Details

Product Design more details:

Number 01: Triple Glam Shadow

Details Applicator Triple Glam Shadow
From Face Recipe

and here is the swatches:

Color Glam Shadow More Details

 Swatches Face Recipe Triple Glam Shadow

and here is the picture after i apply it on my eyelids:

Applied on my lids

Final Looks

The Facts About  Face Recipe Triple Glam Shadow No 01:
long lasting, Glam Make up Looks but still simple, cheap price with the good quality.
natural and pigmented to the skin..

What i love?
the color is super pigmented and natural, that's most important things.
easy to apply and help beginners to choose the color.
simple but beautiful product.
also, the product we must pay is not overpriced.
just standard for triple glam shadow.

What i hate?
too much glitter get in to the shadow.
so the color is not really contrast, i must applied based eye shadow to help improving the color of this shadow.
overall so far until now, i love it this product.

How much does it cost  Face Recipe Triple Glam Shadow?
i dunno how much exactly does it cost for this product..
because as you know this is sponsorship review..
but my estimation it supposed to be cost arround 135k IDR (indonesia Rupiah) or $12 - $13 USD.
Click Me
good price, with good quality..

Where you can purchase this?
at this moment, if you want to buy product from FACE RECIPE you can purchase it by online.
you can directly order on there officially website CopiaID.
and COPIA Instagram as well.

or you can go straightly through their counter ( JAKARTA), you can find it in the outlet COPIA at:
- Central Park Mall UG 136
-  Baywalk Mall lt 1-38
-  Kota kasablanka LG
-  Summarecon mal serpong lt 1
-  Bintaro jaya xchange Lt GF
-  Mal Ciputra Cibubur GF
-  Grand Galaxy Park Mall GF
-  Centre Point Medan LG

How to contact COPIA Further?
Officially Website: Click Me
Fanpage Facebook: COPIA ID
Twitter Account: @CopiaId
Instagram Account: @Copiabeauty

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sponsored Review: Face Recipe Lip Color Nursing Lipstick

Sponsored Review:
Face Recipe
Lip Color Nursing Lipstick
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
today i have some good news for you. :p (i dunno whether this good news or not) lol
but, i wanna show you my favorite lipstick for this February 2015. *wohoo*
before i know face recipe lip color, i used to be a big fans of colorburst matte balm.
if you curious about revlon color burst matte balm review, you can click the link below.

and i am so obsessed all about matte lip color.
so long time ago, i already left behind creamy, lip gloss, or everything sticky i just don't care anymore.
long live matte balm!

since i know face recipe lip color nursing lipstick, my life has changed again. *trouble insight* lol
face recipe lip color product is just different.
the color is so soft, super contrast, but pigmented!
how come is that dude?

so i won't talk much again.
just go ahead if you enjoy my review, please keep continue reading.

Here is the product:

Face Recipe series:
Lip Color Nursing Lipstick & shadow

Box Face Recipe Lip Color

Box Details

Product Design more details:

Lip Color Nursing Lipstick

and here is the swatches:

Swatches Lip Color Nursing Lipstick

and here is the picture after i apply it on my lips:

Applied Lip Color Nursing Liptick 
On My lips

Final Looks!

The Facts About Face Recipe Lip Color Nursing Lipstick:
i love the red color is just so great and beautiful with my toned skin.
my toned skin is a bit darker, sometimes it kinda difficult to find the right lipstick for my toned skin.
but, face recipe color is so pigmented and nice for me.

What i love?
The red color is just more than perfect for me.
not really creamy and sticky.
fast absorb to the lip skin, so i don't need afraid my hair will stick into my lips. lol

What i hate?
so far until now, i love it this product.

How much does it cost Face Recipe Lip Color Nursing Lipstick?
i dunno how much exact does it cost this product..
because as you know this is sponsorship review..
but my estimation it supposed to be cost arround 115k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah) or $10- $11 USD.
good price, with good quality..

Where you can purchase this?
at this moment, if you want to buy product from FACE RECIPE you can purchase it by online.
you can directly order on there officially website CopiaID.
and COPIA Instagram as well.

or you can go straightly through their counter ( JAKARTA), you can find it in the outlet COPIA at:
- Central Park Mall UG 136
-  Baywalk Mall lt 1-38
-  Kota kasablanka LG
-  Summarecon mal serpong lt 1
-  Bintaro jaya xchange Lt GF
-  Mal Ciputra Cibubur GF
-  Grand Galaxy Park Mall GF
-  Centre Point Medan LG

How to contact COPIA ID Further?
Officially Website: Click Me
Fanpage Facebook: COPIA ID
Twitter Account: @CopiaId
Instagram Account: @Copiabeauty

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below.. 
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx
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