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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Letters To God

    Do u wanna see the handsome guy ? i hope he will become my next boyfriend or my HUSBAND . lol :p here we goo ...
Figure 1. Michael Christopher Bolten. 

      Ooh my gosh , thats not all i wanna talking about in my own blog, actually i wanna say to my god I should be  greatfull and thankfull to my god whom gave me this life go on. whatever they talking about you, i dont care what people talking out loud about you , "he is nothing, who is god ? i think god already death been so long time ago. what is god exactly, is he alien?" i dont care with all this shit opinions. this is me , you created me only one in this world, even though i have my cloning but nobodys can be me.

Figure 2. Clara smile.

     You just open my eyes and hearts with the one especially movie , the title is Letters To God . at the first i read the title i was so impressed and curious with the movie. its just warming up about who is my real god exactly ? and its hear so ridiculous when u know , " how u can send all the letters to your god ? it is imposibble, isnt it? or u must die first just for send thats stupid things to heaven?" hahah , i just laugh and laugh if i get that one answer. there is always the way if u want to try and try until u cant do it anymore.  but the kid did it, he make of it come true. he make all of the people write some letters to god and believe that god is EXIST .. 

Figure 3. Cover Letters to God.

      it is sounds so bad and unfair if u see the kids or baby just was born already has very dangerous sickness... i cant stop drop my tears on the ground when i am watching that movie,  very touching and meaningfull. the kid survive with his brain cancer and keep writing the letters to god. only hope and miracle that kid has .. and only you god the last wishes he was praying all the night came. i just cant imagine if the boy thats my young brother .. T,T .... i think i cant stand by that condition. 

Figure 4.  Benjamin, Sam and Dearest Tyler.

     No one in  this life want to become the trouble in their family rite? thats just was the kid feels to. he is feels so useless and just make his family spent a lots of money for him medicine. his brother has very difficulty time, his father was passing , and his young bro is sick. then his mom must earn too much money to pay all the living cost. 

Figure 5. Pieces of letters to God.

     well , i know it is not movie based on true story, it is so dramatically , but wait!!!! dont u realize that actually people daily life in the real is harder than you imagine.  too many people dying , crying, lying and watever u call that as a pain. and then you blame to god , thats your life is not fair ? and i remember about one thing , Tyler ever say "somebody was born to replace somebody die." i hope i am not wrong quotation this word. :p i hope u get wat i am saying ,, lol

Figure 6. Barley and Tyler.

Figure 7. Sam and Tyler laughing together.

Figure 8. Tyler mother :D.

     If u feel attracative to know or u wanna get and watch the movie. i have the link for that ,, just check it to this one website .. :D

Figure 9. One Tyler hand. 

Have a nice day everyone .. :D God bless you all the time..


Sunday, October 3, 2010

just call him ROSE ..

     Ketika musik menjadi tempat pencurahan isi hati kita yang sebenarnya, sudah terpendam lama terhadap seseorang tetapi tidak bisa di ungkapkan. Gw sering sekali merasakan yang namanya patah hati, sampai-sampai gw udah ga bisa ngerasain lagi mana yang cinta dan mana yang luka. Perasaan gw menjadi tidak karuan dan tumpul, saat melihat cowok yang gw suka naksir sama cewek lain. Tapi perasaan kayak begini ga cuman gw doang kan ya yang mengalami dan merasakan.

     AH ! Apakah ini sudah takdir bahwa gw tidak patut untuk dicintai? Mengapa selalu saja gw gagal dalam hal mendapatkan seseorang yang gw cintai. Pada awalnya saya sudah kegeer-an atau kepede-an bahwa dia pasti akan menyukai gw. Maka dari itu kalau ada setiap pertemuan atau acara bersama anak-anak gw pasti akan siapkan waktu datang menghadiri pertemuan tersebut, karena gw yakin banget pasti dia juga dateng dalam pertemuan itu. walaupun keesokan harinya gw ada kelas pagi dan ada ujian, pasti gw bela-belain dateng deh demi ketemu sama dia.

     Tau begitu gw ga usah buru-buru putus sama si Kevin (cowok yang gw kenal dari dunia maya, tinggalnya di Belanda)  kalau misalnya si mawar ternyata ga suka sama gw. Biarkan saja itu menjadi status palsu gw di Facebook, asalkan gw masih bisa deket sama si mawar sampai sekarang.

     Padahal sebelum gw tahu kalau si mawar suka sama tuh cewek, pasti gw rajin deh dateng ke pertemuan gitu. Namun setelah si cewek kembali lagi masuk dalam kehidupannya si mawar, GW TUH JADI MALES BANGET TAU ENGGAAA !!! Rasanya tuh sakit banget tahu kalau dia suka sama orang lain. udah mana ceweknya kayak kasih harapan gitu sama mawar. OK , i admit she is better than me on everything. and i feel nothing because she is everything for him. Don't you know? it's the harder experienced in my daily life. I can't stop thinking about him. ceweknya sih cakep tapi ya gitu ...

     OH YA ! gw sekarang tau kenapa si Mawar selalu nurutin permintaannya sang cewek kalau lagi rapat, ya iyalahhh please dehhhh secara gitu si mawar kan naksir gila sama tuh cewek. Kewibawaan seorang pemimpin bisa keliatan lembek kalau udah urusan cinta. sebenarnya bukan salah si cewek sih, orang si mawar yang naksir sama cewek itu. tapi kok gw ga rela ya ngeliat dia bersama dengan dirinya.

     WOI elo mawar!! Balikin hati gw, Balikin lo dasar pencuri , banci lo dasar. Padahal mukanya tuh engga cakep banget , tapi ya manislah. Dia tuh kayak punya karisma sendiri menjadi seorang lelaki. buktinya saja banyak banget cewek yang sampai saat ini gw tau suka sama si mawar. Dan asal lo tau ya, besok tuh gw UTS tapi gw masih sempet-sempetmya nulis di blog ini tentang dia. Dan sejujurnya lagi, gw mau nulis ini blog dalam bahasa inggris, tapi gw males dan  capek. so , ya gw tulis aja dalam bahasa indonesia. kenapa gw mau tulis ke dalam bahasa inggris, ya karena gw ga mau kalau dia baca nanti dia ngerti apa arti dari blog gw ini. LOL .

     gw sih ga berharap dia bakalan baca blog gw ini, tapi gw hanya bermaksud untuk mencurahkan perasaan gw aja. biar gw ga terlalu strees dan kepikiran pas gw belajar buat UTS nanti. soalnya mau sampai berapa kali gw curhat sama temen gw dengan topik pembahasan yang sama ? mereka pasti bakalan bosenlah kalau tiap hari gw curhat soal si mawar melulu.

    sakit banget nih hati gw liat dia jalan sama cewek lain. ARGHH , get out from my mind.. yang paling sakit sih tau kalau teman-temannya mawar juga mendukung dia buat deket sama si cewek. T.T huaaaaa .. hiks hikss.. gw jadi kayak kambing congek kalau udah ngeliat temen-temennya buat rencana untuk mojokin mawar sama cewek itu. temennya mawar tau kalo gw suka sama mawar. Tapi yaa gw pura-pura udah engga suka lagi sama mawar. ahhaha .. dan gw berencana untuk keluar dari perkumpulan itu.

     idih, padahal dulu ya gw ngeliat mawar aja udah kayak ngeliat kakek tua punya keriput delapan lapis. tapi kenapa ya dia dimata gw sekarang jadi ganteng banget. dan sekarang hal yang paling gw takutin adalah hari ulang tahun gw november nanti. Watever wanna happen, i don't care. I just pretend never seen, heard and feel. gw takut ulang tahun gw taun ini menjadi ulang tahun gw yang tersuram sepanjang masa. rasanya gw mau nutupin muka gw pakai plastik item gede, ngumpet di tong sampah, terus gali lubang gede banget buat nyembunyiin badan gendut gw saat gw tau kalo si mawar lagi berduaan sama si cewek itu.

     My last word is , I hope my birthday this year will be fine, nobody cant disturb me. Let me stay at home just with my laptop and my wishes ..

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