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Monday, April 27, 2015

Review: 252 Ultimate Palette Eye Shadows Color Coastal Scents

252 Ultimate Palette
Eye Shadows Color
Coastal Scents
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
you gonna love my post! because we will see more color, color, and color.
i just bought new eye shadow palette from Coastal Scents.
i'm very excited to share with you guys.
but i do apologize in advance, i do not review details.
because the number choices of color is too many.
so i just do a couple of swatches color.

i must admit the price is so expensive.
but for me bought this palette is worth it.
the color is so variate and pigmented.
besides that we all knew that Coastal Scents is the best eye shadow palette after BH Cosmetics.

so if you feel interest to read more my review.
please keep continue reading.
enjoy <3

Here is the product:

Tray 1 Palette Eye Shadow

Tray 2 Palette Eye Shadow

Tray 3 Palette Eye Shadow

Swatches about this product:

Swatches 252 Ultimate Palette Eye Shadows

Descriptions about the product:
Step into a world of color with the Coastal Scents 252 Ultimate Palette.
from sheer to intense, this collection of highly pigmented shadows is ideal for creating a variety of looks for day or night.
each stunning shadow can be applied dry or wet for a more dramatic effect, leaving no look un-imagined.
the all in one palette features three individual trays of shadows that are compatible with Coastal Scents 120 Palette cases.

What i love?
1. The color is so pigmented
2. it does come for shimmer and matte color
3. very complete choices of color
4. for the shimmer eye shadow, not too much glitter on it. (which is very good news)
5. for the matte eye shadow, i still amaze how bold the color when you swatches. and it does long lasting.

What i hate?
so far until now i love this product.
but i have one problem to keeping safe and hygiene this palette.
after you broke the sealed wrap plastic for each palette trays.
it's just cover with plastic mica sheets. :')
so you must really careful when you open it.
and don't ever lose or even forgot to put your plastic mica sheets back in place.

How much does it cost 252 Ultimate Palette Eye Shadow?
it does cost 525k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah) or $49 USD - $51 USD.
it's so hard to pay for this palette if i remember again about the number.
my money gone just in a second.
but im so happy finally have it <3

Where you can purchase this?
i got this beautiful palette from my trusted seller.
also, the owner is so friendly and kind. you gonna love and always back to shopping.
Facebook: Beautynicula Store

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Refleksi & Strategi Pengembangan Solar Energy Negara Belanda

Refleksi & Strategi Pengembangan Solar Energy
Negara Belanda
By: @ClaraNovK

Figur 1. Kincir Angin Di Belanda.
     Tentu sudah menjadi barang yang lumrah bagi negara beriklim tropis akan selalu menemui cuaca yang panas setiap hari-nya. Siang maupun malam suasana akan selalu hangat. Berbagai cara ditempuh oleh para ilmuwan untuk bisa menemukan inovasi-inovasi baru membuat peralatan yang ramah lingkungan dan lebih hemat energi. Salah satu caranya adalah penghematan energi menggunakan cahaya matahari. Atau yang lebih kita kenal sebagai Solar Energy.
      Yang menjadi pertanyaan paling mendasar adalah bagaimana dengan masyarakat yang tinggal didaerah dingin?. Apakah mungkin solar energy ini kemudian dapat di terapkan kedalam negara yang lebih didominasi dengan cuaca dingin?. Sebut saja negara Belanda yang kita semua tahu bahwa melihat matahari bersinar adalah sesuatu yang langka. Siang hari sekalipun di negara belanda tetap berhawa sejuk bahkan cenderung dingin.
     Apakah nanti mekanisme Solar Energy ini akan berhasil menjadi solusi hemat energi yang mampu diterapkan di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat di Belanda?

Sekilas Sistem Kerja Solar Energy
    Sistem kerja dari solar panel itu bagaimana sih? yuk mendalami lebih jauh mengenai sistem kerjanya dari solar energy ini.

    Yang harus dilakukan pertama-tama adalah kita harus memiliki media saluran untuk menyerap tenaga matahari tersebut. Atau yang biasanya kita sebut dengan Solar Panel. Bentuk dari solar panel ini sendiri menyerupai ubin, atau atap plafon rumah. salah satu contohnya terdapat pada gambar dibawah ini.

    Tidak perlu bingung bagaimana cara membuat solar panel ini, karena yang pasti produksinya dikelola oleh pabrik. Yang perlu kita ketahui bersama adalah bagaimana sistem kerja dari Solar Panel ini sehingga menjadi energi pengganti listrik.

Figur 2: Solar Panel.

     Sistem kerja solar panel ini mudah sekali. Cukup pastikan solar panel ini terpasang ditempat yang terkena langsung dengan paparan sinar matahari. Sehingga memaksimalkan efektivitas dari alat ini untuk bekerja.

     Solar panel ini bekerja sama seperti tenaga listrik. Dengan menyerap panas dari sinar matahari, energi diubah oleh solar panel menjadi energi listrik. Jika dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini sudah diterangkan bahwa solar panel berfungsi untuk penerangan lampu di jalan raya, dan juga lampu rambu lalu lintas. disamping itu pula, orang-orang yang memiliki sepeda elektrik dan juga mobil elektrik bisa men-charge mobil serta sepeda mereka diatas solar panel ini pada siang hari. sehingga pada malam hari, sepeda serta mobil elektrik mereka sudah dapat digunakan berpergian walaupun tidak ada cahaya matahari.

    Berharap di hari yang akan datang solar energy ini bisa memenuhi kebutuhan energi di sekolah, dan tempat-tempat bisnis lainnya. karena kekuatan dari solar energy ini masih tergolong rendah. sehingga perkembangannya masih di teliti lebih lanjut.

   Pemberlakuan solar energy ini untuk sementara sebagai salah satu solusi energi alternatif pada bidang infrastruktur dan juga salah satu cara untuk mengurangi gas emisi daripada polusi yang dihasilkan oleh knalpot kendaraan.

Figur 3. Proses Solar Energy.

Implementasi Solar Panel Pada Kehidupan Masyarakat Belanda
Barang apa saja sih yang sudah menggunakan solar panel di belanda?
Yang pertama adalah solar panel yang  berasal dari rumah. Tenaga solar panel bisa berfungsi untuk apa saja? Tenaga solar panel bisa digunakan untuk pemanas air mandi, serta alat-alat rumah tangga yang menggunakan aliran listrik lainnya.

Figur 4. Penerapan Solar Energy di Rumah.
Kemudian yang paling menonjol adalah penerapan energi matahari untuk sepeda. Penemuan ini baru-baru saja dirilis oleh pemerintah belanda pada akhir tahun 2014. Pastikan juga sepeda yang digunakan adalah sepeda elektrik. sebab jika menggunakan sepeda biasa, tidak akan terasa manfaat dari solar panel ini. Tenaga solar panel ini berguna untuk men-charge aki daripada sepeda elektrik.

Figur 5. Penerapan Solar Energy Pada Sepeda.
lalu yang uniknya lagi solar panel sudah diterapkan pada sepeda tukang es keliling di belanda.
benda ini berfungsi untuk mengurangi konsumsi energi pada mesin pendingin (kulkas) untuk ice cream.
daripada menggunakan aki atau mesin listrik lainnya untuk tetap mendinginkan ice cream didalam kulkas. akan lebih efisien jika bisa diterapkan dengan memaksimalkan energi matahari.

Figur 6. Penerapan Solar Energy Pada Tukang Es Keliling.

Harmonisasi Solar Panel & Musim dingin Di Belanda
sudah menjadi pertanyaan yang wajar mengenai pro & kontra dari penemuan Solar Energy di negara belanda. "terus kalau lagi musim dingin bagaimana nasib solar panel-nya?"
penting di tegaskan sekali lagi bahwa tidaklah mudah untuk membangun solar energy di negara belanda.

secara teori solar panels sudah jelas membutuhkan tenaga matahari untuk dapat bekerja secara maksimal. tetapi jika keadaan tidak memungkinkan, solar panel tetap dapat bekerja walaupun matahari berada di belakang awan. tetapi tentu tidak se-efesien ketika matahari sepenuhnya bersinar tanpa adanya halangan dari awan. Untungnya belanda tidak terlalu mengandalkan tenaga dari matahari. sehingga ketika musim panas sudah usai, atau gangguan cuaca lainnya, Belanda selalu mempunyai solusi lain dengan mengandalkan tenaga dari kincir angin ataupun juga water turbines. Belanda memang sudah mempunyai perencanaan yang matang di dalam mengelola tenaga alam. sehingga tenaga matahari (solar energy) bukanlah satu-satunya sumber utama.

Maka dari itu, belanda masih belum bisa sangat bergantung dengan tenaga matahari. mengingat musim dingin di belanda yang lebih mendominasi jika dibandingkan dengan musim panas-nya. tetapi jika dilihat dari inovasi-inovasi yang sudah ditemukan oleh belanda dalam hal meningkatkan solar energy dinegara mereka, kelihatannya belanda sudah mulai serius menangani hal ini.

Perlahan namun pasti, Belanda akan terus meningkatkan inovasi mengenai solar energy ini di negera mereka. sehingga pada akhirnya Solar Energy ini akan menjadi sumber utama yang bisa diandalkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat belanda. 

Figur 7. Hooray We are Saving The Planet.

FME Energy Guide. (2014). Diambil 20 April, 2015, dari
Roof Integrated Solar Panels, Private House, Netherlands. (n.d). Diambil 26 April. 2015, dari
Solar Bike-Path To Nowhere: $3.7 Million…Enough Electricity To Power A Whole Three Households. (2014). Diambil 23 April, 2015, dari
Solar-Powered Family Car Rides California Coast. (2014). Diambil 19 April, 2015, dari
Solar Powered Ice-Cream Cart Is a Success In Holland. (2012). Diambil 23 April, 2015, dari
This bike path is made entirely of solar panels. (2014). Diambil 20 April, 2015, dari
This Dutch cyclepath collects solar energy. (2014). Diambil 25 April, 2015, dari
Towards a sustainable, reliable and affordable energy system in the Netherlands. (2013). Diambil 26 April, 2015, dari
World's First Solar Road Opens in The Netherlands. (2014). Diambil 24 April, 2015, dari

Keterangan: n.d. (No Date)

Figur 1:
Figur 2:
Figur 3:

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Beautiful Place In Indonesia You Must Visit: Two Days Trip To Puncak

Beautiful Place In Indonesia
Two Days Trip To Puncak
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
honestly i'm so burn out at office.
with my work which is sometimes overload. :')
i need holiday very soon, and lucky me from my division at office had plan for holiday!!!
omg (my knees down on the floor and crying so loud).
because i'm the junior staff between all the staff already work before me.
so, i help them to prepare all kind of things for holiday.
it was so much fun! and i really enjoy it be the part of it.

we have so many plan for holiday.
start it by body rafting at Sukabumi, going to amusement park at Dufan, or visiting island at thousand island, and many more.
but finally we choose the place after many arguing and contradiction we have been through it.

if you interest and curious about this post,
you are free welcome to read more my post below!
enjoy <3

Day 1:
we are choose Villa Lody Cisarua as our destination.
if you are interested to check the villa before the event, the road is super easy to reach.
here is the video will help you to find out the venue.
i didn't took many shoot around the villa.
maybe you can open their fanpage to find out more picture of this villa.

we only rent one night to stay.
it called Minahasa Villa.
1st floor: 1 kitchen, 1 guest room, & 1 dinner table.
2nd floor: with 3 room (it fit for 15-20 person).
Facilities: BBQ, karaoke room, swimming pool, bon-fire, &  Fishing grounds.
and it does cost 2.5 million/night IDR (Indonesia Rupiah) or $210 - 250 USD.
Source: Villa Lody Facebook

This is the view from my Minahasa villa
so green and calm place <3
we arrived at villa around lunch time.
it's so exhausted trip with car. then we decided to eat outside instead of cooking.
and here is my lunch:
we stop at Rumah Makan Khas Sunda Jago Rasa (i forgot the exact name of this restaurant)
Timbel Rice Special With Smoked Chicken 
after that, we are back to villa and relax time besides the swimming pool.
the place is so clean and maintenance well!
four thumbs up for the staff at villa.
i really love the view and i love the weather.
i hope this still stick around when i back to jakarta as well. *LOL*

Swimming Pool at Villa Lody

at night we are having small BBQ dinner~
yay, im so hungry after a whole day at car, and prepare for bbq.
we are such a carnivore eating all this meat.. rawwwrrr..


this is the view in the morning when i open my eyes.
the air is so cold and fresh! i didn't find kind of this things in jakarta :')
in jakarta just a lot more polution, traffic jam, and hot weather!

Love it so much!!

Day 2:
we are going to the Taman Safari Indonesia!
for more information you can go see it by yourself on their officially website.
Click Me
for the entrance ticket it cost 150k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah) for adults. ($13-15 USD)
and 140k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah) for children. ($12-14 USD)

when we arrived there the weather is so bad.
raining is coming and all the animal in Taman safari hide in the safe place :')
we can going inside with car! so don't be worry.
everything is gonna be fine while take a look around inside.

Zebra and Corn

My Handsome <3

Good Times, Good Place, Good Person
i wish i can stay much longer for my holiday.
but unfortunately working already waiting me ahead.

My Friends at Office Together In One Trip
Thank you for the good times <3

See you again at my next trip

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Review: Bobbi Brown 32 Brushes (Imitation)

Bobbi Brown 32 Brushes
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
i just have bought one from million beauty wishlist i really want the most!
finally, i can purchase it since a long time ago.
i really want to having a very complete makeup brushes.
but, mentioned about the complete brushes is expensive.
so i decided to buy the imitation one. until my money is enough to purchase original brushes brand.

i found an online shop from Instagram.
this one is trusted seller, so don't be worry about to order in here.
the seller is super friendly, and most important things are the price is reasonable.

well, if you interest with my post.
please keep continue reading.
enjoy! <3

Here is the product:

Before open the pouch

After Open the pouch

Rope of the synthetic pouch

Behind The Pouch

Descriptions about the product:
no descriptions

What i love?
1. the bristles is super soft
2. the material of handle is made of wood. and it's quite strong
3. Ferrule material is not dent or bend easily with finger pressure. and glue inside ferrule must be stick well to the bristles.
4. very complete set.
5. it come with pouch brushes.

What i hate?
so far until right now i really love this product!

How much does it cost  Bobbi Brown 32 Brushes?
it cost 300k IDR ($28 USD - $30 USD)
for me it's quite cheap and good quality brushes.
so i think way more than worth it.

Where you can purchase this?
just like i said before. i have got this from online shop in instagram.
Instagram Name: @noskyhousebeauty

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Friday, April 10, 2015

Review: NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil

NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
do you think based eye shadow is important for your makeup?
if yes, then you are in one opinion with me.
it does help the color of your eye shadow is more standing out.
because for some brand eye shadow, the color is not pop out and too much glitter.

and by using this NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil it help your Eyes makeup is more alive and great!
Also, long lasting makeup and prevent from panda eyes.
Based eye shadow from NYX is the best from what i have known.

if you interest with my post.
please keep continue reading.
enjoy! <3

Here is the product:

Product More Details

Swatches about this product:

Swatches Based Eyeshadow 
NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil

Comparison Between With & Without Using
NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil

and here is the final looks picture:

Final Looks!

Descriptions about the product:
No Descriptions

What i love?
1. easy to apply
2. long lasting
3. help the color of my eyeshadow pop out

What i hate?
so far until right now i love this product.

How much does it NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil?
it does cost 60k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah) or $4 USD - $6 USD.
so cheap right! and i have got coupon discount from elevenia as a newbie member.
great moment! :p

Where you can purchase this?
i bought it on Elevenia Online Shop (Elevenia).
or the other option you can purchase it by PO (Personal Order) in the online shop.
i hate waiting, so i am directly order on Elevenia.
(because if you are order by PO in the online shop, you should patiently waiting about a month later).
anw, if you want to order this NYX Jumbo Eye pencil, you can check elevenia officially website.
just in case if you interesting to see more.

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Sponsored Review: Powerful Pudding Mask with Booster Powder C LAB

Sponsored Review:
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
I'm not really biggest fans of Korean make up or even for Korean serial drama.
but I must say this, I really love their mask product!
eye mask, face mask, v shape mask, and everything!

Plenty of Korean Makeup From Wishtrend.
thank you so much once again! <3

and today I want to introduce another unique mask from Korean.
that is Powerful Pudding Mask!
what a cute name right! pudding we usually eat for dessert, but right now we using as a mask?
I got this product from

if you interest to read more my review.
please keep continue reading.
enjoy! <3

Here is the product:

Before open the box

After Open the box

Product Design More Details

Details Pudding Mask With Booster Powder

Flyer Powerful Pudding Mask
Written In Korean :')

How To Use And Mixed

Swatches about this product:

Swatches Pudding Mask & Booster Powder

Swatches After Mix

and here is the final looks picture:

Hmm, it's so yummy

Final Looks
Goiemorgen allemaal!
Good Morning Everyone!

Description Product & Directions:
Descriptions: Powerful Pudding Mask to tighten up pores while offering nourishment. Peppermint ingredient will bring about refreshing feeling to tighten up pores. Powerful Pudding Mask specializes in clearing pores and controlling oil production. Offer refreshment to the skin with ingredients extracted from nature. The effective skincare can start from taking care of pores properly. Just simple cleansing and removing the dead skin cells may not be enough !

Quick Overview:
+ Powerful Pudding Mask.
+ Peppermint to tighten up pores.
+ Face shaping function mask pack.

Brand : C LAB
Volume : Pudding Mask (50g),
Booster Powder (4.5g)
All Skin Types
Made in Korea

How to use:
1) Mix up pudding mask with booster powder for 30 seconds.

2) Apply on face area, from cheek to forehead and chin.

3) Apply once again in the same direction.

4) 20~30 minutes after, remove the mask pack from chin to forehead.

What i love?
1. I love the fragrance. is so yummy
2. makes my skin face softer and smoother
3. cute packaging
4. makes my face relax and calm

What i hate?
the smell is too strong.
but, so far until right now i love this product.

How much does it cost Powerful Pudding Mask?
it does cost USD6.90.
for more details you can click this LINK.

Where you can purchase this?
at this moment, if you want to buy Pudding Mask With Booster Powder product you can purchase it on wishtrend website.
just in case if you interesting to see more product, you can check on their website.

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Sponsored Review: 7 Seconds Touch Fit Lip Tattoo Pack & Speed White Cream (3Types)

Sponsored Review:
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
i have got pretty excited to announce you guys and make this review.
i just found really great product from
wishtrend sponsored me a packet of korean makeup.
one of those product there is a lip tattoo on my packet.

if everybody knows about lip tattoo from Thailand (Monomola Lip Tattoo).
and i think almost all beauty bloggers already make a review about lip tattoo from Thailand.
because that's so mainstream, so i wanna introduce you lip tattoo from Korea.

so if you curious about my post,
please keep continue reading <3

Here is the product:

After Open the box
Note: it comes whitening moisturizer for travel size

Before Open The Box

Product Design More Details

Lip Tattoo Applicator

Whitening Moisturizer Bottle

Swatches about this product:

Swatches Lip Tattoo

Swatches Moisturizer

How to exfoliate Lip Tattoo
Note: wait a couple of minute (just to make sure it dry perfectly)
then you can directly exfoliate the lip tattoo

How To Use & Apply it

and here is the final looks picture:

The Color is so natural and pink <3

Final Looks

Description Product & Directions:
Desriptions: Brand : SKIN FACTORY
Volume : 15ml
All Skin Types
Made in Korea

# Sexy Pink
# Jewelry Pink
# Vita Fruits Peach

Try using the 7 Seconds Touch Fit Lip Tattoo with the 7 Seconds Speed White Cream for the flawless, Snow White look !

Directions: 1) Before applying makeup, massage in an adequate amount of the 7 Seconds Speed White Cream to desired areas (face, neck, arms, legs, etc.).

2) To use the 7 Seconds Touch Fit Lip Tattoo, apply an even coat on the lips without going over the edges of your natural lip lines.

3) Let the lip tattoo dry for about 5-15 minutes, and be careful not to rub your lips or let anything touch them !

4) After about 5-15 minutes, peel the lip tattoo from the outer edges of the lips to the inner edges. Peel off any excess lip tattoo and finish off the look with a clear gloss or lip balm for a natural look.

What i love?
1. Natural
2. long lasting
3. easy to apply
4. no need to re-touch again after lunch or drink
5. The fragrance is smell so good. fruit addicted.

What i hate?
so far until right now i love this product.

How much does it cost 7 Seconds Touch Fit Lip Tattoo Pack?
it does cost USD 17.90
for more details you can click this LINK.
or check it out the official website.
just in case you want to see more product from them.

Where you can purchase this?
at this moment, if you want to buy 7 seconds touch fit lip tattoo pack you can purchase it on

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx
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