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Monday, May 29, 2017

Beauty Review: Summer Makeup Tips

Beauty Review:
Summer Makeup Tips
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
Now that summer is just around the corner, are you looking to change up your makeup game a little bit?
Wearing different makeup in the summer isn't just about giving yourself a fresh look. 
It's also about doing what's best for your skin!

Remember, the sun is stronger in the summer. Because of this, you need to make sure you are wearing makeup that is sun-friendly and will be resilient to sweat. 
But exactly what changes should you be making?
Read this article to learn our top summer makeup tips. 

If you curious about my post.
Please read more on my post below..
Enjoy! <3

There are some makeup disasters that can happen in summer sun and a relaxing beach noon that we do not pay adequate attention too. Here we are going to discuss them along with some other tips to keep you pretty like sunshine. You can master an easy warm weather makeup routine without having to start from scratch.

1. Skip the Foundation

It's time to put your foundation in the back of your makeup cabinet for a while. 


Foundation is heavy and even the slightest amount of sweat can cause it to crack and make your skin look funky. 

But don't worry, you don't have to go totally naked if you don't want to. 

Instead of foundation, opt for a concealer to cover up your blemishes.

And if you still want that overall even tone that foundations provide, opt for a tinted moisturizer instead. Tinted moisturizers are much more lightweight. Plus, they typically of a much better job of keeping your skin hydrated throughout the whole day. 

Eos Lip Balm

2. Protect those Lips

Just as you should avoid heavy products on your skin, so too should you avoid heavy products on your lips in the summer months. 

Instead of opting for your normal lipstick in the summer months, go for a simple lip balm. 

Lip balms are a great alternative in the summer months because not only do they provide a natural glow to your lips, they also keep your lips moisturized throughout the day. 

One lip balm we are especially a fan of is the EOS lip balm. It comes in a cool egg-shaped container so you never have to worry about misplacing it. It also comes in a variety of different flavors and shades so you'll have plenty of options to choose from. Buy here.

3. Waterproof Products

Sick of dealing with those dreaded raccoon eyes every time you hop into the water?

Luckily, there's a fix for this makeup blunder. 

During the summer months, choose waterproof or water resistant eyeliners and mascaras. 
Just be sure to invest in a solid makeup remover product so it's easy to wipe your face clean at the end of the day. 

Summer Makeup Tips Conclusion

Follow these summer makeup tips and you'll have an unstoppable, go-to routine for the rest of the summer!

Keep In Touch With EOS:
Facebook Fanpage: EOS
Twiter: @eos
Instagram: @eosproducts
Official Website:

So, I think that's all about my review..
Let me know what you think..
Please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

Friday, May 26, 2017

Event Report: Complete Your Day With Complete Skin Care By Sociolla Soiree X Mustika Ratu

Event Report: 
Complete Your Day With Complete Skin Care
By Sociolla Soiree x Mustika Ratu
By:@ ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
Pada hari Selasa, 23 Mei 2017 yang lalu aku di undang oleh Sociolla untuk menghadiri acara.
Acara launching product Mustika Ratu ini bertempat di Decanter Wine & Food Plaza Kuningan.
Seneng banget deh aku bisa diundang keacara launching product skin care terbaru dari Mustika Ratu.

Sekilas info ya tentang dekorasi event di Decanter ini sangat special karena dipersiapkan oleh sociolla soiree.
Dekorasi di Decanter ini sendiri sudah cantik dan apik, untuk bagian ceiling terdapat banyak lampu yang menggantung di langit-langit restaurant, sedangkan untuk bagian lantainya terdapat sentuhan batu yang memberikan kesan classic and elegant.
Ditambah lagi dengan dekorasi serba warna kuning dan putih dari Sociolla Soiree menambah meriah suasana di dalam resaturant.

Masuk kebagian sesi acara, serangkaian acara sudah dipersiapkan oleh pihak Mustika Ratu.
Mulai dari Beauty demo, lalu kita juga diajarkan cara membuat Infused Water yang baik dan benar itu seperti apa, makan siang bersama, dan juga diskusi-diskusi kecil seputar dunia kecantikan.

If you curious about my post.
Please read more on my post below..
Enjoy! <3

Mustika Ratu Event 
di Decanter Wine & Food Plaza Kuningan

Aku datang on time, karena acara-nya akan dimulai jam 11 Pagi.
Tetapi begitu sampai di Decanter, ternyata masih sepi banget.
Di satu sisi aku seneng, karena bisa foto-foto tempatnya dulu mumpung masih sepi. haha
Decoration untuk acara Mustika Ratu kali ini di persiapkan oleh Sociolla Soiree.
Kece badai abis coy dekor-nya, sampe ga bisa berhenti foto-foto cantik.

White & Yellow Balloon

Duo Face Care Display

Glow & Tight From Mustika Ratu

Dining Table is So Beautiful

I'm Falling in Love With The Decoration

Here is My Table

Table With My Name on It

Display Duo Face Care on My Table

Decoration at Decanter 1

Decoration at Decanter 2

Decoration at Decanter 3

Go Green Decoration at Decanter 1

Go Green Decoration at Decanter 2

Acara dimulai oleh MC, maaf aku lupa nama MC-nya siapa.
MC begitu sangat komunikatif dan juga friendly.
Lalu Event juga di buka oleh para petinggi-petinggi yang bekerja di PT. Mustika Ratu itu sendiri.
Pihak Sociolla juga mengirimkan satu orang representative-nya dari Beauty Journal.
Ada Harumi juga yang datang sebagai beauty influencer.

Event Opening By MC

Sociolla Soiree x Mustika Ratu
at Decanter Wine & Food

Duo Face Care Glow & Tight
From Mustika Ratu

Opening By Ms. Mira
From Beauty Journal

Opening By Mrs. Retno Pratiwi
known as GM Marketing
From Mustika Ratu

Opening (Sorry i forget the name)
From Mustika Ratu

Favorite Menu at Decanter
Spaghetti with Creamy Pesto Sauce

I love Spaghetti

Creme Brulee

Beauty Demo & Launching Product
Glow and Tight From Mustika Ratu

Beauty demo kali ini kita akan diajarkan bagaimana cara mencuci wajah dengan baik dan benar.
Skin care yang akan digunakan adalah semua produk terbaru dari Mustika Ratu.
Mustika Ratu mengeluarkan produk terbaru mereka yang bertajuk Glow & Tight Skin Care.
Duo Face Care Glow & Tight yang terdiri dari Face Peeling Gel dan Peel Off Mask dengan dua varian aroma menyegarkan yaitu Green Tea & Lemon. 

Mustika Ratu Duo Face Care seri Green Tea, cocok digunakan untuk kalian yang memiliki jenis kulit normal-kering. Face Peeling Gel dan Peel Off Mask dari ekstrak Green Tea alami wajib masuk kedalam skin care routine kalian. Kandungan alami green tea berfungsi sebagai anti oksidan dan aloe vera yang bagus untuk menenangkan kulit

Mustika Ratu Duo Face Care seri Lemon, membantu mengatasi masalah kulit wajah yang kusam dan membersihkan pori-pori. Face Peeling Gel dan Peel Off Mask dari Lemon yang kaya akan vitamin C, cocok digunakan untuk kalian yang memiliki kulit wajah dengan jenis normal-berminyak.

Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal gunakanlah Face Peeling Gel dan Peel Off Mask 2 hingga 3 kali dalam seminggu. 

Duo Face Care Face Peeling Gel dan Peel Off Mask yang sangat cocok digunakan untuk usia 18-30 tahun ini memiliki manfaat seperti membuat kulit menjadi lembab, lembut, cerah, kencang, dapat mengecilkan pori-pori dan yang tak kalah penting adalah membuat kulit menjadi awet muda.

Langkah 1: Bersihkan Wajah Dengan Face Wash

Disemprotkan air setelah apply face wash

Gerakan mencuci muka dengan menggunakan Jari Tengah dan Jari Manis
Karena tekanan dari dua Jari Cantik tersebut tidak terlalu kuat
Sehingga aman untuk  wajah

Pastikan tidak ada sisa sabun, gunakan sponge wajah untuk membasuh

Mustika Ratu Face Wash

Langkah 2: Gunakan Face Peeling Gel Lemon / Green Tea

Diberikan Peeling Gel Mustika Ratu

Aplikasi pada area wajah dengan di tarik ke atas
Karena kulit wajah kita sudah setiap hari melawan gravitasi yang kebawah
Agar kulit wajah kita tetap kencang, maka dari itu peng-applikasian Peeling Gel harus di tarik memutar ke atas

Mustika Ratu Face Peeling Gel Lemon / Green Tea

Langkah 3: Gunakan Peel Off Mask Lemon / Green Tea

Peel Of Mask After 15 Minutes

Mustika Ratu Peel Off Mask Lemon / Green Tea

Saat Yang Paling Dinanti
Meng-kletek masker-nya haha
Note: tidak perlu dibasuh lagi ya wajahnya

I Always Excited With Beauty Demo

Infused Water Demo
How to Make Infused Water?

Setelah selesai makan siang, kita masuk ke sesi yang terakhir dari acara Mustika Ratu.
Kita diajarkan bagaimana membuat Infused water yang baik dan benar.
Beberapa tips yang bisa saya sharing ke kalian yaitu:
1. Jika ingin membuat infused water dari lemon agar tidak pahit dan tetapi segar pilihlah lemon yang warna kulitnya kuning sempurna.
Jangan diambil kalau masih ada yang hijau, karena itu akan membuat infused water yang kita bikin menjadi pahit
2. Lemon jangan terlalu lama ditaruh di dalam botol.
Setelah 6 - 8 jam, ada baiknya segera mengkonsumsi infused water.
Karena buah memiliki tanggal kadarluasanya sendiri.
Ini berlaku untuk semua jenis jeruk.
3. Buah yang tahan lama dan tidak mengeluarkan rasa pahit walaupun di diamkan terlalu lama adalah stawberry, kiwi, dan tumun.

Infused Water Demo

Tentang Mustika Ratu:

PT. Mustika Ratu Tbk merupakan perusahaan nasional yang bergerak dalam industri pembuatan jamu, kosmetik dan bahan-bahan untuk perawatan kecantikan. Awal berdirinya perusahaan kosmetik terbesar di Indonesia ini tidak lepas dari peran penting sang pendirinya, yakni puteri keturunan Keraton Surakarta DR. Hj. BRA Mooryati Soedibyo, S.S, M.Hum. Dengan membawa tradisi keluarga  yang telah berjalan selama bertahun-tahun akan keterampilan meramu bahan-bahan alami untuk dibuat jamu yang nantinya dibuat untuk perawatan kesehatan dan kecantikan. Warisan yang diterapkan tidak hanya untuk meramu bahan saja, namun keterampilan untuk memilih tumbuhan berkhasiat lainnya yang dulu masih menjadi monopoli bangsa asing.

Keterampilan yang didapat di keraton mulai dipraktikkannya saat BRA Mooryati telah menikah. Untuk mengisi waktu luangnya, dia memuat beberapa jenis jamu dan lulur yang kemudian dia bagikan secara cuma-cuma kepada istri teman sejawat suaminya. Bak gayung bersambut, banyak orang-orang yang suka akan jamu dan lulur buatannya, sehingga banyak yang mulai memesan jamu Komajaya, Komaratih, Lulur, Mangir, Parem lengkap, dan lain lain untuk persiapan pernikahan. Karena permintaan yang semakin meningkat membuat BRA Mooryati mulai untuk membuat produk dalam skala besar. Langkah ini mulai dilakukan pada tahun 1973. Tempatnya pun hanya dimulai dari garasi rumahnya yang hanya dibantu oleh dua orang pembantunya. 

Here is the new product Glow & Tight from Mustika ratu:

Unboxing Goodie Bag

Inside The Goodie Bag

I Love Mustika Ratu and Sociolla Soiree!

Dalam acara ini aku bertemu dengan banyak beauty blogger lainnya.
Senang deh punya banyak temen baru lagi :D
Ga lupa langsung ambil kamera dan selfie bareng :p

Touch of Yellow Dress Code Is So Perfectly Fit With The Decoration

Me & Jennifer


Thank you so much Mustika Ratu and Sociolla for having me!
That event was great one.
I will make a more details review about 
Stay tuned always on my blog! <3

Keep In Touch With Mustika Ratu:
Facebook Fanpage: Mustika Ratu IND
Twitter: @mustikaratuind
Instagram: @mustikaratuind

How Much Mustika Ratu Duo Face Care Glow & Tight:
Bagi kamu yang ingin mencoba langkah perawatannya, kamu bisa dengan mudah mendapatkan produknya di seluruh minimarket, supermarket, atau department store terdekat dengan harga sekitar Rp. 32.400,-

Where to Buy Mustika Ratu Duo Face Care Glow & Tight:
Alfamart, Alfamidi, Superindo, Giant, Hypermart, Naga dan Tiptop.

Tersedia juga di online store Mustika Ratu di instagram:

Shop beauty product on Sociolla and use my voucher you can get 50k off your purchase.
Enter SBNLANUF at checkout and enjoy your discount!
With minimum purchase 250K IDR (Indonesian Rupiah).
Don't Missed it :)

Keep In Touch With Sociolla:
Facebook Fanpage: Sociolla
Twiter: @sociolla_id
Tumblr: Sociolla
Pinterest: Sociolla
Instagram: @Sociolla
Official Website:

So, i think that's all about my review..
Let me know what you think..
Please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

Monday, May 8, 2017

My April 2017 Wishlist: Beautiful Wedding Dresses At

My April 2017 Wishlist: 
Beautiful Wedding Dresses At
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
This year i have got so many invitation from my friends, they are gonna celebrate the wedding party.
I am so jealous about that. When is my turn? hahaha
Wearing white and beautiful dress for my special day.
OMG, how i am so waiting the moment like that in my life.
Please pray for me, so i can get the chance very soon. haha

Nowadays cost for wedding is so expensive, and a lots of to do.
But we have very limited budget.
Eventhough i don't have planning near this year, but i keep survey on cheap wedding dress.
And i found website, it's really on my budget, they have beautiful dresses collection, and good quality!
It's become wishlist on my wedding dress, if maybe someday i need to wear that dress <3

If you curious about my post.
Please keep continue reading!
Enjoy <3

Here is my wishlist:

Wishlist Dress 1
Trumpet/Mermaid Sweetheart Organza Sweep Train Split Front Backless Unique Wedding Dresses
Before Discount: $465.99 
PRICE: $185.99( 60.0% OFF )

Wishlist Dress 2
A-line Scalloped Neck Lace Watteau Train Sashes / Ribbons Elegant Wedding Dresses
Before Discount: $897.99 
Price: $358.99( 60.0% OFF )

Wishlist Dress 3
Princess V-neck Organza Court Train Sashes / Ribbons New Style Wedding Dresses 
Before Discount: $1172.99 
Price: $468.99( 60.0% OFF )

What Is is a one stop shop for wedding and parties. We offer a range of beautiful dresses, matching shoes, exquisite accessories for brides and fashion ladies. The dress collections will be updated every season according to the fashion trend, in order to provide with you with the latest styles. Moreover, at, you can also have your dresses or gowns custom made if you can’t find a right size. also provide the Short Homecoming Dresses you can check out on official website.

We aim to be budget-friendly the moment we establish No matter where you are or who you are. offers same low price to you. Whether you’re a retailer who refuses to pay too much in your country, or a wondering customer desires to catch the latest fashion, we provide unbeatable low price for you. offers a safe and easy online purchasing experience. Our payment processes guarantee a safe and secure purchasing environment. has taken out the hassle of international trade—from product sourcing, secure payment and shipping.

Behind is an amazing team of real, live specialists who are happy to handle any issue you may have. The customer service is always ready to solve the problems you may come up, so feel free to turn to our customer service when you need help or have any question.

We know that the dress means a lot to you, so we ensure that each dress is handled with care and arrives from our warehouse in style! Additionally, we offer fast delivery to have you get the dress in time for your big event.


What i love?
1. Design simple but still elegant
2. Cheap Price but Good Quality
3. Shipping worldwide
4. Many choices of design and colour
5. Simple and don't need to fitting for dress

What i hate?
So far until now is good.
I love the design and the price still reasonable.

How much does it cost Dresses Of Girl?
Range price it depends on design of the dress and the quality fabric.
For the wedding dresses it cost USD $100 - 500.
You can have your own wedding dress with cheap price with good quality.
You don't need to rent a wedding dresses.
You can save your wedding dresses as a memory your special day.

Where you can purchase Dressesofgirl?
You only find it on their official website.
For more details you can visit their official website for the stores:
Click Me

Keep In Touch With Dressesofgirl:
Facebook Fanpage: Dresses Of Girl
Pinterest: Dresses Of Girl
Google+: Dresses Of Girl
Official Website:

So, i think that's all about my review..
Let me know what you think..
Please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Beauty Review: Astalift Lighting Perfection Moist Pure Liquid UV SPF25 PA++

Beauty Review: Astalift Lighting Perfection 
Moist Pure Liquid UV SPF25 PA++
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
I'm so excited to making this review for you.
Because this brand is new and come out with the sweet concept.
Sakura concept is being their attract selling point.
But you gonna a bit surprise the fact i am gonna tell you about this brand.

Who doesn't know Fujifilm? They are so famous with the camera collections.
But now they are launching new business in beauty industry.
They have Beauty brand called Astalift.

If you curious about my post.
Please keep continue reading!
Enjoy <3

Here is the product:

Astalift Lighting Perfection 

Product More Details:

More Details Astalift Lighting Perfection 

Swatches about this product:

Swatches Astalift Lighting Perfection 

and here is picture:


Descriptions Product:
Brand: Astalift
Edition: Lighting Perfection Moist Pure Liquid UV SPF25 PA++
Color: Shade 1

Fujifilm found that the petals of Sakura (cherry blossom flowers) and beautiful human skin share similar optical characteristics. Based on this fact, Fujifilm developed the Sakura Aura Powder replicating the beauty of Sakura on the human skin, and introduced a base makeup series to ASTALIFT.

Infused with ASTALIFT'S signature blend of super antioxidants, Astaxinthin and Lycopene and three types of collagen. Skin is moisturised for a radiant, natural and dewy finish.
With the New " Sakura Aura Powder" that reflects and absorbs light for a flawless, radiant complexion while covering skin imperfections.
- Moisturising, flawless and a radiant appearance. 
- Covers skin imperfections for a longer lasting effect.
*Case sold separately

What i love?
1. Light and not heavy on my skin face
2. Absorb quickly
3. Glowing finished looks

What i hate?
1. The price is too expensive.
Sorry to say i prefer to buy Estee Lauder Double Wear.
2. Not blend so well
3. Makes my face cakey

How much does it cost Astalift Foundation?
It does cost 550.000 IDR (Indonesia Rupiah) or USD$ 40 - 50.

Where you can purchase Astalift?
You can find it on Sogo Central Park, Sogo Alam Sutera, Sogo Lippo Mall Puri, and Sogo Kelapa Gading.
For more details you can visit their official website for the stores:
Click Me

Keep In Touch With Astalift:
Facebook Fanpage: Astalift Indonesia
Youtube: Astalift Indonesia
Instagram: @astalift_indonesia
Official Website:

So, i think that's all about my review..
Let me know what you think..
Please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

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