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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sponsored Review: Garnier Light Complete White Day Cream

Sponsored Review: 
Garnier Light Complete White 
Day Cream
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
do you read my latest post lately about Garnier Light Complete Series?
its gonna be my second week try Garnier Light Complete Series.
the final result is so fantastic and amazing.
this is absolutely recommended for you guys who have a problem with uneven skin.

because Garnier light complete series help to give protection to your skin from UV radiation.
it also suit for Asian skin, it does work speed up to whitening your skin.
only need time for 1 week to get better skin.
what are you waiting for? also, the price is so reasonable and worth it.

so if you curious about my post,
please keep continue reading <3

Here is the product:

Before Open the box

After Open The Box

Product More Details:

Garnier Light Complete White Day Cream

Swatches about this product:

Swatches Garnier Light Complete White Day Cream

Final Looks:

Thank you Garnier Indonesia.
you are the best companion ever!

Description Product & Directions:
Descriptions: Discover the new Garnier Light complete extra UV protection serum cream SPF 19/PA+++. now improved with white speed serum, its ultra light formula absorbs quickly into the skin layer so it works fast. suitable for Asian skin. enriched with pure Lemon Essence & SPF 19/PA +++, the formula gives you:
- Up to 3 tones fairer. 
- Fades 3 darkening problems: dark spots, dullness, & acne marks.
- 19x more protection against sun's UVA & UVB rays to help prevent darkening & future spots.

Result: skin looks spotless, free from dullness, spots & acne marks. speed up your whitening now!

Directions: Spread evenly on perfectly cleansed face and neck. avoid delicate eye area.

What i love?
1. it does absorb quickly into my face skin
2. give protection into my skin
3. the scented smell really lovely (Lemon Fresh)
4. The texture is soft and not sticky

What i hate?
so far until right now i love this product.

How much does it cost Garnier Light Complete White Day Cream?
If i am not mistaken, it does cost below 50k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah) or below $5 USD (Dollar).
because i dont really remember about the price.

Where To Buy?
you can get it in the supermarket nearby your home.
here is the list market places you can visit:
1. Alfamart
2. Carefour
3. Giant
4. Guardian
5. Hypermart
6. Indomart

I have tried it Garnier Light Complete White Speed, and now is your turn!
Thank you Garnier Indonesia, you have brightened my day!

Keep In Touch With Garnier:
Facebook Fanpage: Garnier Indonesia
Twiter: @GarnierID
Instagram: @GarnierIndonesia
Official Website:

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Sponsored Review: Garnier Light Complete White Day Cream with Extra SPF

Sponsored Review: 
Garnier Light Complete White Day Cream 
with Extra SPF
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
sebel banget ga sih liat warna kulit yang belang?
wajah sama leher warnanya bisa beda begitu.
apalagi perbedaan warna kulitnya langsung mecolok di daerah muka.
males banget kan harus terus-terusan pakai foundation untuk menutupi kulit belangmu di area wajah.

tetapi kini sudah ada solusi yang praktis untuk kulit belangmu.
kini ada rangkaian produk Garnier Light Complete White Day Cream with Extra SPF, yang akan membantu untuk meratakan warna kulit wajahmu.
rangkaian ini sangat cepat hasilnya.
ga percaya? yuk buktiin sendiri khasiatnya.

langsung aja yuk di baca reviewnya.

Ini dia produknya:

Sebelum Membuka Kemasan

Sesudah Membuka Kemasan

Product More Details:

Garnier Light Complete White Day Cream
with Extra SPF

Petunjuk & Penjelasan:
Penjelasan: Inovasi baru Garnier Light Complete Multi-Action Whitening Serum Cream. kini dengan whitespeed serum, formulanya ringan dan mudah menyerap hingga kedalam lapisan kulit. sehingga bekerja dengan cepat. cocok untuk kulit wanita asia. diperkaya dengan sari lemon, salicylid acid derivative, dan UVA/UVB filters, yang formulanya memberimu manfaat komplit:
1. Hingga 3 tingkat lebih putih cerah
2. Menyamarkan bintik hitam dan bekas jerawat
3. 12 jam tanpa kilap
4. Meratakan warna kulit
5. Efek tanpa minyak berlebih yang tahan lama

Hasil: Kulit tampak cantik sempurna, tanpa kusam, minyak berlebih serta bekas jerawat. dapatkan kulit putih cerah dan tanpa kilap dengan cepat!

Petunjuk: Oleskan krim secara merata pada wajah dan leher yang bersih. hindari daerah sekitar mata.

Yang aku suka dari produk ini?
1. tidak bikin muka cemong
2. hasil akhirnya natural
3. peng-applikasiannya bisa dibarengi dengan pemakaian foundation
4. cocok untuk kulit yang sensitive dan juga berminyak
5. membantu untuk mengurangi minyak dikulit wajahmu.

Yang aku kurang suka dari produk ini?
Sedikit lengket di kulit. 
tapi sejauh ini aku suka-suka aja pakai produk ini.

Berapa Harganya Garnier Light Complete Day Cream with Extra SPF?
kalau ga salah hargnya sekitar 40-50 ribuan ya.
pokoknya tidak sampai 50 ribu deh harganya.
*maapin ya kalau salah, soalnya lupa sih* :p

Dimana Belinya?
Kamu bisa beli produk ini di supermarket dekat rumah mu.
Berikut ini list counter yang bisa kamu kunjungi:
1. Alfamart
2. Carefour
3. Giant
4. Guardian
5. Hypermart
6. Indomart

Aku sudah cobain nih Garnier Light Complete White Speed
yuk sekarang giliran kamu!

Keep In Touch With Garnier:
Facebook Fanpage: Garnier Indonesia
Twiter: @GarnierID
Instagram: @GarnierIndonesia
Official Website:

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Sponsored Review: Garnier Light Complete White Speed Scrub

Sponsored Review: 
Garnier Light Complete White Speed Scrub
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
aku mau share ke kamu nih, kemaren-kemaren ini aku lagi cobain produknya dari garnier.
terdapat satu rangkaian complete cara cepat untuk mencerahkan kulit.
salah satunya aku coba Garnier Light Complete White Speed Scrub.

Produk pencuci muka yang satu ini beda dari yang lain.
karena scrub-nya lembut banget, tidak bikin pori-pori dimukamu tambah lebar.
disamping itu aroma lemon fresh-nya bikin kulitmu seger.
makin cinta deh sama Garnier Light Complete White Speed Scrub.

Yuk buat yang penasaran mau tau produknya lebih lengkap.
bisa langsung baca aja reviewnya dibawah ini.
Happy Reading! <3

Ini dia produknya:

Setelah Membuka Kemasan

Swatches produk:

Swatches Garnier Light Complete White Speed Scrub

Petunjuk & Penjelasan:
Penjelasan: Scrub wajah lembut dan mudah dibilas dengan 1000 micro-beads dan sari lemon untuk membersihkan secara menyeluruh, wajah 1 tingkat/tone lebih cerah sejak pemakaian pertama. sesuai/cocok untuk digunakan sehari-hari.

Petunjuk: gunakan pada wajah yang basah, bilas dengan air. hindari daerah/kawasan sekitar mata.

Yang aku suka dari produk ini?
1. scrubnya lembut di muka, tidak bikin perih.
2. cocok untuk kulit yang sensitive
3. wajah terasa segar habis cuci muka pakai ini

Yang aku kurang suka dari produk ini?
sejauh ini sih aku suka.

Berapa Harganya Garnier Light Complete Speed Scrub?
kalau engga salah ya, harganya sekitar 10ribu - 20 ribu.
pokoknya harganya ga sampai 30 ribu deh.
bisa di cek langsung aja di toko terdekat yang menjuat produk garnier.

Dimana Belinya?
Kamu bisa beli produk ini di supermarket dekat rumah mu.
Berikut ini list counter yang bisa kamu kunjungi:
1. Alfamart
2. Carefour
3. Giant
4. Guardian
5. Hypermart
6. Indomart

Aku sudah cobain nih Garnier Light Complete White Speed
yuk sekarang giliran kamu!

Keep In Touch With Garnier:
Facebook Fanpage: Garnier Indonesia
Twiter: @GarnierID
Instagram: @GarnierIndonesia
Official Website:

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Sponsored Review: Garnier Light Complete Night Restore

Sponsored Review: 
Garnier Light Complete Night Restore
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
siapa disini yang males banget untuk merawat wajahnya dimalam hari?
*tunjuk tangan* yap! saya salah satunya diantara ribuan wanita yang ada.
pulang kerja capek, bawaannya mau langsung tidur aja.

tetapi, sesibuk-sibuknya kamu dengan kerjaan, atau kuliah.
tolonglah untuk bisa lebih care merawat wajahmu dimalam hari.
apalagi kamu seharian pakai makeup dan kena sinar matahari.

aku punya produk yang cocok banget nih buat kamu coba.
persembahan baru dari Garnier Light Complete Night Restore.
membantu untuk melembabkan kulit dan juga meratakan warna kulitmu yang belang.

yuk, buat yang penasaran baca post-nya.
langsung aja baca reviewnya dibawah ini.
enjoy <3

Ini dia produknya:

Sebelum Membuka Kemasan

Sesudah Membuka Kemasan

Product More Details:

Garnier Light Complete Night Restore

Swatches produk:

Swatches Garnier Light Complete Night Restore

Petunjuk & Penjelasan:
Baru! Garnier Light Complete Night Restore Cream, krim malam dari Garnier yang mengandung bahan utama yang berasal dari bahan alami. jadi bangun tidur dengan kulit yang tampak cerah.
- Sari lemon & esktrak buah-buahan: membantu eksfoliasi intensif dimalam hari.
-Ekstrak Long Dan dengan Vitamin C: untuk mencerahkan warna/tone kulit dan menyamarkan/mengurangi bintik hitam.

Hasil: Hari demi hari kulit terasa segar, bintik hitam pun tampak semakin berkurang, dan jelas tampak lebih cerah.

Oleskan/sapukan ke wajah yang telah dibersihkan, hindari/jauhi daerah/kawasan kontur mata.

Yang aku suka dari produk ini?
1. tekstur-nya lembut dan tidak lengket di kulit
2. wajah terlihat lebih segar dipagi hari
3. kulit wajahku semakin lembut sehabis pakai ini
4. wangi lemon freshnya bikin ga bisa move on
5. warna kulit-ku berangsur-angsur menjadi rata, tidak belang lagi deh

Yang aku kurang suka dari produk ini?
sejauh ini sih aku suka.

Berapa Harganya Garnier Light Complete Night Restore?
kalau tidak salah kemaren aku belinya seharga dibawah 50 ribu IDR.
pokoknya tidak sampe lebih dari 50 ribu deh.
*maklum nenek sudah tua, ingatannya kurang bagus* :p

Dimana Belinya?
Kamu bisa beli produk ini di supermarket dekat rumah mu.
Berikut ini list counter yang bisa kamu kunjungi:
1. Alfamart
2. Carefour
3. Giant
4. Guardian
5. Hypermart
6. Indomart

Aku sudah cobain nih Garnier Light Complete White Speed, 
yuk sekarang giliran kamu!

Keep In Touch With Garnier:
Facebook Fanpage: Garnier Indonesia
Twiter: @GarnierID
Instagram: @GarnierIndonesia
Official Website:

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Monday, May 18, 2015

Sponsored Review: Limited Edition Aloe Vera Bath Set from Beaute Recipe

Sponsored Review: 
Limited Edition Aloe Vera Bath Set
 From Beaute Recipe

Hello Peach!
you need a little care for your body.
we all almost have miss to give a special treatment for our body.
especially for the person like me, who are not waste much time in the for bathing.
really quick shower, and then go.

now i realise, my body skin become really dry and lack of moisturizer.
my mom a couple time notices my skin is so rough and dry.
my mom give me a suggestion to apply some body lotion and sort of like that.
then, i start to looking for body lotion good one for me.
i found Beaute Recipe product is a good idea, because it come with one set body treatment solution.

i bet it you guys will falling in love with this product.
you will smell so good after bathing with this aloe vera body bath set from Beaute Recipe.

if you interest to read more my review.
please keep continue reading.
enjoy! <3

Here is the product:

Aloe Vera Body Bath Set

Mini Beauty Cupboard Open and Close Door

The Product Inside Cupboard

Details review One By One:

Final Looks!

Thank you Beaute Recipe!
you are the best <3

What i love?
1. I love the fragrance, so natural and soft
2. makes my skin face softer and smoother
3. cute concept and packaging
4. the fragrance is not too strong, which is good for me

What i hate?
so far until right now i love this product.

How much does it cost Beaute Recipe Aloe Vera Bath Set?
Aloe Vera Bath Set, involved are:
1. 295ml shower gel
2. 295ml body lotion 
3. 145g soap (paper box)
4. 20g shower puff
5. Wooden Cabinet

Price: Rp 350.000 (Indonesia Rupiah)/ $USD 30-32 
for more details: Click Me

How to purchase Beaute Recipe Aloe Vera Bath Set?
you can find it in the outlet COPIA at:
- Central Park Mall UG 136
-  Baywalk Mall lt 1-38
-  Kota kasablanka LG
-  Summarecon mal serpong lt 1
-  Bintaro jaya xchange Lt GF
-  Mal Ciputra Cibubur GF
-  Grand Galaxy Park Mall GF
-  Centre Point Medan LG

Officially Account COPIA For Further Information?
Officially Website: Click Me
Fanpage Facebook: COPIA ID
Twitter Account: @CopiaId
Instagram Account: @Copiabeauty

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..
Don't Forget!

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sponsored Review: Aloe Vera Body Lotion From Beaute Recipe

Sponsored Review:
 Aloe Vera Body Lotion 
From Beaute Recipe

Hello Peach!
staying longer in the cold temperature it does make your skin dry and less moisturizer.
example: we are the career people who work at cold room with air conditioner.
we are so careless about our skin nutrition. this is what i feel a long time.
if you feel the same experience like i do. you gonna love my post.

because i'm gonna review the body lotion made from botanical aloe vera.
aloe vera is not only good for your healthy hair, but it does work to giving your skin more moisturizer as well.
this is very recommended product for you.

if you interest to read more my review.
please keep continue reading.
enjoy! <3

Here is the product:

Packaging Design More Detail

After Open The Sealed

Swatches about this product:

Swatches Aloe Vera Body Lotion

Swatches After Apply The Body Lotion

Directions & Warning:
Directions: Massage a small amount of your rich lotion onto the driest of areas.

Warning: Keep out of reach of children, for adult & external use only. avoid contact with eyes.

What i love?
1. cute and small packaging. which is good for me to travelling
2. moist my skin well
3. good scented of aloe vera

What i hate?
so far until right now i love this product.

How much does it cost Beaute Recipe Aloe Vera Bath Set?
for this month COPIA offering you very good deal.
you can have it the complete aloe vera bath set only 350k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah).

Aloe Vera Bath Set, involved are:
1. 295ml shower gel
2. 295ml body lotion 
3. 145g soap (paper box)
4. 20g shower puff
5. Wooden Cabinet

Price: Rp 350.000 (Indonesia Rupiah)/ $USD 30-32
for more details: Click Me 

How to purchase Beaute Recipe Aloe Vera Bath Set?
you can find it in the outlet COPIA at:
- Central Park Mall UG 136
-  Baywalk Mall lt 1-38
-  Kota kasablanka LG
-  Summarecon mal serpong lt 1
-  Bintaro jaya xchange Lt GF
-  Mal Ciputra Cibubur GF
-  Grand Galaxy Park Mall GF
-  Centre Point Medan LG

Officially Account COPIA For Further Information?
Officially Website: Click Me
Fanpage Facebook: COPIA ID
Twitter Account: @CopiaId
Instagram Account: @Copiabeauty

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..
Don't Forget!

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxxx

Friday, May 15, 2015

Sponsored Review: Aloe Vera Shower Gel From Beaute Recipe

Sponsored Review:
 Aloe Vera Shower Gel 
From Beaute Recipe 

Hello Peach!
still continue with my previous post about aloe vera series body bath from Beaute Recipe.
now i wanna introduce you the shower gel aloe vera.
i love this product because it does make my skin smooth and relax.

you don't believe it? go on try it by yourself.
i bet it you won't regret it.
you can use it as well for body bath tub, drop couple of shower gel.
and you can jump in the tub and enjoy your "me time" in the tub.

if you interest to read more my review.
please keep continue reading.
enjoy! <3

Here is the product:

Packaging more details

After Open the sealed bottle

Swatches about this product:

Swatches Aloe Vera Shower Gel

drop couple of water and rub it

Warning Product & Directions:
apply a small amount in your tub for a wonderful scented bath or apply directly on a body sponge for use in the gel.

keep out of reach of children. for adult & external use only. avoid contact with eyes.

What i love?
1. the texture is not really slippery
2. moist my body skin well
3. perfect produce bubble and foam
4. i love the scented

What i hate?
so far until right now i love this product.

How much does it cost Beaute Recipe Aloe Vera Bath Set?
for this month COPIA offering you very good deal.
you can have it the complete aloe vera bath set only 350k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah).

Aloe Vera Bath Set, involved are:
1. 295ml shower gel
2. 295ml body lotion 
3. 145g soap (paper box)
4. 20g shower puff
5. Wooden Cabinet

Price: Rp 350.000 (Indonesia Rupiah)/ $USD 30-32
for more details: Click Me 

How to purchase Beaute Recipe Aloe Vera Bath Set?
you can find it in the outlet COPIA at:
- Central Park Mall UG 136
-  Baywalk Mall lt 1-38
-  Kota kasablanka LG
-  Summarecon mal serpong lt 1
-  Bintaro jaya xchange Lt GF
-  Mal Ciputra Cibubur GF
-  Grand Galaxy Park Mall GF
-  Centre Point Medan LG

Officially Account COPIA For Further Information?
Officially Website: Click Me
Fanpage Facebook: COPIA ID
Twitter Account: @CopiaId
Instagram Account: @Copiabeauty

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..
Don't Forget!

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sponsored Review: Aloe Vera Bath Soap From Beaute Recipe

Sponsored Review: 
Aloe Vera Bath Soap 
From Beaute Recipe

Hello Peach!
if all you know aloe vera does work only to make your hair healthy and thick.
aloe vera is does work to moisturize your skin body as well.
because the botanically formula from aloe vera delivers deep on your skin, and give the long-lasting hydration.
after using this, skin your skin is calmed, balanced and nurtured back to its healthy looking best.

so im gonna suggest you very great product from Beaute Recipe.
the aloe vera bath soap which is come with one set body lotion, shower gel, and shower puff.
one set body bath is ready to rock your body and protect your skin as well.
your skin is gonna fresh all day long.

if you interest to read more my review.
please keep continue reading.
enjoy! <3

Here is the product:

Before open the box

After Open the box

Product Design More Details

Warning Product & Directions:
Apply to dry hand, add water and massage into lather. remove with washcloth or rinse.

keep out of reach of children. for adult & external use only. avoid contact with eyes.

What i love?
1. I love the fragrance
2. makes my skin body softer and smoother
3. cute packaging
4. makes my body skin relax and calm

What i hate?
so far until right now i love this product.

How much does it cost Beaute Recipe Aloe Vera Bath Set?
for this month COPIA offering you very good deal.
you can have it the complete aloe vera bath set only 350k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah).

Aloe Vera Bath Set, involved are:
1. 295ml shower gel
2. 295ml body lotion 
3. 145g soap (paper box)
4. 20g shower puff
5. Wooden Cabinet

Price: Rp 350.000 (Indonesia Rupiah)/ $USD 30-32
for more details: Click Me 

How to purchase Beaute Recipe Aloe Vera Bath Set?
you can find it in the outlet COPIA at:
- Central Park Mall UG 136
-  Baywalk Mall lt 1-38
-  Kota kasablanka LG
-  Summarecon mal serpong lt 1
-  Bintaro jaya xchange Lt GF
-  Mal Ciputra Cibubur GF
-  Grand Galaxy Park Mall GF
-  Centre Point Medan LG

Officially Account COPIA For Further Information?
Officially Website: Click Me
Fanpage Facebook: COPIA ID
Twitter Account: @CopiaId
Instagram Account: @Copiabeauty

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..
Don't Forget!

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx
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