Peach Beauty

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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sponsored Review: Spot Solution Pink Powder From Nature24

Sponsored Review:
Spot Solution Pink Powder
From Nature24
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
khusus buat cewek-cewek nih, paling sebel kalau sudah mendekati tanggalan datang bulan.
karena saat datang PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) cewek-cewek itu seringkali timbul jerawat.
dikarenakan sistem hormon yang lagi naik dan turun.
itu juga yang saya alami saat menghadapi PMS.
jerawat mulai bermunculan bak bunga yang bersemi pada musimnya -_-..
kesel kadang-kadang tuh liatnya.
pakai foundation ataupun makeup jadi ga pede.

tapi kini kamu tidak perlu khawatir lagi.
karena Nature24 sudah memberikan solusinya yaitu Spot Solution Pink Powder.
hanya mengoleskan ditempat bintik jerawat itu timbul, dan akan kempes.
sangat simple dan engga ribet deh pokoknya.

ya udah deh yuk ga mau banyak komentar lagi,
silahkan aja bisa langsung dilihat reviewnya dibawah ini ya.

Ini dia Produknya:

Spot Solution Pink Powder Box

Spot Solution Pink Powder 
After Open The Box

Bottle Spot Solution Pink Powder

dan berikut ini adalah swatches-nya:

Apply on my hand

Bagaimana cara mengunakannya:

After Open The Sealed

Cara Pengunaan:
Celupkan Cotton Bud ke dalam botol, hingga menyentuh pink powder,
dan oleskan bagian yang bermasalah dengan kapas.

bisa digunakan saat kedua cairan terpisah.

Deskripsi Produk & Cara Pemakaian:
Deskripsi: Spot solution pink powder mengandung tea tree oil, memudarkan tanda bekas jerawat pada wajah dengan cepat. jika digunakan sebelum tidur, membantu menenangkan kulit dan memelihara kebersihan kulit.
*bagian atas (cairan kuning): memberikan kelembaban pada kulit.
*bagian bawah (Pink Powder): meringankan iritasi, kulit stress untuk mempertahankan kesehatan kulit.

Cara Pemakaian:
Peringatan! Jangan dikocok!!! bisa digunakan saat kedua cairan terpisah.
Celupkan cotton bud kedalam botol, hingga menyentuh Pink Powder, dan oleskan dibagian yang bermasalah dengan kapas.

Tekstur dan fungsi Spot Solution Pink Powder:
Tekstur: pink powder teksturnya seperti bedak tabur tetapi sedikit lebih basah. ketika sudah dipoleskan pada kulit wajah akan langsung kering dan tidak lengket.
Fungsi: untuk mencegah datangnya jerawat, menghaluskan kulit dari jerawat, dan juga mengempeskan jerawat yang membandel.

sangat efektif untuk mengeringkan bekas jerawat yang masih basah.
kulit terasa halus seusai memoleskan spot solution pink powder.
jerawat-jerawat ogah deh nempel lagi. 

1. kekurangannya apa ya? sepertinya sejauh ini belom ada ditemukan cacatnya deh..
suka banget sama produk ini!

Berapa Harga Spot Solution Pink Powder?
Harganya kurang begitu yakin pasti. mungkin bisa dicek langsung aja ya pada website mereka agar lebih yakin lagi. CLICK ME

Harga Normal: 395k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah)/ $39-$40 USD
Harga Diskon:  98.750 IDR (Indonesia Rupiah)/ $9 - $10 USD

untuk produk details lebih jelasnya bisa langsung direct link ke website-nya dmarket saja ya :)
sangat terjangkau dan ramah dikantong, disamping itu kualitasnya tidak perlu dipertanyakan lagi.

Dimana bisa beli Spot Solution Pink Powder?
untuk sekarang ini kalau kamu mau beli produk nature 24 hanya bisa pesan lewat online saja.
bisa langsung di pesan di official website-nya dmarket.
pelayanan cepat, bayar, antar, dan sampai deh paketnya dirumah mu.

Social Media Dmarket untuk lebih lengkapnya?
Official Website:
Facebook Fanpage: Dmarket
Twitter: @dmarketID

so, i think thats all about my review..
let me know what you think..
please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sponsored Review: Nature 24 Series at Dmarket

Sponsored Review:
NATURE 24 Series
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
siapa nih yang suka punya masalah sama pori-pori besar di wajah, kulit wajahnya kasar, banyak flek hitam bekas jerawat yang nangkring di pipi kiri dan kanan. atau bahkan susah cari bb whitening yang bagus dan warna-nya natural (read: pigmented).

kini nature 24 series mempersembahkan produk-produk yang berkualitas untuk skin care treatment kamu.
langsung di import dari negeri gingseng alias negeri Korea.
penampilan kamu akan semakin menarik dan tampil cantik setiap saat seperti artis-artis korea.

ya udah deh yuk ga mau banyak komentar lagi,
silahkan aja bisa langsung dilihat reviewnya dibawah ini ya.

Ini dia Produknya:

Deskripsi Flyer

1. Deep Clear Cleansing Foam

Deep Clear Cleansing Foam

Bottle Deep Clear Cleansing Foam

dan berikut ini adalah swatches-nya:

After open the sealed

Apply on my hand

2. Sebum Control Peel Off Mask

Sebum Control Peel Off Mask

Bottle Sebum Control Peel Off Mask

dan berikut ini adalah swatches-nya:

After open the sealed

Apply on my hand

3. Pore Tightening Control Cream

Pore Tightening Control Cream

Pore Tightening Control Cream in a small Jar

dan berikut ini adalah swatches-nya:

After open the jar

Apply on my hand

4. BB Whitening

BB Whitening

BB Whitening More Details

dan berikut ini adalah swatches-nya:

More Details from the top

Swatches on my hand

Apply on my hand

Berikut ini adalah gambar saat diaplikasikan BB Whitening-nya dimuka:

Apply BB Whitening From Nature 24
& Final Looks!

Deskripsi Produk & Cara Pemakaian:
1. Deep Clear Cleansing Foam
Deskripsi: Foam Cleansing yang mengandung banyak mineral dan nutrisi, mencerahkan dan menjaga kelembaban kulit wajah. cocok untuk kulit sensitif. busa yang halus dan melimpah membantu menghilangkan minyak berlebih, sisa makeup atau kulit mati secara menyeluruh.

Cara Pemakaian: gunakan foam secukupnya, gosok hingga berbusa pada wajah. kemudian basuh dengan air hingga bersih.

2. Sebum Control Peel Off Mask
Deskripsi: peel off masker yang mengandung berbagai ekstrak nutrisi, untuk kelembaban dan kehalusan kulit, serta mengontrol kelebihan minyak pada wajah. dapat mencegah kulit kusam, menghilangkan flek hitam dan menjaga kebersihan kulit wajah secara menyeluruh.

Cara Pemakaian: basuh wajah dengan air, kemudian oleskan masker keseluruh bagian (kecuali mata dan sekitar mulut). diamkan selama 20-30 menit, lalu lepaskan masker yang sudah kering dari atas ke bawah.

3. Pore Tightening Control Cream
Deskripsi: krim untuk memperkecil pori wajah, memberikan nutrisi dan kelembaban bagi kulit sensitif. mengandung berbagai ekstrak tanaman dan bahan pelembab alami, untuk kebersihan dan mempertahankan kehalusan kulit. ekstrak kedelai, ekstrak ginseng merah, ekstrak delima, membantu melembabkan kulit kering.

Cara Pemakaian: oleskan secara merata dikulit wajah. kemudian basuh dengan air hingga bersih.

4. BB Whitening
Deskripsi: sensitive skin cover untuk menghalau sinar matahari langsung bersentuhan dengan kulit. memiliki tingkat SPF sampai 50. cocok untuk kulit yang sensitif.

Cara Pemakaian: oleskan secara merata dikulit wajah seusai mandi atau saat ingin berpergian.

Tekstur dan fungsi Nature 24 Series:
1. Deep Clear Cleansing Foam
Tekstur: sangat lembut dan juga sangat berbusa
Fungsi: untuk menutrisi dan juga melembabkan kulit yang kering

2. Sebum Control Peel Off Mask
Tekstur: sedikit lengket dan sangat kental
Fungsi: untuk membantu menghilangkan flek hitam bekas jerawat

3. Pore Tightening Control Cream
Tekstur: sangat creamy dan juga lembut seperti hand body lotion
Fungsi: membantu mengecilkan pori-pori di wajah

4. BB Whitening
Tekstur: seperti foundation pada umumnya yaitu creamy
Fungsi: melindungi kulit wajah bersentuhan langsung dengan sinar matahari

kelebihan yang ditawarkan dari produk nature 24 series ini sangat terasa khasiat positifnya.
seusai membasuh wajah menggunakan deep clear cleansing foam ini jadi lebih halus dan segar kulit wajahnya. kemudian ketika menggunakan sebum control peel off mask terasa lebih bersih, halus dan flek hitam pun sedikit memudar. tidak ketinggalan juga dengan pore tightening control cream yang membantu untuk mengecilkan pori-pori raksasa yang menghambat totalitas kecantikan dari wajah wanita.

tapi kalau boleh jujur aku paling suka sama BB whitening yang diberikan oleh nature 24. warnanya sangat pigmented dan juga ringan saat dipakai buat make up. cocok buat di gunakan sehari-hari saat kerja, kuliah atau pun keluar rumah. wajahnya pun tampak sehat berseri seperti artis-artis korea yang cantik itu.. 

1. kekurangannya apa ya? sepertinya sejauh ini belom ada ditemukan cacatnya deh..
kecuali kurang banyak aja di kasih produk review-nya #eh

Berapa harga Nature 24 Series?
Harganya kurang begitu yakin pasti. mungkin bisa dicek langsung aja ya pada website mereka agar lebih yakin lagi. CLICK ME

1. Deep Clear Cleansing Foam
Harga Normal: 185k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah)/ $17-$19 USD
Harga Diskon:  46.250 IDR (Indonesia Rupiah)/ $4 - $6 USD
Link: Click Me

2. Sebum Control Peel Off Mask
Harga Normal: 215k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah)/ $20- $22 USD
Harga Diskon:  53.750 IDR (Indonesia Rupiah)/ $5 - $6 USD
Link: Click Me

3. Pore Tightening Control Cream
Harga Normal: 485k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah)/ $40 - $50 USD
Harga Diskon: 121.500 IDR (Indonesia Rupiah)/ $10 - $12 USD
Link: Click Me

4. BB Whitening
Harga Normal: 265k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah)/ $25 - $26 USD
Harga Diskon: 66.250 IDR (Indonesia Rupiah)/ $5 - $6 USD
Link: Click Me

untuk produk details lebih jelasnya bisa langsung direct link ke website-nya dmarket saja ya :)
sangat terjangkau dan ramah dikantong, disamping itu kualitasnya tidak perlu dipertanyakan lagi.

Dimana bisa beli Nature 24?
untuk sekarang ini kalau kamu mau beli produk nature 24 hanya bisa pesan lewat online saja.
bisa langsung di pesan di official website-nya dmarket.
pelayanan cepat, bayar, antar, dan sampai deh paketnya dirumah mu.

Social Media Dmarket untuk lebih lengkapnya?
Official Website:
Facebook Fanpage: Dmarket
Twitter: @dmarketID

so, i think thats all about my review..
let me know what you think..
please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

Monday, January 12, 2015

Happy 2015! Start your new year with

Happy 2015! 
Start your new year with

Hello Peach!
still continue about my previous post,
today I have new review about Prom Dresses 2015 fashion of the day in 2015.
before i forget, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 for all my readers.
and success always in ahead.

new year, new fashion, new dresses.
today im gonna show you the good website prom dresses.
i just wanna tell you one tips,
its ok if you are so up to date for every each year fashion.
but you must remember to wear something is proper with you style and personality.
you dont have to being fashionable with something doesn't really match with you.
because what you wore is define the truly who you are.
being beautiful is everything, but wear something is good for you, not for the fashion.

and you will love this prom dresses website..
really fancy, good quality and cheap price.
many of variation choices prom dresses you can take a look.
i can guarantee you the design is so up to date and good quality.
Always having new design and newest fashion for your style.

hope my recommendation is going to be inspirational for all of you.
so, if you enjoy read my post
please keep continue reading!

Are you looking for finest prom dresses in 2015?
You can visit right now.
This site offers a lot of  fabulous dresses for all fashionista.
You are able to enjoy all high quality and best design that are provided by this company.

and for this year collections from in 2015.
They have good collection of dresses that I always wanted to have it.
and below picture is my favorite  <3

                      Dress 1                                        Dress 2                                        Dress 3

                        Dress 1                                       Dress 2                                         Dress 3

Dress 1: Trumpet/Mermaid Sweetheart Sweep Train Chiffon Beading Prom Dresses
Dress 2: Sheath/Column Sweetheart Floor-length Tulle Chiffon Beading Prom Dresses
Dress 3: A-line Halter Floor-length Tulle Draped Prom Dresses
*Click the name to hyper-link on their website

as you can see on their officially website for:
- Dress 1: CAD $ 167.99
- Dress 2: CAD $ 178.19
- Dress 3: CAD $ 179.79

So what are you waiting for? Having a good deal and good price, also the design is so fancy and glamour, and you will look more beautiful at your special event. If not shopping at, where else?

How Much Does It Cost Picked Dresses?
it cost maybe around below $200 CAD --> CLICK ME
the cheapest one dress it cost around below $90 CAD ---> CLICK ME
and the highest one dress it cost around $250 CAD ---> CLICK ME

             Below $200 CAD                        Below $90 CAD                         Around $250 CAD

Dress 1: Sheath/Column Sweetheart Asymmetrical Organza Appliques Prom Dresses
Dress 2: A-line Sweetheart Ankle-length Chiffon Ruffles Prom Dresses
Dress 3: Ball Gown Strapless Floor-length Satin Tulle Beading Prom Dresses 
*Click the name to hyper-link on their website

as you can see on their officially website for:
- Dress 1: below $200 CAD
- Dress 2: below $90 CAD
- Dress 3: around $250 CAD

maybe you can check on their officially website..
Prom Dresses 2015
just to make sure I’m not mistaken to tell you about the price tag..
because the price can change anytime by the Picked Dresses Company...

How to purchase Picked Dresses?
you can buy and find on their officially website..
Also, you can do order and shopping through their officially website.

Officially Account Picked Dresses For Further Information?
Official Website:

so, i think that's all about my review..
let me know what you think..
please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Most Stylish Prom Dresses only at

The Most Stylish
only at

Hello Peach!
I have new review about Prom Dresses.
How many of you having a problem to choose dress for a special event?
*please raised your hand* :p
Don’t worry, because I also having the same problem for that.
Taste for each person to pick dress it’s different.

And I’m one in million who has unlucky body.
It’s so difficult for me to find the right dress to make my body slim, sexy and beautiful.
If I already find a dress fit on me, but I don’t really like the design.
Complicated right?
So I need hour and more hour just to find one dress for myself.

Suddenly I remember about my prom night at senior high school.
At that time, my mom still company me to choose prom dresses for me.
And you know what, we are looking for a dress for me during the day until night. Still, we can not find anything good for me.
That’s so tiring and wasting my time so much.

and you will love this prom dresses website..
really fancy, good quality and cheap price.
many of variation choices prom dresses you can take a look.
i can guarantee you the design is so up to date and good quality.
Always having new design and newest fashion for your style.

so, if you enjoy read my post
please keep continue reading!

Are you looking for prom dresses to improving your style?
You can visit today.
This site offers a lot of  fabulous dresses for all fashion holic.
You are able to enjoy all high quality and best design that are provided by this company.

Personally, I’m falling in love with all theirs collections.
They have good collection of dresses that I always wanted to have it.
especially for these three prom dresses <3

                          Dress 1                                        Dress 2                                        Dress 3

                            Dress 1                                       Dress 2                                         Dress 3

Dress 1: Trumpet/Mermaid One Shoulder Floor-length Chiffon Tiered Prom Dresses 
Dress 2: A-line Sweetheart Asymmetrical Organza Tiered Prom Dresses
Dress 3: Ball Gown One Shoulder Floor-length Tulle Satin Beading Prom Dresses
*Click the name to hyperlink on their website

as you can see on their officially website for:
- Dress 1: CAD $ 161.39
- Dress 2: CAD $ 146.49
- Dress 3: CAD $ 198.79

Here is the reason why you must shopping at

1. Many color options

This website offers a lot of prom dresses with many color options. You are able to choose the best color that is good for your needs. There are some popular colors that are available, for example black, turquoise, pink and also orange. This website displays some attractive dresses with their colorful options.

2. Up To Date Dresses Design and High Quality

Pickedresses always wants to provide high quality products with up to date fashion of the day for all customers. All products are made from high quality materials. and always provide new fashion for your style looks.

3. Easy, Click & Go

You don't need to wasting your time looking around at the counter a whole day, especially when you want to purchase the best dress for yourself. You are able to choose the right design, color, and size based on your budget and needs. all you need to do is just open, choose the dress and pay. based in Canada, but they are shipping worldwide! <3

So what are you waiting for? Having a good deal and good price, also the design is so fancy and glamour, and you will look more beautiful at your special event. If not shopping at, where else?

How Much Does It Cost Picked Dresses?
it cost maybe around below $200 CAD --> CLICK ME
the cheapest one dress it cost around below $80 CAD ---> CLICK ME
and the highest one dress it cost around $270 CAD ---> CLICK ME

                 Below $200 CAD                        Below $80 CAD                         Around $270 CAD

Dress 1: A-line Sweetheart Floor-length Chiffon Beading Prom Dresses
Dress 2: A-line Straps Knee-length Chiffon Ruffles Prom Dresses
Dress 3: Ball Gown Sweetheart Floor-length Organza Beading Prom Dresses
*Click the name to hyperlink on their website

as you can see on their officially website for:
- Dress 1: below $200 CAD
- Dress 2: below $80 CAD
- Dress 3: around $270 CAD

maybe you can check on their officially website..
just to make sure I’m not mistaken to tell you about the price tag..
because the price can change anytime by the Picked Dresses Company...

How to purchase Picked Dresses?
you can buy and find on their officially website..
Also, you can do order and shopping through their officially website.

Officially Account Picked Dresses For Further Information?
Official Website:

so, i think that's all about my review..
let me know what you think..
please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

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