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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Sponsored Review: Bless Healthy Glow Foundation Beige

Bless Healthy Glow Foundation
Color: Beige
by: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
aku punya bahan review baru lagi loh,
kalau kemaren-kemaren udah bosen dengan review yang selalu tentang skin care atau face treatment aja, sekarang ada foundation bagus nih, yang ga kalah dengan buatan luar.

Bless Cosmetics, satu perusahaan kosmetik lokal yang serius dalam memproduksi produk kosmetik dan skin care yang aman, sehingga kami sangat peduli terhadap bahan-bahan yang digunakan dan memperhatikan rambu-rambu dan peraturan-peraturan yang sudah ditentukan Badan POM.

Healthy glow foundation package 

Selain itu, Healthy Glow Foundation diformulasi dengan bahan-bahan yang tidak menimbulkan iritasi kulit, seperti : non-chemical UVA UVB, pelembab yang menyerupai NMF (Natural Moisturizing Factor), tanpa parfum, Bless Healthy Glow Foundation aman digunakan untuk semua jenis kulit, termasuk untuk kulit sensitif dan dapat digunalan sehari-hari. Bless Healthy Glow Foundation hadir dalam 2 pilihan warna, beige dan natural.

ya udah deh yuk ga mau banyak komentar lagi,
silahkan aja bisa langsung dilihat reviewnya dibawah ini ya.

Ini dia Produknya:

i love the package <3

Bless Product
Color: Beige

Bless Healthy Glow Foundation

dan berikut ini adalah swatches-nya:

Bless Healthy Glow Foundation

More Details Healthy Glow Foundation

After open the box

Bless healthy glow foundation bottle

Swatches Bless Healthy Glow Foundation

Apply on my hand

Berikut ini adalah gambar saat diaplikasikan foundation-nya dimuka:

Apply Bless Healthy Glow Foundation
& Final Looks!

Deskripsi Produk & Cara Pemakaian:
Deskripsi: Bless healthy glow foundation paduan skin care, makeup, dan sunscreen dalam satu langkah. mengandung tabir surya, melembabkan kulit, meratakan warna kulit dan menyamarkan noda sehingga kulit tampak halus dan bercahaya. bless healthy glow foundation menyamarkan kerut-kerut halus diwajah, dan membuat wajah tampak lebih mulus dan tampak muda. formulanya yang ringan dan tidak mengandung parfum membuat produk ini cocok untuk semua jenis kulit termasuk kulit sensititf. tersedia dalam warna.

Cara Pemakaian: gunakan pagi hari pada wajah yang telah dibersihkan. untuk hasil yang lebih sempurna, lanjutkan dengan pemakaian bless face powder, bless compact powder atau bless powder foundation.

Tekstur dan fungsi Bless Healthy Glow Foundation:
teksturnya sangat lembut dan tidak berat untuk riasan wajah. sangat baik untuk pori-pori dimuka untuk masih bisa "bernapas". dan fungsinya adalah untuk sebagai tabir surya, pelembab muka dan juga foundation untuk wajah.

1. Bless Healthy Glow Foundation merupakan perpaduan skin care, make up, dan tabir surya. Jadi jika wajah dalam kondisi normal (tidak kering sekali) tidak perlu lagi menggunakan pelembab atau tabir surya dahulu sebelum menggunakan Bless Healthy Glow Foundation.
2. Formula yang terkandung dalam Bless Healthy Glow Foundation sangat ringan, seperti pelembab yang menyerupai Natural Moisturizing Factor, tidak mengandung parfum, dan juga physical sunscreen sehingga Bless Healthy Glow Foundation cocok untuk digunakan pada semua jenis kulit, bahkan kulit yang sensitif.
3.warnanya sangat pigmented di kulit ku, tidak terlalu terang atau bahkan gelap. males banget kan kalau harus pake foundation yang kontras warnanya tidak pas di kulit. jadi kayak pakai cat tembok #loh
4. harganya juga sangat bersahabat untuk kantong. tidak perlu merogoh kocek banyak hanya demi tampil cantik setiap hari.
5. menghemat waktu dalam berdandan, tidak perlu pakai moisturizer lagi sebelum pakai foundation. pergi ngantor jadi ga telat lagi.. *weits*

1. kekurangannya apa ya? sepertinya sejauh ini belom ada ditemukan cacatnya deh..
kecuali kurang banyak aja di kasih produk review-nya #eh

Berapa harga Bless Healthy Glow Foundation?
Harganya kurang begitu yakin pasti. mungkin bisa dicek langsung aja ya pada website mereka agar lebih yakin lagi. CLICK ME
tetapi kira-kira harganya Rp.77.000,00
sangat terjangkau dan ramah dikantong, disamping itu kualitasnya tidak perlu dipertanyakan lagi.

Dimana bisa beli Bless Healthy Glow Foundation?
yuk langsung cus aja, kamu bisa mendapatkannya di gerai-gerai toko yang bekerjasama dengan pihak BLESS..
seperti di Guardian, Century, Batik Keris Mall Puri Indah, Matahari mall ciputra atau juga Watsons..
untuk referensi lebih lengkapnya dapat dilihat pada lembar outlet di official website Bless.

Social Media Bless untuk lebih lengkapnya?
Official Website:
Facebook Fanpage: Bless Cosmetics
Twitter: @Bless_kosmetik

so, i think thats all about my review..
let me know what you think..
please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Review Softlens: X2 POP Grey

Review Softlens:
X2 POP Grey
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
today im gonna review about Softlens..
honestly, my parents doesn't allowed me to wear softlens.
because they said is not healthy for my eyes.
but, i feel more comfortable when using softlens rather than glasses. 

most of girls will love this because you don't need to wear glasses if you want to go special event..
sometimes wearing glasses bring you so many problem..
example: your eyes will tired easily, and also glasses is just blocking your truly beauty..
so softlens is bring you best solution for your eyes problem ! :)

and i really love using grey softlens..
i dunno why, i just feeling sexy if im wearing grey color ..
more mysterious and sexy :p
then i bought this X2 product, edition POP, color Grey.

Here is the picture from this Product..

The product from X2
edition POP
Color Grey

Descriptions Box X2 POP Grey

Description from this product:
58% Polyhema, 42% Water
Diameter: 14.5
and only 6 months supplied
(means after you broke the seal, it will be expired for 6 months later)

Before i open the sealed..

And this is softlens after i open it ..
grey, soft and beautiful

Applied softlens on my eyes..
my eyes look bigger now .. 

My Final looks with softlens X2 POP Grey

What i love?
make my eyes looks bigger..
and really nice grey color
looks more natural and beautiful <3 love it 
and i don't need to drop water softlens when i go outside..
very comfortable and easy to use..

What i hate?
so far until now, i love it this product..

How much does it cost the softlens?
it cost only 85k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah)..
so cheap right? haha
and also nice product..

Where you can purchase this?
the last i purchased this on Batik Keris Mall Puri Indah..
Jl. Puri Agung, Jakarta Barat, No 144.
11610, Indonesia

so, i think thats all about my review..
let me know what you think..
please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Sponsored Review: Kracie Product Series Summary

Sponsored Review:
Kracie Product Series
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
and by today is already 2 weeks after im using kracie series..
i just want to sharing with you guys about my experience..
in this post you will see summary about kracie product series...

i am really satisfied with theirs series skin care..
such a wonderful things, i can try and give a review about their product.
the fragrance is so good, and my face is getting so much softer and brighter after using this product..
really falling in love at the first sight..

I love kracie product series literally.. <3
Thank you so much Kawaii Beauty Japan Team for giving me chance to try this product..
big thanks once again.. :D
so if you want to know more about this product, please keep reading.

If you wanna read more details about the kracie Product Series..
please click on descriptions below, here is the lists:

Thank you so much to Kawaii Beauty Japan~
Kawaii Beauty Japan further information on social Media:
Officially Website: Click Me
Fanpage Facebook: kawaiibeautyjapan
Twitter Account: @KawaiibeautyJP
Instagram Account: @kawaiibeautyjapan

so, i think thats all about my review..
let me know what you think..
please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

Monday, December 8, 2014

Sponsored Review: Kracie Hadabisei Facial Mask Sheet

Sponsored Review:
Kracie Hadabisei
Facial Mask Sheet
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
today i got a review about Kracie Hadabisei facial mask sheet..
it's still to be continue from my previous post (kracie series skin care)..

in my previous post, i wrote about facial foam and cleansing oil for face.
and now i will review about their facial mask sheet..
once again, this product is from Japan..

there is three variants for kracie hadabiesei facial mask sheet, involved are:
1. Brightening Facial Mask Sheet (Blue Packaging)
2. Elasticity Facial Mask Sheet (Orange Packaging)
3. Extra Moist Facial Mask Sheet (Pink Packaging)..

but, i choose the blue one (brightening facial mask sheet) to write a review..
ladies you gonna love it <3
and if you interesting about my review, please keep continue reading :)

here is the product i'm talking about:

Kracie Product
Hadabisei Facial Mask Sheet

Brightening Facial Mask Sheet
From Kracie Hadabisei

the instructions written in Japanese Word:

Facial Mask Sheet 
Kracie Hadabisei

Instructions Japanese Word :')
can't understand any single word

and here is about looks inside:

Inside The Packaging Facial Mask Sheet

Spread The Facial Mask Sheet

and here is the picture apply on my face:

Apply Kracie Hadabisei Facial Mask Sheet

Ciao bella!
now im gonna take a long night sleepp <3

Descriptions of Product, Directions and Warning:
Brightering hadabisei Facial Mask Sheet descriptions: mask sheet Kracie contains vitamin c and collagen which is function for brighten and maintenance moisturize and nourish the skin. giving the brighter and cooler effect to the skin. suggestion to using 2-3 times a week. 

Directions: spread the mask sheet evenly on cleansed, patted dry face, leave on for 10-15 mins, then remove it. remove the mask gently and massage your face. wash and clean up your face if needed after using the mask sheet.

Warning: avoid to apply around irritation face area. stop using the product if get irritated, redness, swollen, or itchy, and directly consultation with the doctor. and if exposed to the eyes, directly washing with clean water. avoid put in the place directly to the sunlight or high temperature and low temperature. quickly using the mask after tear the sealed. prevent from the kids.

How is the texture and what is the function?
Kracie Hadabisei Facial Mask Sheet: the texture is soft and wet.. haha obviously it is wet because come from the serum inside the mask.. :)
and the function is effective brighten and smoother while nourishing and revitalizing.

What i love?
making my face is so softer and brighter after using this product..
absolutely adorable <3
so relax and feel calm after using this mask sheet..

What i hate?
so far until now i love this product..
don't have any reason to be hating.. :')

Thank you so much to Kawaii Beauty Japan~
Kawaii Beauty Japan further information on social Media:
Officially Website: Click Me
Fanpage Facebook: kawaiibeautyjapan
Twitter Account: @KawaiibeautyJP
Instagram Account: @kawaiibeautyjapan

so, i think thats all about my review..
let me know what you think..
please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sponsored Review: Kracie Naive Cleansing Oil From Japan

Sponsored Review:
Kracie Naive Cleansing Oil 
From Japan
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
today i'm gonna review about cleansing oil, or we better known as makeup remover...
in the previous review, i ever wrote about the same product, but made in Indonesia.
i am so amazed with this product, because the quality is good as product made in Indonesia.
because you know what, much easier to clean all makeup on your face...

For your information: kracie naive cleansing oil is from Japan.

i am so complicated on business to cleaning my face after using makeup.
too many steps i have to do just to clean my face from makeup.
First, i usually apply baby oil to clean my foundation.
Second, after that i start to clean my face again with makeup remover.
i just wanna make sure everything is totally clean, and nothing dirt left on my pores and acne after using makeup a whole day.
but since i knew this product, i am never using baby oil again..
because this naive cleansing already contain oil.
which is save much better my time, faster and cleaner..

absolutely amazing and great product..
didn't make you crying while apply this product..
and if you curious about my review, please keep continue reading <3

Here is the product:

Naive Cleansing Oil

Product Design more details:

Details Kracie Naive Cleansing Oil

Bottle sealed.
Note: if you wanna use it, pull out the bottle sealed.
and after you use it, place the sealed in the first place.
prevent cleansing oil is overflow.

Bottle Pump Details and Closer

it prove that Kracie Cleansing contains oil
(i pour the cleansing on face paper oil)

Swatches on My Hand:

Swatches Kracie Naive Cleansing Oil

Step By Step Before and after used:

Before Used Number 1 (apply super thick and bold eyeliner)
After Used (3 steps)
actually one swipe is enough, but i just wanna make sure i do properly clean.

Naive Cleansing Oil Descriptions, Directions and Warning:
Descriptions: cleaning face after using foundation, powder, makeup and mascara getting simpler and faster. and also moisturize and nourish the skin face. contain sunflower oil and olive oil help to maintenance moisturize for skin.

Directions: pump 4 times cleansing oil on your hands for 1 time use. apply and massage gently on your face, cleaning all make up (mascara on your eyes area). washing with the clean water.

Warning: stop using naive cleansing oil if get irritated. if exposed eyes, directly washing with the clean water. save it in the safe place, avoid put in place nearby with fire.

What i love?
super express to cleaning or remove the makeup on your face..
your face is so clean and dirt all gone..
and it does really mild on your eyes..
not making any irritation on your eyes..
express because it contains oil, and safe for your skin.

What i hate?
so far until now, i love it this product..
no reason to hate.. :')

Thank you so much to Kawaii Beauty Japan~
Kawaii Beauty Japan further information on social Media:
Officially Website: Click Me
Fanpage Facebook: kawaiibeautyjapan
Twitter Account: @KawaiibeautyJP
Instagram Account: @kawaiibeautyjapan

so, i think thats all about my review..
let me know what you think..
please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Sponsored Review: Kracie Naive Facial Cleansing Foam Green Tea

Sponsored Review:
Kracie Naive Facial Cleansing Foam
Green Tea
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
who is among all of you are the green tea lovers?
i am one of them!!! me meeee...
omg the taste is so good and yummy, im so in love with green tea.
green tea lovers is never end! *tehee*

but anw, don't you know people is getting smarter and more creative to innovative and find new product..
more unique, more inspiring and more cool..
now we can use green tea as facial foam..
this is sounds good but weird at the same time..

i love this naive cleansing foam green tea literally..
and if youuu guys are curious about this product,
so please stay and continue reading my post..
enjoy! ~~

here is the product i'm talking about:

Green Tea Facial Foam

Naive Facial Cleansing Foam

and here is about the swatches:

Swatches put on my hand

and here is the picture closer and details:

Naive Green Tea Facial Foam From Top

the instruction in japanese language :

Japanese Word
(trust me, i have no idea either)

Description of Product, Directions and Warning:
Naive Facial Cleansing Foam Green Tea: Cleansing dirt on face and dead skin on face, with extract green tea help to control oily face and tighten pores on face area. and with additional natural amino formula for moisturize and nutrition to maintenance skin from dryness.

Directions: apply 1-2 cm cream foam on your hand. rub the foam with water. and after that, apply the foam on your face, massage gently. wash your face with clean water.

Warning: stop using the product if get irritation after washing with naive facial cleansing foam. if the foam exposed to eyes, washing with the clean water quickly. don't put the cleansing foam directly to the sunlight.

How is the texture and what is the function?
Naive Facial Cleansing Foam Green Tea: the texture is obviously foaming, because it's a foam texture.. lol *palm face*
and the function is good for control the oil on your face. cleansing all the dirt and tighten pores on your face. giving the sensation relax and cool on your face. which is very awesome product!

What i love?
my face totally clean after using this product.
my face feel fresh and cool..
and especially for the fragrance is so good <3
love it this product!

What i hate?
so far until now it fine on my face..
and i love it.
well, its good!

Thank you so much to Kawaii Beauty Japan~
Kawaii Beauty Japan further information on social Media:
Officially Website: Click Me
Fanpage Facebook: kawaiibeautyjapan
Twitter Account: @KawaiibeautyJP
Instagram Account: @kawaiibeautyjapan

so, i think thats all about my review..
let me know what you think..
please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Sponsored Review: Beaute Recipe Body Scrub Lavender

Sponsored Review:
Beaute Recipe
Body Scrub Lavender
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
today I'm gonna make a review from Beaute Recipe..
that is body scrub lavender.
the smelling so good, i feel so relax and calm after using this body scrub.
you should try and must have it!
and its effective to clean all dirt on your body tho!
especially in the private part..
really falling in love at the first sight <3

so if you want to know more about this product, please keep reading.

here is the product i'm talking about:

Beaute Recipe Body Scrub Lavender

Body Scrub Lavender

Picture More details and Closer:

Open Body Scrub Lavender

More details picture

Beaute Recipe Body Scrub

and here is about the swatches:

Swatches Body Scrub Lavender

Description of Product, Warning, and Directions:
Descriptions: great for relaxation and relieving aching muscles also great for skincare due to its antiseptic and anti-fungal properties which help to reduce scarring and speed up healing.

Directions: apply desired amount on hand. massage smoothly on the hands, feet and the body.

Warning: avoid contact with eyes. if contact occur wash out immediately with water. if rash or irritation occurs discontinue use.

Beaute Recipe

How is the texture and what is the function?
Body Scrub Lavender: the texture is obviously scrub (particle of salt). containing scrubby particles to buff roughness away.
the function is for leaving skin soft, wash away dead skin, and giving nutrition to your skin. and the other function is to giving calming effects and promotes relaxations.

What i love?
Body Scrub Lavender: the scrub is totally effective to clean all dirt on my skin. and my skin is looking so much better and cleaner. this product is so great and having a good smell. make me relax and calm after bathing with this body scrub lavender <3

What i hate?
So far until now i love this product.

Lavender Edition

How Much Does It Cost Beaute Recipe Body Scrub Lavender?
it cost maybe around 145.000 IDR (Indonesian Rupiah)/ $14-15 USD
maybe you can check on their officially website..
just to make sure i'm not mistaken to tell you about the price tag..
because the price can change anytime by the COPIA company...

How to purchase Beaute Recipe Body Scrub Lavender?
you can find it in the outlet COPIA at:
- Central Park Mall UG 136
-  Baywalk Mall lt 1-38
-  Kota kasablanka LG
-  Summarecon mal serpong lt 1
-  Bintaro jaya xchange Lt GF
-  Mal Ciputra Cibubur GF
-  Grand Galaxy Park Mall GF
-  Centre Point Medan LG

Officially Account COPIA For Further Information?
Officially Website: Click Me
Fanpage Facebook: COPIA ID
Twitter Account: @CopiaId
Instagram Account: @Copiabeauty

Beaute Recipe Body Scrub

so, i think thats all about my review..
let me know what you think..
please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx
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