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Sunday, March 30, 2014

How to Highlight and Shading your face in the "properly way" !

How to 
Highlight and Shading
your face in the "Properly Way" !
by: @ClaraNovK

Today i'm gonna teach you how to highlight and shading in the "properly way".
properly way? means?
your highlight and shading its gonna looks natural and blend very well..
not really too bright for highlight and neither too dark for shading..
it's just give you dimension on your face...
so, its gonna bring you very perfect shape on your face..

because nowadays so many peoples get wrong with shading and highlight ..
the final looks not really good and messed up..
even i'm not expert, at least i know how to bring you to the right place ..

and by see this picture, it's gonna change your life and you will learn..
watch and Learn !

step by step highlight and shading

Note: sorry for the bad quality of my picture..
(using front camera ipad)
so you cant see color shading and highlight very well..
i do apologize for it

A bit tips:
choose color as your foundation for highlight and shading..
learn the color in this picture..
knowing your color skin..
don't choose color too bright as highlight and neither toooooooo dark as shading..

Variants Foundation Color
YAY:  if you have white skin..
choose Bare foundation as your Highlight
choose Beige or Natural as your Shading

Nay: if you have white skin..
choose Bare foundation as your Highlight
and DON'TS choose Toast as your shading..
the color is not going to blend and neither looks natural ..
just so you know ..
but if you think have no problem with that..
i have none business to arguing with your comment hahaha..
you know better your face, but still peoples who will judging your makeup looks!
so better you consider it ;)

Final looks !
FOTD: Brownie Peach Flirt makeup looks

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below.. 
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Friday, March 28, 2014

Review Sponsored: Sparkle Lip Shine Victoria Secret (Paint The Town)

Review Sponsored Beauty Product:
Sparkle Lip Shine Victoria Secret
edition: Paint The Town
by: @ClaraNovK

halo semuanya,
cuman mau kasih tau aja nih ada produk bagus dari Victoria Secret.. wauwww
siapa sih yang ga klepek-klepek liat barang-barang dari VS ini..
salah satu produk yang akan saya review adalah 
Sparkle Lip Shine, edition: Paint The town (berwarna merah)..
yuk langsung aja cus lihat swatch dan juga reviewnya ..

Sparkle Lip Shine Victoria Secret
(Paint The Town)

warnanya merah dan juga ada glitter-nya pada produk VS kali ini..
terlihat sangat glamour dan juga high class..
<3 love it lah pokoknya..

here is the swatch Lip shine picture:

with flash and without flash

coba ya sekarang kita aplikasikan pada bibir..
apakah warna-nya bagus seindah saat di swatch di tangan?

ini dia gambarnya setelah di aplikasikan pada bibir:

after applied on my lips

tips sedikit nih biar lip shine tahan lama..
saat sedang mandi, jangan cuman sikat gigi aja, tetapi sikat juga bibirnya..
agar kutikula yang ada di bibir bisa mengelupas dan bibir jadi mulus..
sehingga nanti lip shine-nya akan bertahan sedikit lama saat sedang beraktivitas :)

1. suka dengan kemasannya, sangat apik dan menawan
2. warnanya juga bagus dan kemilaunya sangat indah
3. bisa bertahan 6-7 jam (tidak pakai acara makan atau minum)
karena lip shine ini bukan water proof.. jadi disarankan kalau habis makan siang atau minum dianjurkan untuk mengaplikasikan kembali lip shine ini :)
4. wangi lip shine VS ini yummy banget .. kayak wangi permen ... makin cinta deh sama kamu VS <3

1. warna-nya bagus cuman kurang begitu nyata.. 
sehingga di perlukan 3-4 polesan untuk lebih keliatan lagi lip shine-nya..
tapi secara keseluruhan aku suka produknya ..

Berapa harga sparkle lip shine victoria secret?
di website tertera seharga: 9$ usd
mungkin sekitar 100-120 ribu rupiah ya kalau di Indonesia

Dimana bisa beli sparkle lip shine victoria secret?
kamu punya dua pilihan yaitu:
1. Mall Taman Anggrek : Ground Floor Unit G 80, 
Jl. Letjen S. Parman, Kav. 21, West Jakarta, 11470, Indonesia
2. Officially Website: Victoria Secret

Monggo dilihat account social media saya yang lainnya di:
My Email:

dan ini adalah foto saya :
FOTD: Brownie Peach Flirt makeup looks

Thank you everyone to reading my blog!
good luck! ~ <3

Clara xxx

Thursday, March 27, 2014

FOTD (Face Of The Day): Brownie Peach Flirty Makeup Looks..

FOTD (Face Of The Day): 
Brownie Peach
Flirty Makeup Looks..
By: @ClaraNovK

hello everyone!
i'm joined Xiao Vee collaboration with Bunny Beaute Cosmetica giveaway..
and the giveaway open until end of march (30th march 2014)..
so hurry up to join ! ;)
and if you are interested to see and want to join their giveaway, just check the link below..
read carefully all the rules for giveaway ! rawrrr ~
so you can have bigger chance to win this lovely giveaway ~ <3

This is my mandatory makeup tools:

This is step by step how to make flirty makeup looks:

Details on eyes makeup:

And the last, this is my final looks:

This is my submission makeup looks, what do you think? :D
drop your comments on my blog post..
tell me your very honest opinion about my makeup looks..
creepy? beautiful? sexy? or scary? haha

References/ Literature:

Thank you for reading my blog!
and don't forget to join this giveaway!
good luck everyone.

Clara xx

I'm joining Xiao Vee's 2nd Blogiversary Giveaway



Apa sih itu Gorenger?
Gorenger adalah serial anime/tokusatsu yang terkenal di Jepang.
dibuat dari tahun 1975 oleh suatu tv swasta jepang yang bernama Ishimori Production Inc. and Toei Company Ltd.

terdiri dari 5 personil gorenger..
yaitu warna merah sebagai pimpinannya, dilanjutkan dengan warna biru, kuning, hijau dan juga pink.
untuk warna pink pemerannya adalah wanita.
sedangkan untuk pemeran warna merah, biru, kuning dan hijau adalah laki-laki.
mereka adalah manusia tulen, yang hanya menggunakan topeng kalau sedang melawan kejahatan..
tetapi selebihnya mereka hidup seperti orang normal pada umumnya.

pemainnya terdiri dari:
Makoto Naoya, Miyauchi Hiroshi, Toyama Mugi, Komaki Risa, dan Ito Sachio.

Bagaimana sih ceritanya?
Episode 1 Gorenger..
A crimson red sun!
The invincible GoRanger!

Bermula dari terjadi pembantaian massal di tengah kota..
orang yang menggunakan jubah hitam melemparkan bom ditengah masyarakata yang sedang melakukan aktivitas.
merusak gedung dan juga fasilitas yang ada ditengah kota..
sangat menyeramkan dan mengerikan tindakan tidak terpuji para jubah hitam tersebut.

Lima Kantor cabang jepang urusan pertahanan rahasia international dirusak dan dihancurkan oleh serangan dari organisasi kejahatan kelompok salib hitam. akan tetapi, ada sebuah keajaiban dimana masih ada satu orang yang berhasil bertahan hidup dari tiap-tiap tempat tersebut.

mereka dikumpulkan di bawah komando dari Edogawa Gonpachi, kemudian mereka betarung dengan kelompok salib hitam sebagai "secret squadron five rangers". kelima pasukan tersebut masing-masing menggunakan baju dan topeng dengan 5 warna yang berbeda, akan tetapi pertarungan mereka dengan pasukan monster yang dikirim oleh kelompok salib hitam terus memanas.

anime seri "secret squadron five rangers" ini juga bisa disebut sebagai pelopor seri squadron yang berlanjut sampai dengan saat ini. pastinya wajib menonton karya yang menjadi dasar serial pasukan pahlawan yang terus berlanjut setelahnya.

ini dia muka asli dari pemeran Gorenger..

mau tau lanjutan keseruan ceritanya dari Gorenger?
saksikan kisah selanjutnya hanya di WAKUWAKU JAPAN TV..
jangan sampe ketinggalan untuk menyaksikan episode-nya ya...
karena masih ada lagi episode lainnya yang menarik untuk ditonton..

Jadwal Tayang Mulai?
Sabtu, 1 Maret 2014

Jadwal Harian?
Sabtu & Minggu Pukul 8.30-9.00

Jadwal Tayang Ulang?
1. Sabtu & Minggu Pukul 16.30-17.00
2. Minggu Pukul 6.30-7.00

Dimana Channelnya?
hanya bisa di tonton untuk para pelanggan Indovision atau Okevision..
yuk, buruan berlangganan channelnya..
biar bisa menyaksikan Gorenger sepuasnya..
jangan sampai kelewatan ya! :D

Bagaimana Cara Berlangganan TV Cable Indovision dan Okevision?
dibawah ini adalah paket channel TV yang ditawarkan oleh indovision dan okevision..
Indovision: klik disini
Okevision: klik disini


Nama KlienSKY Perfect JSAT Corporation

berpartisipasi dalam WAKUWAKU JAPAN ③

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Snack Healthy to be Happy only with Fitbar

Snack Healthy 
To Be
Happy Only With
Tastymonial By: @ClaraNovk

Lapar? tapi takut gendut??
yah ketinggalan jaman banget sih gan ..
ada camilan yang enak dan murah nih ..

Perkenalkan ya..
ini dia FITBAR produksi dan Kalbe Nutrionals..

ini tuh enak banget camilannya..
manis tapi kalorinya kecil..
enak tapi ga bikin gendut..
makanan sehat tapi ga bikin kantong kering...

bingung kan?
kok ada buatan lokal tapi ga kalah bersaing dengan pasar luar negeri ..
hmmm, memang mantap camilan yang satu ini !
sehat dan enak pula FITBAR ...

wah ini sih buat cewek atau cowok yang takut banget timbangannya naik, cocok banget camilannya...
ga kalah bersaing deh dengan biskuit diet dari pasar luar negeri...
buatan dalam negeri aja enak dan murah, kenapa harus yang mahal dan bukan buatan lokal?

ada banyak variants rasa yang ditawarkan oleh fitbar..
tapi favorite ku cuman satu..

langsung serbu aja yuk di gerai toko terdekat rumah anda..
ga usah mikir lama-lama lagi, cus langsung diborong aja camilan sehatnya ..

Mau tau lebih lengkap info tentang fitbar??
yuk di follow dan like saja official accountnya Fitbar..
Twitter: Fitbar_ID
Fanpage Facebook: Fitbar Healty Tasty

so, what do you think guys?
drop some comments on my blog jangan lupa ya..
semoga kalian suka reviewnya..

Thank you sudah mampir blog saya !
Wish me luck ! :)
Healthy food with no worries ..

Clara xx

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Review Softlens: X2 Ice N1 Grey

Review Softlens:
Type: X2 Ice N1
Color: Grey
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello guys,
today im gonna review about Softlens..
most of girls will love this because you don't need to wear glasses if you want to go special event..
sometimes wearing glasses bring you so many problem..
example: your eyes will tired easily, and also glasses is just blocking your truly beauty..
so softlens is bring you best solution for your eyes problem ! :)

and i really love using grey softlens..
i dunno why, i just feeling sexy if im wearing grey color ..
more mysterious and sexy :p
then i bought this X2 product..
edition Ice N1
color Grey

Here is the picture from this Product..

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The product from x2
edition Ice N1
Color Grey

Description from this product:
58% Polyhema, 42% Water
Diameter: 14.5
and only 6 months supplied
(means after you broke the seal, it will be expired for 6 months later)
 photo 4b4b4981-614d-45ab-bf0b-e0c06990ebd6_zpsdd89c53a.jpg  photo ae56c562-2cb6-4727-8873-22385d4cd715_zps8d2ebfbc.jpg  photo db9e507f-38b4-432d-b3c4-b194a4bce7b4_zps2b66628f.jpg
And this is softlens after i open it ..
grey, soft and beautiful

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applied softlens on my eyes..
my eyes look bigger now .. 

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My Final looks with softlens Ice N1 Grey

What i love?
make my eyes looks bigger..
and really nice grey color
looks more natural and beautiful <3 love it 
and i don't need to drop water softlens when i go outside..
very comfortable and easy to use

What i hate?
so far until now, i love it this product..

How much the softlens?
i forget how much does it cost exact for this softlens..
but all i remember it cost less than 50 thousand rupiah..
maybe it around 39k - 49k rupiah..
so cheap right? haha
and also nice product..

Where you can purchase this?
 the last i purchased this on Batik Keris Mall Puri Indah..
 Jl. Puri Agung, Jakarta Barat, No 144.
 11610, Indonesia

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below.. 
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Review: Lip Tint from Etude House (55 Kissful Tint Chou)

Lip Tint From Etude House
Edition: 55 Kissful Tint Chou
By: @ClaraNovk

Hello everyone,
today i'm gonna review about korean beauty product..
it's really girly, cute and fresh looks for daily..
not too heavy color bring on your makeup looks..
more natural and cool !

Here is the product:

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55 Kissful Tint Chou

and here is the swatches!

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swatches on back of my hand

and here is the picture after i apply it on my lips !

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girly, fresh and cute, isn't it? 

The Fact about lip Tint:
beside you can apply on your lips..
it also works when you apply it as your blush on !
more natural and gorgeous looks!
no lie, even i hate pink.. but this product is the first korean product i really love it..
~ <3

What i love?
cute packaging, lovely color, and smelling so good..
fruit fragrance when you apply it so yummy .. love it !

What i hate?
so far until now, i love it this product..

How much this lip tint?
i don't know how much is this, because this actually birthday presents from my bestfriend..
her name is: Agustin/ Aming
or check her blogspot:
click here

Where you can purchase this?
 Etude House Store

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below.. 
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Friday, March 21, 2014

Joined Jennyfer Michiyo Giveaway x with Kiss Skincare indonesia and Pasjel Indonesia


Hello everyone ..
Jennyfer Michiyo come back again to make March giveaway..
and this giveaway open for Indonesia Residence only..
that means just only Indonesian who can join.
ah, feel so bad.. maybe next time jennyfer can make internationally giveaway :)..
the period for giveaway open until 17th April 2014

for March giveaway, Jennyfer Michiyo will pick three peoples as the winner..
i'm so extremely excited about this giveawaaaaay ! :D
do you know why?
because jennyfer collaboration with famous beauty market in Indonesia..
collaboration giveaway involve:

What is the Prizes for giveaway?
and the prizes are:
1. Pasjel Yellow ! from Pasjel Indonesia
2. Pasjel Purple ! from Pasjel Indonesia
3. Kiss 15ml ! from Kiss SkinCare Indonesia
4. Naked 3 ! from Jennyfer <3

Which Prizes i want for giveaway?
honestly all prizes for giveaway is so absolutely gorgeous ..
but i have to pick one..
and i want it so bad for NAKED 3...

Why I want NAKED 3 as Giveaway?
even i don't have much naked collection..
but i really falling in love with Naked 2..
the colour is so natural and match with my skin..
 photo 0db7d2df-0bc9-4268-88cc-9d0be54dc16e_zpscd99d471.jpg

and if i can get naked 3 from this giveaway, so i can add more my naked collection..
so i can collection naked 2 and naked 3.
and i will buy naked 1 to make my naked eyeshadow palette finally COMPLETE ! <3
ahh i wish i can win NAKED 3 .. :D that would made my day ..

How to Enter Giveaway?
click here
and make sure you are read carefully all the rules for giveaway..
so you can have bigger chance to win her lovely giveaway ! :D

Thank you for reading my blog !
and don't forget to join this giveaway ..
good luck everyone,

Clara xx

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Review: March Wishlist beauty product favorite ( collection)

March Wishlist
 Beauty Product favorite

hello everyone, i come back again to write something on my blog..
topic about today is March wishlist beauty product favorite..

start by randomly searching for the nice hair extension on youtube
and i found this video... really nice colour and also easy to use..
why im looking for hair extension?
because i wish i can have that hair extension to wear for my graduation this year :3 <3
but i have no idea which hair extension is good and also comfortable to wear on..

my honest personally opinion is:
i see there is still no a good hair clip market in Indonesia especially in Jakarta..
they just bring you higher price with no quality..
and thats so terrible...

so suddenly i start by surfing on
and falling in love with this hair clip <3

curly dark brown
or click here to see more detail about this product

my wishlist before my graduation this year is just one :') purchase that hair clip ..
to make my graduation more perfect and made my day..
looking gorgeous on my special day that only happen once in my life time :')

im crying over and over again everytime i see that hair..
i'm really craving get that hair clip ..
wavy hair and fit with my brown hair ...
really gorgeous..

What is
Hairtrade is the first choice for luxury hair extensions and beauty.
From 100% human hair extensions, to hair care, cosmetics and accessories, you can find everything you need to create the hottest look for you.

What is most important motto?
Money back guarantee and also price match guarantee..
Money back guarantee: if you are unsatisfied with their product, and you have complain by using their beauty product.. your money will back, because they want keep their quality service to the customers..
Price match guarantee: they will offering to you about beauty product that match with money in your pocket.. now, money is not issues again for women to be beautiful and looks gorgeous.. bring solution for your pocket and also your needs about being beauty..

Where i can check their officially website?
go on hurry up check their website by click the link below..
click here

Promotion, banner & Links:

Thank you for reading my blog!
good luck everyone ..

Clara xx

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Joined Lala's Wonderland Giveaway


Hello everyone ..
Lala's Wonderland come back again to make March giveaway..
and this giveaway open for INTERNATIONALLY..
that means so everyone can join.
and everyone no matter where you come from, have the same opportunities to win this awesome giveaway ..
the period for giveaway open until 20th April 2014

for March giveaway, Lala's wonderland will give us Etude House Magic Any Cushion as the prizes giveaway..
but just one winner who can get the prize .. :') *i think because she doesn't even mention about how many winner can win this lovely giveaway*

The items is of course brand new, and never used!

a lil bit sneak peak about Etude House Magic Any Cushion:
even i have never try it but so far from what i saw by read beauty blogger testimonial is positive about this product .. 

there is 3 variants for this product:
1. Magic Pink: for Pale Skin
2. Magic Mint: for covering redness 
3. Magic Peach: for brightening

and this is why it called with "any cushion"..
because you can refill it again without buy the new compact ..
such a nice and go green product..

and here is the picture more details..
i don't really like the texture by it seems .. haha 
(bubble and looks like pores sorry to saying this)
but actually,
after you apply and use with cushion actually it is creamy texture..
so honestly this is nice product if you apply it on your face ..

well, want get this etude house product for free?
hurry up go on check lala's wonderland for more information and details..
just straight open to her blog 

giveaway will be over on 20th April...
still 32 days left..  
(1 month and 2 days) still long enough tho! :p
so hurry up to join this giveaway and win this lovely etude house magic any cushion collection! :D

Read carefully about the term and condition for join with this giveaway..


Joined with
Lala's Wonderland Giveaway

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Joined With Beauty Appetite Giveaway Collaboration With MissLie-Collection


hallo cewek-cewek..
misslie-collection kembali lagi mengadakan giveaway dengan menggaet beauty blogger..
beauty blogger yang dimaksud adalah Jessica Jeanne Simon..

untuk giveaway bulan maret misslie-collection akan memberikan hadiah utamanya adalah BB cream..
hanya ada 2 pemenang di dalam giveaway kali ini..
pemenang pertama mendapatkan bb cream + voucher
and pemenang kedua mendapatkan produk sample + voucher..

giveaway dimulai dari tanggal 10 maret 2014 dan akan berakhir pada tanggal 10 may 2014. di catat baik-baik ya tanggalnya...
so, masih banyak waktunya..
yuk ikutan aja giveawaynya dari misslie-collection collaboration with beauty appetite sekarang..

Cara ikutan giveaway?
disana baca baik-baik ya tentang term and condition giveaway dari misslie-collection dan beauty appetite..

Website apa sih itu Misslie-Collection?
pertama sempet bingung sih mau beli kosmetik korea yang asli dan bukan abal-abal.. 
soalnya banyak banget sekarang customer yang tertipu beli kosmetik korea abal-abal...
tapi sebelum akhirnya berani beli kosmetik korea, ada baiknya sih untuk mampir ke tempatnya mbah google dulu..
disamping itu dilihat juga testimoni dari orang-orang yang beli kosmetik korea ditempat/website tersebut..
kalau tanggapan dari para customer yang beli kosmetik korea semua positif ditempat tersebut.. barulah, online shop tersebut aman untuk di order barangnya gan..

yang paling aku suka dari beli kosmetik korea di misslie-collection adalah bb cream etude dan etude house any cushion balm..
gengges banget ga tuh harganya, sangat reasonable dan tidak mahal ..
udah gitu barangnya bagus lagi.. 
no abal-abal kalau beli kosmetik korea ditempatnya misslie-collection ini..
disamping itu juga sudah banyak beauty blogger yang menjadi pelanggan setia beli kosmetik korea di tempat misslie-collection ini..
ga percaya?
langsung aja deh cek websitenya doi..


Mau contact Misslie-collection lebih lanjut untuk Beli kosmetik korea yang terpercaya?
langsung aja Beli Kosmetik korea -nya di kontak person misslie-collection dibawah ini..

Pin BB Mslie : 2B329D0C
Admin : 28AB3BEC
facebook : 
bisa order via bbm / web fb sms 

Mau Beli Kosmetik Korea Terpercaya?
Misslie-collection inilah tempatnya..


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