Sunday, November 20, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Miss Internet Indonesia .
My name is Maria Clara Novita K.
I really need your help ... really need your favor for this competition . :p
i am competing with other contestants from Indonesia.
the winner with the most votes in this round will represent Indonesia in the International Round.
so what you have to do now is very easy.
give me vote on my profile.
i need more visitors and more promotion and more help from everybody in this world . :p
i am now on 627 place with 2 votes in the may round of Miss Internet Indonesia.
at the moment, i need "only" 188 votes again to get among the top 10 contestants.
i have a great chance to win the local round and qualify into the international final around!!!
with love ,
My name is Maria Clara Novita K.
I really need your help ... really need your favor for this competition . :p
i am competing with other contestants from Indonesia.
the winner with the most votes in this round will represent Indonesia in the International Round.
so what you have to do now is very easy.
give me vote on my profile.
i need more visitors and more promotion and more help from everybody in this world . :p
i am now on 627 place with 2 votes in the may round of Miss Internet Indonesia.
at the moment, i need "only" 188 votes again to get among the top 10 contestants.
i have a great chance to win the local round and qualify into the international final around!!!
open the new tab and then copy paste this link below into the blank box : profile-5d8b9777e5a8020c
*sorry you cant automaticly click the link. (i dunno why).
you have to copy paste first this link into the new tab.
*sorry you cant automaticly click the link. (i dunno why).
you have to copy paste first this link into the new tab.
PS : First, find the page on the web that you want to link to. (A search engine might be useful.) Then, copy the web address from the box in your browser's address bar, and paste it into the box above.
11 days more the competition will be expire .. so hurry guys . :p
I dont want to beg and force all of you , feel free to visit me and vote me ..
I really appreciate people who give me vote and visit my account ..
Thank you before and help me to be a Winner in this round . :)
miss internet,
voting for me
Friday, April 8, 2011
Broken hearted quotes
hey ya !! it's been so long that i haven't write something on my blog ..
now here i am, i have to study hard for my mid test for this month , sigh ! its kinda exhausted.
maybe im gonna write something on my blog ..
music is very inspired me , thats why i wanna write them down ..
when u have something can't explain , but music can talk..
world without music , just like living in the world with no air ..
just read below , and you will find the good quotes i take from the good song inspired me a lots .
have you ever love somebody so much ? -Eminem-
Good bye my almost lover , good bye my hope less dream. -Alison Sudol-
I was thinking about her
Thinking bout me
Thinkin bout us (us)
What we gunna be?
Open my eyes, (Yeah)
it was only just a dream... -Nelly-
Everybody hurts, sometimes - The Cors-
Your love is my drug - Ke$ha-
How about i'll be nothing, nothing at all to you - Beyonce-
Maybe our relationship
Isn't as crazy as it seems - Eminem feat Rihanna-
How do you feel, thats the question
but i forget you don't expected an easy answer .. - Stone Sour-
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same - Bruno Mars-
You make me Crazier - Taylor Swift-
If i could turn back time , i'll go wherever you will go. -The Calling-
You are the reason that i breath ,
You are the reason that i still believe - Pussy cat dolls-
By : @ClaraNovK
now here i am, i have to study hard for my mid test for this month , sigh ! its kinda exhausted.
maybe im gonna write something on my blog ..
music is very inspired me , thats why i wanna write them down ..
when u have something can't explain , but music can talk..
world without music , just like living in the world with no air ..
just read below , and you will find the good quotes i take from the good song inspired me a lots .
have you ever love somebody so much ? -Eminem-
Good bye my almost lover , good bye my hope less dream. -Alison Sudol-
I was thinking about her
Thinking bout me
Thinkin bout us (us)
What we gunna be?
Open my eyes, (Yeah)
it was only just a dream... -Nelly-
Everybody hurts, sometimes - The Cors-
Your love is my drug - Ke$ha-
How about i'll be nothing, nothing at all to you - Beyonce-
Maybe our relationship
Isn't as crazy as it seems - Eminem feat Rihanna-
How do you feel, thats the question
but i forget you don't expected an easy answer .. - Stone Sour-
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same - Bruno Mars-
You make me Crazier - Taylor Swift-
If i could turn back time , i'll go wherever you will go. -The Calling-
You are the reason that i breath ,
You are the reason that i still believe - Pussy cat dolls-
By : @ClaraNovK
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
I hate being fool in front of you .
This is not your fault being very rationalist and smart person .
sorry i can not be the perfect like u want .
we are experts in our respective job.
do u ever had the same experienced with me readers ? :( i am speechless .
what should i do ? :P
i love music , but u are not . music is my life , i love sing , but u are not .
i am not politician , i do not love politic news , that is not means i do not care with politic , but i just feel that very boring topic we are talking .
sorry . i do really sorry
Woman are thinking with their right brain , you know what is Right brain exactly ??
that is means woman are very touching , sensitive , and 99% use their emotional for every case they have .
and Man are thinking with their left brain , you know awhat is left brain exactly ??
that is means men are very rationalist and logical person . so that is why they can be very seriously one or become a beast when they are thinking and talking .
i am very speechless talking with the rationalist man , i do not why . XD
i do not mean that woman cant be the rationalist person , but we are just different with man . -..-"
i cant explain about this one . errr
i do not give up for my weakness , no more .
"ill show ya" opps . :P
if your type of the girl is rationalist woman ? ok man , i will do that .
i am try to impressed you by now ! ..
i take this as a feedback to be a better person . :)
Love is just not enough talking about the feeling, sacrifice and hurting . that is just happening in the movie -..-" LOL . i do understand now ...
i have to be the a better person for him ..
to be continue ..
sorry i can not be the perfect like u want .
we are experts in our respective job.
do u ever had the same experienced with me readers ? :( i am speechless .
what should i do ? :P
i love music , but u are not . music is my life , i love sing , but u are not .
i am not politician , i do not love politic news , that is not means i do not care with politic , but i just feel that very boring topic we are talking .
sorry . i do really sorry
Woman are thinking with their right brain , you know what is Right brain exactly ??
that is means woman are very touching , sensitive , and 99% use their emotional for every case they have .
and Man are thinking with their left brain , you know awhat is left brain exactly ??
that is means men are very rationalist and logical person . so that is why they can be very seriously one or become a beast when they are thinking and talking .
i am very speechless talking with the rationalist man , i do not why . XD
i do not mean that woman cant be the rationalist person , but we are just different with man . -..-"
i cant explain about this one . errr
i do not give up for my weakness , no more .
"ill show ya" opps . :P
if your type of the girl is rationalist woman ? ok man , i will do that .
i am try to impressed you by now ! ..
Better late than never
i take this as a feedback to be a better person . :)
Love is just not enough talking about the feeling, sacrifice and hurting . that is just happening in the movie -..-" LOL . i do understand now ...
i have to be the a better person for him ..
to be continue ..
ex bf,
long distance relationship,
Move on,
stupid teenagers
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
hey , remember the last post in my blog . :P ... its over now between us , no more hurting , no more lie , no more breaking . :) .
if u see my post on January , this month is talking about him . :P
the problem start on 1 january and case close end on 31 january .. only one month .. so fast , but thats hurting me badly . XD
i have no idea , wat im gonna talking about on this blog .
i just wanna tell you , i am happy . :D no more pain i keep inside .
but now the problem is , i feel so ashamed every time i read back my blog -...-"
thats really bad . :p why i should doubt in him ? he is very nice guy i ever met . :)
for every girl in this world ! dont give up for ur love . :P
no one knows , if he is ur next husband . :p just try it , and never give up ..
even this is very impossible for you . i tell you now , nothing is impossible . :D
even though today i cant touch him , i wish someday i can do that . :)
wipe his tears when he feels so sad , make him smile when he feel so suffer , and make he falling in love with me . :p oops . XD ahhaah i cant force that feeling , the feeling come naturally . :)
wait my next post ok . :) .... keep smile readers
@ClaraNovK * i wish i can change my user name on twitter @ClaraVeerhuis or @Mrs.Veerhuis . oopps again :P. *
if u see my post on January , this month is talking about him . :P
the problem start on 1 january and case close end on 31 january .. only one month .. so fast , but thats hurting me badly . XD
i have no idea , wat im gonna talking about on this blog .
i just wanna tell you , i am happy . :D no more pain i keep inside .
but now the problem is , i feel so ashamed every time i read back my blog -...-"
thats really bad . :p why i should doubt in him ? he is very nice guy i ever met . :)
for every girl in this world ! dont give up for ur love . :P
no one knows , if he is ur next husband . :p just try it , and never give up ..
even this is very impossible for you . i tell you now , nothing is impossible . :D
even though today i cant touch him , i wish someday i can do that . :)
wipe his tears when he feels so sad , make him smile when he feel so suffer , and make he falling in love with me . :p oops . XD ahhaah i cant force that feeling , the feeling come naturally . :)
wait my next post ok . :) .... keep smile readers
@ClaraNovK * i wish i can change my user name on twitter @ClaraVeerhuis or @Mrs.Veerhuis . oopps again :P. *
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
i am so sorry before , if u cant understand what i am talking about. ahhaah because my english are not good enough so . i am so sorry . ;P i do my best and just wanna share about my love story ....
i was born in Indonesia , and i am asian girl , but i dont really interest with asian guy . ok , honestly i ever falling in love with few asian guy . but i can feel that feeling stronger than usually when i falling in love with western guy. they are just amazing and perfect in my eyes. every word they are telling me , make my heart melting and jumping. and most of the western guy smart and very rationality . i love the way they are thinking and arguing.
so what i am going to do are, looking for the western guy by facebook , hi5 and anything else on network society . easier i can meet him just by using internet. just click the type of the guy u want it and then *tring* . he is already in front of you by web cam.
What do you think about cyber dating? or chatting with somebody else by msn or ym ? and then you are falling in love with that guy . is that normally ? or crazy thing? i tell you once again , this one posting note just for the ordinary people who are really love with western guy , so they are searching up from facebook , hi5 , and the other else network society.
i was born in Indonesia , and i am asian girl , but i dont really interest with asian guy . ok , honestly i ever falling in love with few asian guy . but i can feel that feeling stronger than usually when i falling in love with western guy. they are just amazing and perfect in my eyes. every word they are telling me , make my heart melting and jumping. and most of the western guy smart and very rationality . i love the way they are thinking and arguing.
so what i am going to do are, looking for the western guy by facebook , hi5 and anything else on network society . easier i can meet him just by using internet. just click the type of the guy u want it and then *tring* . he is already in front of you by web cam.
What do you think about cyber dating? or chatting with somebody else by msn or ym ? and then you are falling in love with that guy . is that normally ? or crazy thing? i tell you once again , this one posting note just for the ordinary people who are really love with western guy , so they are searching up from facebook , hi5 , and the other else network society.
do u ever feel he (i mean the guy u meet on social network) act like hiding something behind you? u dont even know if he wanna tell you a lie , because you are live so far away from him. u cant take any control about him. he can do anything he wants to do with his friends, family and even his crush.
he ever told you that he loves you so much but we are cant be together forever. is he tell you the truth ? i dont think so , may be he just want to make you happy for a while , what's going on the next ? you cant trust him anymore , because everything he told that was a bullshit.
By this day , i know the answer is , start to searching any information by Mr. Google i guess. because that's so helping me so much. just typing his name on the box . example : Who is Maria Clara Novita Kusumahati? and click ENTER . and you know what's going then ? every information i need , Mr. Google can give me.
use your logical , if u meet that guy by internet or cyber. so u also can get more information about him by Google-ing too . i get so much information from there. but after you know the truth about him , dont be sad, cheer it up . what must to do after you know about him ?
ok , this is all talk about my love story , nothing special about this post. but for me you are the special part in my heart . i wish i could tell him what i am feeling . because i cant stand by this situation forever . i dont wanna feel hurting or sick because of him.ask HIM !!!! and beg him to tell you the truth ! .. and after that , case closed ? i dont think so . but thats help you a bit to fixing your heart :) i tell you once again !!!!! and reading very carefully --> don't be sad , just because you know the truth . this is life and u have to survive from any trouble and problem come to you .
this is all my fault , and not him. because i am really curious about him. so i am searching on GOOGLE. and now i got the information about him , but after that i am so sad now to know that truth .
someone told me, his name Mick Simon Klaas Ferwerda:
to be honest
I think
he sees you more as a friend
a far friend
or a flirt
from far
nothing serious
if he would live there or you here
it may have been different
I think
he sees you more as a friend
a far friend
or a flirt
from far
nothing serious
if he would live there or you here
it may have been different
but you have to be realistic Clara
the problem is
you arent seeing it as a flirt
you are really in love with him
thats bad girl
thats really bad
he is to far away
you should have kept it on a low level, a possible love / A far flirt.. adn then it might have grown further if you really wanted to see eachother
it can still change if you 2 meet
you arent seeing it as a flirt
you are really in love with him
thats bad girl
thats really bad
he is to far away
you should have kept it on a low level, a possible love / A far flirt.. adn then it might have grown further if you really wanted to see eachother
it can still change if you 2 meet
its not his fault neither its yours
its the distance
he is keeping his options open
if he was focusing on you, a girl thats far away, he risks of breaking his heart
cause he cant go
and he has to live with that feeling the whole time
meanwhile he sees if there are other girls of his interests
thats how nature works
I love jonna so much.. but I shouldnt.. cause it hurts me everyday
cause I just cant be with her.. smell her hair... touch her..
so thats the main reason but.. I think he at least should tell you the truth
its the distance
he is keeping his options open
if he was focusing on you, a girl thats far away, he risks of breaking his heart
cause he cant go
and he has to live with that feeling the whole time
meanwhile he sees if there are other girls of his interests
thats how nature works
I love jonna so much.. but I shouldnt.. cause it hurts me everyday
cause I just cant be with her.. smell her hair... touch her..
so thats the main reason but.. I think he at least should tell you the truth
who is your husband in the future ?
Hello , do you ever worry about your future ? who are you in 10 years later ? and What is kind of job you have in the future ? and so do i ... That's question always in my head , in my dreams , and in my mind. i need to figure out that question. ok That's not very big problem in my head , but the real problem for me is that talking about "who i my husband in the future". u can laugh if u want , but i am seriously arguing about this. this is not joke and whatever u call it.
i am almost 19 years old and i am getting bigger and bigger everyday . what exactly i am looking for ? in the fact until now i never in relationship with any guy in the world . yadda . and how about u the reader ? i hope u are not have the same experience like me . :p
If i wanna have boyfriend or crush or dating friend actually i can make it, but the problem is the guy who love me , they are not my type -..-" .. i love WESTERN GUY especially Europe man . :p they are just so amazing in my eyes .. very very different in my eyes . :( any body can help me ? :p
i have so many many western friends , but just the only one very special in my heart ! :p he is ........... *i dont wanna tell his name* sorry . :p just call him Bread eater. i want to attach his picture in this post but i think i cant do that , i am affraid he is getting mad at me . :P
He is come from Holland . :D i love his eyes , his voice , and everything about him . god damn ! he knows that i love him . but i dunno what is the responds from him .. i think he doesn't love me back . he already has Girl friend , i saw it from his facebook . :( but when i ask him about that relationship is that true or not , he answered " thats kinda joke, not the seriously one".
What ? that's JOKE ? the worst Joke i ever heard . am i right reader ? why he doesn't want tell me the truth , so i don't really expecting about his love . :( because i am CRAZY , so i love him . i am never touch him , hug him and smell his body .i just WEB CAM with him and heard his voice . :( if u ask me "why do you love him ? " i cant answer the question because i just dont know the right answer.
To be continued ....
i am almost 19 years old and i am getting bigger and bigger everyday . what exactly i am looking for ? in the fact until now i never in relationship with any guy in the world . yadda . and how about u the reader ? i hope u are not have the same experience like me . :p
If i wanna have boyfriend or crush or dating friend actually i can make it, but the problem is the guy who love me , they are not my type -..-" .. i love WESTERN GUY especially Europe man . :p they are just so amazing in my eyes .. very very different in my eyes . :( any body can help me ? :p
i have so many many western friends , but just the only one very special in my heart ! :p he is ........... *i dont wanna tell his name* sorry . :p just call him Bread eater. i want to attach his picture in this post but i think i cant do that , i am affraid he is getting mad at me . :P
He is come from Holland . :D i love his eyes , his voice , and everything about him . god damn ! he knows that i love him . but i dunno what is the responds from him .. i think he doesn't love me back . he already has Girl friend , i saw it from his facebook . :( but when i ask him about that relationship is that true or not , he answered " thats kinda joke, not the seriously one".
What ? that's JOKE ? the worst Joke i ever heard . am i right reader ? why he doesn't want tell me the truth , so i don't really expecting about his love . :( because i am CRAZY , so i love him . i am never touch him , hug him and smell his body .i just WEB CAM with him and heard his voice . :( if u ask me "why do you love him ? " i cant answer the question because i just dont know the right answer.
To be continued ....
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