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Wednesday, May 21, 2014



Apa sih itu Casshan?
Casshan adalah serial anime/tokusatsu yang terkenal di Jepang..
atau sering disebut juga sebagai Casshern..
dibuat oleh suatu tv swasta jepang yang bernama Tatsunoko Production..
dan ditayangkan pertama kali pada tanggal 2 oktober 1973..
Scriptnya dibuat oleh Jinzo Toriumi..
Directornya adalah Hiroshi Sasagawa..

super hero ganteng ini tidak bekerja sendirian karena ada partner wanita (sebut saja pacarnya) yang bersedia untuk menemani kemana pun casshan pergi..
ciye, robot aja punya pacar, masa kamu engga? hahahha *maaf intermezo sedikit*
nama asli dari casshan adalah Tetsuya.
dan nama pacarnya Tetsuya adalah Luna..
Tetsuya juga punya anjing peliharan tetapi robot, bernama Friender..

Bagaimana sih ceritanya?
Episode 1 Casshan..
The Immortal Challenger..

bermula dari kejadian cuaca buruk yang terjadi di sekitaran kastil malam itu..
burung angsa robot buatan prof pun sampai lari terbirit-birit mendengar suara petir yang menggelegar..
dan tiba-tiba saja ada petir yang menyambar masuk ke dalam kastil..
petir itu mengenai aluran listrik yang mengalir ke dalam robot-robot buatan profesor.
sehingga membuat robot tersebut terbangun, padahal robot tersebut belum terbentuk dengan sempurna..
robot tersebut menjadi jahat dan kejam sehingga mengancam kedamaian manusia yang ada dibumi.

Robot untuk membersihkan polusi yang dikembangkan leh Prof. Azuma, mendadak berubah menjadi sombong akibat tersengat petir, sehingga mulai berfikir untuk membersihkan manusia yang dianggap menciptakan polusi, dan memulai misi pemusnahan manusia.

robot tersebut yakni Braiking Boss, berhasil menciptakan pasukan Andro, dan mulai menyerang kota dan kampung tanpa pandang bulu. putra dari Prof. Azuma yaitu Tetsuya, melihat sosok ayahnya yang sedang sedih dan bingung, sehingga untuk mengembalikan nama baik ayahnya maka ia memutuskan untuk menjadi robot manusia (neo roider) yang sedang dalam penelitian.

tetsuya membuang kehidupannya sebagai manusia, dan menjadi neo robot manusia (shinzo ningen) casshern, kemudian melawan pasukan andro bersama dengan kekasihnya Luna dan anjing robot sahabatnya Friender. jadi, apakah casshern akan berhasil mengembalikan masa depan manusia seperti sedia kala?

ini dia tokoh utama dari Casshan..

mau tau lanjutan keseruan ceritanya dari Casshan?
saksikan kisah selanjutnya hanya di WAKUWAKU JAPAN TV..
aksinya selalu ditunggu-tunggu karena adegan disetiap episodenya kayak gado-gado..
ada menegangkannya, sweet-nya, keren pokoknya lah..
jangan sampai ketinggalan ya..

Jadwal Tayang Mulai?
Sabtu, 1 Maret 2014

Jadwal Harian?
Sabtu & Minggu Pukul 8.00-8.30

Jadwal Tayang Ulang?
1. Sabtu & Minggu Pukul 16.00-16.30
2. Minggu Pukul 6.00-6.30

Dimana Channelnya?
hanya bisa di tonton untuk para pelanggan Indovision atau Okevision..
yuk, buruan berlangganan channelnya..
biar bisa menyaksikan Casshan sepuasnya..
jangan sampai kelewatan ya! :D

Bagaimana Cara Berlangganan TV Cable Indovision dan Okevision?
dibawah ini adalah paket channel TV yang ditawarkan oleh indovision dan okevision..
Indovision: klik disini
Okevision: klik disini


Nama KlienSKY Perfect JSAT Corporation

berpartisipasi dalam WAKUWAKU JAPAN[7]

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sponsorship Program From Belle Beautify Online Shop

Sponsorship Program
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello guys i'm come back again with telling you very good news!
this is not sponsorship for school or degree..
but for beauty bloggers it must be very interesting information for you to know..

until 20 may 2014, Belle beautify open sponsorship program collaboration with beauty bloggers..
she will picked one person obviously will be the lucky one get free beauty product from Belle Beautify..
Belle Beautify most of all product is about Korean..

and belle beautify sells few branded product from korean..
involved: Etude house, skinfood, too cool for school, peripera, innisfree, holika-holika dan the face shop..
soo great brand product from korea!
*my mouth is watering now*

and why i'm interesting with this sponsorship program?
because i want to help belle beautify to promotion her online shop..
and i love to make a review about beauty product..
the passionate i have with this sponsorship is one commitment walking together..
i love makeup and belle beautify provide to support my passion with sponsorship program..
this is such a great and incredible opportunities i have..
so with open warm hand i'm very welcome if belle beautify want to collaboration with me..
really big wish she wants to pick me :D

How to contact with Belle Beautify further?
Blog: Click Here
Instagram: Click Here
Facebook: Click Here

so, i think thats all about my information..
let me know what you think..
please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

Friday, May 9, 2014



Apa sih itu Lulu & Lolo Tiny Twin Bears?
Lulu & Lolo Tiny Twin Bears adalah serial anime/tokusatsu yang terkenal di Jepang.
dibuat oleh suatu tv swasta jepang yang bernama Bandai/ Lulu Lolo Project..
Lulu & Lolo adalah beruang kembar kecil.
berjenis kelamin perempuan yang sangat lucu dan menggemaskan..
diusianya mereka yang terbilang muda, mereka sering kali juga turut membantu dalam menyelesaikan kegiatan orang dewasa...

seperti membantu dalam memasak, menjaga rumah dan juga membersihkan rumah.
tapi sebaiknya ini ditonton oleh anak usia 4-7 tahun..
karena bisa meningkatkan inisiatif anak dari usia sedini mungkin untuk membantu orang tua dirumah..
orang yang berusia 17 tahun keatas, sah sah saja sih ikut menonton...
tapi usia yang baik untuk dianjurkan adalah kisaran 4-7 tahun..

Bagaimana sih ceritanya?
Episode 2 Lulu & Lolo Tiny Twin Bears..
saatnya Lulu & Lolo berkebun menanam bunga dihalaman rumah

bermula dari kejadian nenek dari Lulu & Lolo memberikan benih tanaman bunga untuk ditabur..
nenek lulu & lolo berniatan untuk mengajarkan cara berkebun kepada mereka.
mulai dari menggali tanah, menanam benih, memberikan pupuk, sampai juga menyiram tanaman..
nenek lulu & lolo hanya memberikan perintah saja, tetapi kedua beruang kembar tersebut yang melaksanakan tugasnya.

berlatar disebuah desa, dua orang adik-kakak perempuan kembar yang bernama Lulu & Lolo mencoba berbagai tantangan pekerjaan baru setiap harinya seperti mencuci, membersihkan kamar mandi, merawat bayi dan sebagainya yang menurut orang dewasa adalah hal yang kecil. tapi adalah sebuah misi besar bagi Lulu & Lulu untuk menyelesaikan tugas orang dewasa tersebut karena Lulu & Lolo masih anak-anak.

kadang-kadang, ada kalanya mereka menangis di atas kegagalannya, akan tetapi berkat kue yang selalu diberikan oleh nenek yang baik hati mengembalikan semangat mereka lagi. jadi selamat menantikan kegiatan Lulu & Lolo yah..

ini dia tokoh Lulu & Lolo Tiny Twin Bears..

mau tau lanjutan keseruan ceritanya dari Lulu & Lolo Tiny Twin Bears?
saksikan kisah selanjutnya hanya di WAKUWAKU JAPAN TV.
.karakternya sangat lucu dan menggemaskan..
unyu-unyu banget ya ini si beruang kecil Lulu & Lolo..
ayo buruan nonton jangan mau ketinggalan setiap episodenya..

Jadwal Tayang Mulai?
Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

Jadwal Harian?
Senin-Sabtu Pukul 7.15-7.30

Jadwal Tayang Ulang?
1. Senin-Sabtu Pukul 9.15-9.30
2. Selasa-Sabtu Pukul 15.15-15.30

Dimana Channelnya?
hanya bisa di tonton untuk para pelanggan Indovision atau Okevision..
yuk, buruan berlangganan channelnya..
biar bisa menyaksikan Lulu & Lolo Tiny Twin Bears sepuasnya..
jangan sampai kelewatan ya! :D

Bagaimana Cara Berlangganan TV Cable Indovision dan Okevision?
dibawah ini adalah paket channel TV yang ditawarkan oleh indovision dan okevision..
Indovision: klik disini
Okevision: klik disini


Nama KlienSKY Perfect JSAT Corporation

berpartisipasi dalam WAKUWAKU JAPAN[6]

Monday, May 5, 2014

EVENT REPORT: Launching Cosmekita with Beauty Bloggers and Vendor

Event Report:
Launching Cosmekita
With Beauty Bloggers and Vendor

Sponsored by Cosmekita

By the date on 27 April 2014,
Placed in the Akmani Hotel Wahid Hasyim. The event start on 1pm - 4pm..
Cosmekita Launching Premier open event to celebrate their new website promotion about beauty product shopping online..
Cosmekita Invitation and Flyer <3

Cosmekita hold their expert beauty from Japan and Indonesia Makeup Artist International.. Beauty experts came and shared about beauty tips and trick.. and also how to make simple hair do for Indonesian girls..
and also invited 50 beauty bloggers and vendor who is having collaboration working with Cosmekita..


What is Cosmekita?
Cosmekita is beauty community website which having collaboration with bloggers, readers/ users, online shop and vendor. The aim from cosmekita is to building community having connection one and the others, make it easy to all users to find out about product, review, and even online shop. so let's together spread this community and giving information to others with cosmekita concept: CREATE. BEAUTY. TOGETHER.

How was the event going?
1. Lunch
so before we start the event, we having lunch first.. ahhh its so great, because im so hungry and i could eat a horse.. so many cuisine place on plate..  most of all Indonesian cuisine.. <3

and so salad complete the lunch break...

beauty bloggers having lunch

2. Opening
we are so full now.. and then we back to the ballroom to start the event..
this is what im waiting for.. finally! <3


cosmekita invitation so cute and adorable for sure!

opening start it by the master of ceremony or A.K.A MC..
and then continue with Ms. Kamila who is the owner of Cosmekita Website.. 
and another speech from Mr. Kenny about explanation more details Cosmekita Website..
and video from Ms. Sanny lie who is cant joined with us with one and another reason..
so she is just made the video which we can watch at the event...

 Ballroom Akmani Hotel 

3. Makeup tutorial and hair do by Beauty Expert
and the next event, we continue with makeup tutorial and hair do by beauty expert..
or you can call it as workshop beauty makeup class..
Cosmekita invited beauty expert from indonesia and also japan..
they are Olga, Mr. yamano and mr. yazawa..
Makeup Artist From Japan: Mr. Yamano Mitsuo and Mr. Yazawa Shoichi
Makeup Artist From Indonesia: Olga Agradia D.

first olga agradia open the beauty demo in front of the public..
she is taught us how to make a beautiful eyebrows and also another beauty tips for beauty bloggers..
its so great tips from her..
and also olga is working at Anastasia Beverly Hills as a makeup artist..
so cool !!! :(

after olga agradia finished her demo!
and then we got another beauty expert from japan!
FYI: as long the event start it, they are not talking in english.. but talking with japanese T..T
and mr. kenny translated that.. haha

there is rini as the model here.. so cute <3
rini is also beauty bloggers :)

what is these bottles?
this is bottle is the most famous hair shampoo and treatment from japan..
with the good quality always sold out in japan..

After mr. yamano and mr. yazawa done with makeover the models..
they are standing around the beauty bloggers closer..
to showing off their works

as you can see over there, there is gold tatoo shining from the models..
they said its made by 100% gold..
and easy to apply it..
and once again it most popular tatoo at japan..
but i still surprised it made by 100% pure gold :o
i cant imagine how much does it cost..
its really must be very expensive...
they are not even mentioned the price..

Aurum Gold Jewelry

More details about the picture

Flyer Aurum

4. Door prized and Grand prized announcement
and by the end of event, cosmekita having a grand prized.. thats samsung note 8..
ah what a pity they are not picked my number ..
but its ok, maybe another chance i will get it from cosmekita.. ^^

5. Closing
 so sad we must go home.. but we still connected each others on cosmekita officially website.

6. Goodie bag time!
absolutely crowded and long line queue..
everybody so happy and open theirs one by one..
and so do i.. :p
it's so amazing event and opportunity can joined with Cosmekita Launching Party Event..
sooooo lovely ! 

Captured by Cosmekita..
My OOTD: Blue and red jeans with the long dark hair..
candid so natural... :p

How to contact Cosmekita Further?
Cosmekita Website: Click Here
Cosmekita Google+ : Click Here
Cosmekita Twitter: Click Here
Cosmekita Fanpage: Click Here
Cosmekita Instagram: Click Here
Cosmkeita Email:
Cosmekita Line: ask.cosmekita

Create. Beauty. Together.

and before we go home..
Cosmekita with generous gave us the gift thanks for us ..
look at those cute little baby..
girls, you are gonna jealous for this ..
hahaha :3

Handed Gift From Cosmekita

and soon or later i will and must make the review all this beauty product..
so stay tuned on my blog!
you wont regret it .. :) <3

My Last Word:
Congratulation for Launching Premier Website Cosmekita..
for the experienced and also learning from the expert make up artist international ..
KEEP IT ON guys to make all the girls over the world beautiful..
keep it up your work crew team from Cosmekita.. stay together! together we can do!!
I'm so happy and so proud being the part of this COSMEKITA event ! :)

so what do you guys think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion.. :)

good luck everyone!


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Review: Milani Secret Cover Concealer Cream

Milani Secret Cover
Concealer Cream
Number 07: Natural Beige
By: @ClaraNovk

Hello everyone,
today i'm gonna review about Concealer Cream..
oil free with maximum coverage..
which the concealer cream completely covers & perfects all types of skin discolorations..
instantly conceals blemishes, scars, dark under-eye circles and age spots..

Here is the product:
Cream Concealer Milani Product

Milani Secret Cover Front

Milani Secret Cover Behind

More details picture about Milani Secret Cover..

Elegant Design from Milani

Details about the concealer

and here is the swatches!

Milani Secret Cover Natural Beige

Rub on my finger

Swatches Milani Secret Cover

and here is the picture after i apply it on my face!

Applied Milani Secret Cover 

and here is my Final Looks!

Final Looks!

The Fact about Milani Secret Cover:
its bring your 4 solutions in 1...
1. oil free
2. fragrance free
3. waterproof
4. Long wearing
~ <3

What i love?
high class packaging with gold design...
and bring your flawless final looks..
love it !

What i hate?
so far until now, i love it this product..

How much does it cost?
I dunno how much exact does it cost this product..
because as you know this is sponsorship review..
maybe it around 4.99 USD
but my estimation it supposed to be cost arround 50-65 IDR
good price, with good quality..

Where you can purchase this?
Cosmekita officially website..
you can check here ---->

How to contact Cosmekita Further?
Cosmekita Website: Click Here
Cosmekita Google+ : Click Here
Cosmekita Twitter: Click Here
Cosmekita Fanpage: Click Here
Cosmekita Instagram: Click Here
Cosmkeita Email:
Cosmekita Line: ask.cosmekita

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below.. 
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Review: MaxFactor 2000 Calorie Waterproof Volume

MaxFactor 2000 Calorie
Waterproof Volume
By: @ClaraNovk

Hello everyone,
today i'm gonna review about Waterproof Mascara from MaxFactor..
it's really dramatic, and give more volume on your eyelashes..
and really easy to applied on..
bring your makeup looks more sexy and bold!

Here is the product:
Black Mascara

MaxFactor 2000 
Calorie Waterproof Volume

Product Design more details!

MaxFactor Mascara

Details MaxFactor 2000
Calorie Waterproof Volume

and here is the swatches!

Swatches MaxFactor 2000 
Calorie Waterproof Volume

After i pour with water..
it stay!

and here is the picture after i apply it on my eyelashes!

Applied MaxFactor 2000 
Calorie Waterproof Volume

and final looks!

Final Looks

The Fact about MaxFactor 2000 Calorie:
2000 calorie mascara's body building formula fattens
even the thinnest of lashes for a thick and dramatic look.
with up to 300% more volume. it stays touch proof and smudge proof...
~ <3

Bring you 12 soluntion in 1..
suitable for:
longlasting, waterproof, volume, thickening, smudge resistant, plumping, dramatic, liquid, day-time, dramatic, iconic look, and wedding..

What i love?
its waterproof and make your eye makeup looks stay last longer..
and it doesn't smudge at all!! its so absolutely amazing.
and thick black color bring dramatic makeup looks into my eyes..
love it !

What i hate?
so far until now, i love it this product..

How much does it cost?
i dunno how much exact does it cost this product..
because as you know this is sponsorship review..
but my estimation it supposed to be cost arround 80k-110k IDR
good price, with good quality..

Where you can purchase this?
Cosmekita officially website..
you can check here ---->

How to contact Cosmekita Further?
Cosmekita Website: Click Here
Cosmekita Google+ : Click Here
Cosmekita Twitter: Click Here
Cosmekita Fanpage: Click Here
Cosmekita Instagram: Click Here
Cosmkeita Email:
Cosmekita Line: ask.cosmekita

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below.. 
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx
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