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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Event Report: Bring Back The Moisture of Your Beautiful Skin during Ramadan with DOVE x Beauty Journal at JS Luwansa Hotel Jakarta

Event Report: 
Bring Back The Moisture of Your Beautiful Skin during Ramadan with DOVE x Beauty Journal
at JS Luwansa Hotel Jakarta
By:@ ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
Pada hari Jumat, 16 Juni 2017 yang lalu aku di undang oleh Sociolla untuk menghadiri acara Buka Bersama.
Acara buka bersama tersebut bersamaan juga dengan launching product Dove yang bertempat di JS Luwansa Hotel Jakarta.
Excited dan juga senang bisa menjadi bagian dari acara Dove dan Sociolla ini.

Acara buka bersama ini dihadiri oleh bloggers dan juga media.
Acara Launching product terbaru oleh Dove ini dibagi menjadi 2 sesi.
Untuk acara sesi pertama diperuntukan kepada Media dan untuk sesi yang kedua untuk blogger.
Konsep dari acara Dove ini bertemakan Putih dan Biru, sesuai dengan warna dari product Dove.

Masuk kebagian sesi acara, serangkaian acara sudah dipersiapkan oleh pihak Dove dan Beauty Journal.
Ada 3 pakar yang dihadirkan kedalam acara ini, sangat membuka wawasan kita akan dunia kecantikan khususnya untuk masalah kulit.

If you curious about my post.
Please read more on my post below..
Enjoy! <3

Dove Event 
di JS Luwansa Hotel Jakarta

Aku datang on time, karena acara-nya akan dimulai jam setengah 4 sore.
Tetapi begitu sampai di Ballroom JS Luwansa Hotel, ternyata masih sepi banget dan belum bisa masuk ke dalam ballroom-nya.
Karena Sesi pertama adalah untuk Media, dan Blogger kebagian di sesi keduanya.

Outside Ballroom

Registration Table

Skin Moisture Test

Setelah Dipakaikan Facial Cleanser Dari Dove
Kelembaban Kulit-mu Meningkat Menjadi 99.99%

Gentle Foam Demo

Foam-nya Lembut

Dove Facial Cleanser Ini Busanya Berlimpah

Ballroom Situation

Red Carpet ala Dove :p

Jadi sekitar jam setengah 5 sore, bloggers baru bisa masuk kedalam ballroom untuk sesi 2.
Tempatnya sangat nyaman dan terkesan mewah.
Banyak topik yang dibahas di dalam sesi ke 2 bersama blogger ini.
Cukup menambah wawasan baru, bukan melulu soal makeup tetapi kali ini mengenai kesehatan kulit.

Tetapi aku ga bisa mengikuti full acara-nya, karena harus kembali lagi ke kantor.
Memenuhi panggilan si Bos.
Beginilah kehidupan saya, antara kebutuhan dan hobby untuk menulis sebagai blogger harus dijalani setiap harinya.. *curhat*

Saat berpuasa, kulit kering lebih mudah terjadi jika tubuh kekurangan asupan air. 
Kulit kering saat berpuasa merupakan hal yang sering dialami banyak orang. Khususnya bagi wanita, perawatan kulit sangat diperhatikan sekali dari ujung kepala sampai ujung kaki. 
Kekurangan asupan air saat berpuasa, ini akan menyebabkan tubuh kekurangan nutrisi. Rawatlah kelembaban kulitmu dengan product terbaru dari Dove. Karena hanya Dove yang mengerti kecantikan kulitku. Aku cuman percaya sama Dove. ❤

Sering kali puasa dikaitkan dengan kulit kering dan kusam karena adanya dehidrasi pada tubuh. Dampak kulit kering dan kusam pun dapat membuat penampilan Anda menjadi kurang menarik. Jangan sampai kulit kering saat bulan puasa. Persiapkan cantik-mu dari luar maupun dalam bersama Dove. 

Stage Talkshow

Inside Ballroom

Ms. Mira
From Beauty Journal

Event Opening By MC

Opening By Ms. Mira
From Beauty Journal

During The Opening

Speakers From Dove

Review The New Product From Dove

Great Talkshow With The Expert

Launching Product
Facial Cleanser From Dove

Dove mengeluarkan 3 variants terbaru untuk menjaga kelembaban kulit-mu setiap hari.
Yang terdiri dari:
Biru: Beauty Moisture
Pink: Inner Glow
Hijau: Deep Pure

Jujur aku penasaran banget sama 3 in 1 makeup removing dari Dove.
Karena jenis makeup removing yang di semprotkan dan berupa foam belum ada di Indonesia.
Dan sepertinya bagus serta efektif untuk mengangkat noda membandel di wajah.
Apalagi sisa-sisa makeup yang yang menumpuk di kulit kalau tidak bersih mencuci mukanya akan menjadi jerawat.

Balik lagi ke facial cleanser dari Dove ini, sangat berguna untuk menjaga kelembaban kulit wajahmu selama puasa.
Karena selama puasa kita kulit cenderung kering karena kekurangan air.
Tetapi jika kamu menggunakan produk Dove, maka tidak perlu khawatir kulit wajahmu akan kering dan pecah-pecah.

Cara membersihkan wajah dengan baik dan benar adalah dengan mengusapkan Facial Cleanser di tangan terlebih dahulu, lalu diusapkan secara perlahan sampai keluar busanya.
Karena yang membersihkan wajah-mu secara efektif itu justru dari busa-nya, bukan kamu tempelkan langsung Facial Cleanser-nya ke wajah.

Facial Cleanser From Dove

Dove Table

New Product From Dove

Buka Bersama Dove x Beauty Journal

Walaupun aku hari itu sedang buru-buru banget harus kembali lagi ke kantor.
Tetapi aku menyempatkan waktu untuk buka bersama dengan kawan-kawan Beauty Bloggers.
Saling mengenal satu sama lain dan mempunyai teman baru.

Coffee and Tea Table 

Snack Table

Traditional Snack From Indonesia
Putu Mayang

Mix Fruit Ice

I love Mashed Potato <3

While We Are Eating
There Is Live Music Band

Tentang Dove:

arti dari The Real Beauty yang sebenarnya. Setelah selama lebih dari satu dekade kami berupaya untuk menjadikan kecantikan sebagai sumber kepercayaan diri, bukan sebuah kekhawatiran, dan di sinilah perjalanan ini berlanjut
Kecantikan tidak dinilai dari bentuk tubuh, ukuran baju atau warna kulit - karena kecantikan yang sesungguhnya adalah menjadi versi terbaik dari dirimu. Begitu istimewa. Sangat unik. Tanpa berpura-pura. Setiap foto yang kamu lihat di situs Dove menggambarkan kecantikan asli wanita. Sebuah versi cantik yang sebenarnya.

Apapun yang kamu butuhkan - mulai dari produk yang sesuai dengan kebutuhanmu, tips dan trik perawatan rambut, kulit, hingga perawatan kulit ketiak - karena sebagai pakar perawatan tubuh, Dove dapat meyakinkan bahwa kamu terlahir cantik.

Here is the new product from Dove:

Unboxing Goodie Bag

Inside The Goodie Bag

Thank you Dove & Beauty Journal <3

Tidak ketinggalan dan kelupaan untuk mengabadikan moment dengan orang-orang tercinta.
Senang deh bisa bertemu dengan teman-teman yang baru.
Nambah koneksi dan juga pengalaman baru.

In White <3

Belinda, Jennifer, & Me


Pardon My Selfie Lol

Thank you so much Dove and Beauty Journal for having me!

Keep In Touch With Dove Indonesia:
Facebook Fanpage:Dove Indonesia
Twitter: @dove_IDN
Instagram: @dove
Youtube: Dove Indonesia

How Much Dove:
Bagi kamu yang ingin mencoba produk Dove-nya, kamu bisa dengan mudah mendapatkan produknya di seluruh minimarket, supermarket, atau department store terdekat dengan harga sekitar Rp. 25.000,-
Find out more here

Where to Buy Dove:
Alfamart, Alfamidi, Superindo, Giant, Hypermart, dan Indomart.

Shop beauty product on Sociolla and use my voucher you can get 50k off your purchase.
Enter SBNLANUF at checkout and enjoy your discount!
With minimum purchase 250K IDR (Indonesian Rupiah).
Don't Missed it :)

Keep In Touch With Sociolla:
Facebook Fanpage: Sociolla
Twiter: @sociolla_id
Tumblr: Sociolla
Pinterest: Sociolla
Instagram: @Sociolla
Official Website:

So, i think that's all about my review..
Let me know what you think..
Please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

Monday, June 12, 2017

Salon Review: My Hair Smoothing Experience at Irwan Team Hair Design Salon

Salon Review: 
My Hair Smoothing Experience 
at Irwan Team Hair Design Salon
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
Finally i get my straight hair back. Hahaha
My hair is difficult to styling and took so long to prepare my hair.
I can spend more time just only to do my hair.
It took more than 30 mins for hair. Kinda exhausted if i need to go to work in the morning.

On Saturday, 10 June 2017 i went to the Irwan Team Hair Design Salon at Central Park Mall.
Come to mama, Baby! Bring it on my good hair <3
No more bad hair day. Hahaha
The place so comfy with new facility from Irwan Team that is Ladies/ Hijab Private Area.
It is Perfect salon to spend your smoothing treatment in 4 hours ahead.

If you curious about my post.
Please keep continue reading!
Enjoy! <3

Here i am at Irwan Team Hair Design Salon Central Park Mall.
Design Interior at Irwan Team salon is so clean and modern.
I could spend more my time a few hours ahead in here.
Because the salon feeling like home.

Entrance Salon

Irwan Team Hair Design Salon

Kerastase & L'oreal is Products mainstay at Irwan Team Salon

Treatment Place at Irwan Team Hair Design Salon

This Place Is So Impressive

Design Interior Is So Modern

Irwan Team Salon At Central Park

They are just launching new facility to their salon.
Ladies/Hijab Private Area is wishes for every woman in this world.
You don't have to feeling every eyes keep watching on every move you take.
Because this place is giving your "Me Space".

If you wanna treatment at Ladies/ Hijab Private Area, there is no additional charge.
The price is same as the general treatment.
This private area is usually requested by Arabian Woman who doesn't like it touch by man employee.
So you will be treated by the woman and having your private area.

I suggest you, if you wanna take the private ladies area you should reserve the place first.
Because the Ladies/Hijab Private Area is limited only 2 seats, I am afraid the demand is too much.
I am totally impressed with this salon.
Giving all out treat to their customer. Well done guys!
I could say this is excellent service from Irwan Team Salon.

Ladies/ Hijab Private Area

Me Time!

Nobody Else Just ME LOL

I'm So Lucky To Be Here

Complimentary Drink

Washing Hair Room
For Ladies Private Area Is Also Separated

General Area at Washing Hair Room

There is Curtain For Ladies Private Area

Aromatic Therapy Machine 

Today i will take my chemical treatment that is Hair Smoothing.
It's been 2 years i haven't smoothing my hair again.
I am too afraid if my hair will getting damage and unhealthy.
We will see and i will compare the smoothing treatment result at Irwan Team Salon.

The price for hair smoothing treatment may vary.
It depends on how thick your hair and also how long your hair does it count.
The thicker or longer your hair it will be expensive, because your hair will spend much chemical treatment. hahaha *discrimination for thick and long hair*
My hair is not really long neither not too thick, so i guess my hair is average.
But need 1 1/2 Cups for the chemical smoothing.

Irwan Team Hair Design Salon having 3 options for the Smoothing Treament.
1. Japanese Smoothing
2. Natural Smoothing
3. Volumizing Smoothing
I guess Japanese smoothing is too straight for the result.
But they are claim, if you take smoothing at Irwan Team Salon the result will be natural and still voluminous. 
I am gonna take volumizing smoothing, i expect the result is still like my own hair but a bit neat. 

Before i come for the smoothing treatment, 2 weeks before i take my treatment i already cut my hair first.
Because I don't like if i cutting my hair after smoothing.
The result is not really beautiful and gonna be so weird.
So many steps i have been through.
I will show you the step one by one here.

Smoothing Time

Stage 1
My Hair Check By The Supervisor at Irwan Team Salon
They said my hair is thick and need more cup of chemical treatment

Stage 2
Washing My Hair First

Using Kerastase

Snapgram While Washing Hair

Stage 3
Apply Smoothing Chemical Treatment
Wait for 40 Minutes

Using Loreal

Will Be So Long Step

Straighten Hair Using Steam Pad

Stage 4
Washing My Hair For Second Time

Stage 5
Neutral Chemical Treatment
Waiting For 20 Minutes

Stage 6
Washing My Hair For Third Time
This Is The Last Time Washing My Hair
Mask My Hair With X-Tenso Care

Stage 7
Blow Styling My Hair

My Hair Handle By Woman Employee at Ladies Private Area

I am so happy having treatment experienced at Irwan Team Salon.
If you have much money to spend for your hair treatment.
This place is totally recommended.
Irwan Team Salon only use best product for their customer.
So your hair will be shiny and healthy.

My Hair Before Smoothing

After Hair Smoothing at Irwan Team Salon

Special Thanks To Irwan Team Hair Design Salon

Private Ladies Area Available at:
1. Gandaria City
2. Senayan City
3. PIK Avenue Mall
4. Lippo Mall Puri Indah
5. Bintaro Jaya Xchange
6. Summarecon Mall Serpong
7. Summarecon Mall Bekasi
8. Kota Kasablanka Mall
9. Central Park Mall

Facilities Ladies / Hijab Private Area is available in all branches of Irwan Jakarta Team except in Kelapa Gading Mall.

Treatment List at Irwan Team Hair Design Salon?
You can check it our for more details treatment at Irwan Team Website.

How Much Hair Smoothing at Irwan Team Hair Design Salon?
It does cost 800K IDR - 1.5 MIO IDR.
Depends on how long your hair and thick.

Details My Chemical Treatment:
1. Washing Hair For Woman With Kerastase: 39K IDR/ $3
2. Hair Smoothing 1 1/2 Pack: 984K IDR/ $76
3. Blow Hair: 84K IDR/ $7

Note: You need to pay attention for each treatment you take at Irwan Team Salon.
Even it is just for washing hair or blow your hair.
Better ask first, before they are take action to treatment your hair.
Is that include the treatment you take or not.
For additional chemical treatment, make it clear by the first you visit.

Where Is The Location of Irwan Team Hair Design Salon?
I have got Central Park Mall Branch Salon.
So happy because near with my place <3
Irwan Team Hair Design Salon Central Park
New location level 1. in front of Best Denki 021 2920 00 22

They also have many branch of salon.
Here is the lists:
1. Gandaria City
2. Senayan City
3. PIK Avenue Mall
4. Lippo Mall Puri Indah
5. Bintaro Jaya Xchange
6. Summarecon Mall Serpong
7. Summarecon Mall Bekasi
8. Kota Kasablanka Mall
9. Central Park Mall
10. Grand Indonesia
11. POINTCUT salon by Irwan Team Hairdesign Benhil
12. Pondok Indah Mall
13. Mall Kelapa Gading 3
14. Emporium Pluit

Keep In Touch With Irwan Team Hair Design Salon?
Facebook Fanpage: Irwan Team Hair Design

Disclaimer: This article is included in a blog review hosted by Clozette Indonesia and Irwan Team Hair Design Salon. The article was written based on the experience and personal opinion.

So, i think that's all about my review..
Let me know what you think..
Please drop your comments on my post!

good luck everyone!

Clara xxx

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