Peach Beauty

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Monday, September 28, 2015

Sponsored Review: Natur Shampoo Moringa Oleifera Extract

Sponsored Review: Natur Shampoo
Moringa Oleifera Extract
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
If you are Indonesian, who doesn't know Natur Hair Care?
They have unique concept about Natural ingredients with extract herbs from Indonesia.
Since i was still sitting in the elementary school, this product is being my mom favorite.
Helps to giving to nutrition for your hair, and maintain the black shiny hair.

Just so you know, they are just released the new concept, which is more modern.
Attract more young customers to use the natural Hair treatment from Indonesia.
I am support anything related with Indonesian Local product.
I <3 my country, Indonesia.

So if you curious about my post,
please keep continue reading <3

Here is the product:

Natur Hair Shampoo

Product Design More Details

Open the bottle

Swatches about this product:

Swatches Natur Shampoo Moringa Oleifera Extract

Description Product & Directions:
Brand : Natur Hair Treatment
Edition: Shampoo
Contains natural ingredients Moringa Oleifera Extract that helps protect, caring, and nourish your hair shaft, thus preventing and reducing damaged hair.

Apply on the wet hair and scalp, gently massage until foam is formed. rinse thoroughly. for better results, use every day with Natur Conditioner and Natur Hair Tonic or Natur Hair Nutrition.

Do not let water drop into the bottle which may damage the product.
What i love?
1. The fragrance is so fresh and natural
2. Make your hair smoother
3. Give more volume to my hair
4. calm and relax sensation

What i hate?
so far until right now i love this product.

How much does it cost Natur Hair Shampoo?
it does cost 30k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah) or USD$ 2 - 3
(If i am not mistaken)

Where you can purchase this?
you can purchase this Natur Hair Shampoo at the market nearby your home.
involved are: hypermart, carefour, indomart, alfamart, etc.
easy to find, easy to use.
with the best result, and new fragrance more modern.

Keep In Touch With Natur:
Officially Website:
Facebook Fanpage: Back To Natur
Twitter: @backtonatur
Instagram: @backtonatur

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Sponsored Review: Natur Hair Serum Protecting Treatment with Natural Active Oil & Vitamin E

Sponsored Review: Natur Hair Serum
Protecting Treatment with
Natural Active Oil & Vitamin E
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
I have many of thousand problem with my hair.
After smoothing, my hair is getting worse every single day.
It's not shining anymore, and breakage hair.
Because my hair its so dry, then split ends adding my hair problem.

I have realized what all my hair need is more nutrition and vitamin.
Until i found this serum change my whole life. *ok, its a bit dramatic*.
But it is true.
Natur Hair Serum take care of my hair with giving my hair more Vitamin E.
Protecting treatment from natur serum is the best.

If you want to know more about Natur Hair Serum.
Please keep continue reading <3

Here is the product:

Natur Hair Serum
Protecting treatment

Product Design More Details

Swatches about this product:

Swatches Natur Hair Serum

Description Product & Directions:
Brand : Natur Hair Treatment
Edition: Serum
Contains Natural Active Oil which treating, nourish, maintain natural hair moisture and black shiny hair. Enriched with Vitamin E as an antioxidant that treating hair strength due to breakage and split ends.

Rub on your hands, apply evenly on hair, avoid scalp, use comb or finger to style your hair naturally, leave it dry. do not rinse.
What i love?
1. Not sticky texture
2. Absorb into my scalp quickly
3. Makes my hair healthy and more shining
4. Not make my hair oily

What i hate?
so far until right now i love this product.

How much does it cost Natur Hair Serum?
it does cost around 70k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah) or USD$ 4 - 6.

Where you can purchase this?
you can purchase this Natur Hair Serum at the market nearby your home.
involved are: hypermart, carefour, indomart, alfamart, etc.
easy to find, easy to use.
with the best result, and new fragrance more modern.

Keep In Touch With Natur:
Officially Website:
Facebook Fanpage: Back To Natur
Twitter: @backtonatur
Instagram: @backtonatur

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Sponsored Review: Natur Conditioner Moisturize and Black Hair Shine

Sponsored Review: Natur Conditioner
Moisturize and Black Hair Shine
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
It's been so long time im not update anything on my blog.
Been so difficult, and hard time for me right now.
Well, show must go on!
We need to stand up again and shining :D

Today i have another review about hair care.
This is local product from Indonesia.
Natur is really close with stereotype related with "parents and old people" customers.
Which is means the concept is really out of date and boring.

But right now, Natur is release the new concept.
More fresh sensation and fragrance is so soft.
No more smells like Jamu (traditional drink from Indonesia).

So if you curious about my post,
Please keep continue reading <3

Here is the product:

Natur Conditioner
Urang Aring & Olive Oil

Product Design More Details

Swatches about this product:

Swatches Natur Conditioner

Description Product & Directions:
Brand : Natur Hair Treatment
Edition: Conditioner
Daily natural hair care with Urang Aring extract and olive oil which helps maintain black hair shine and makes your hair looks healthy, shiny, feels soft, smooth, moist and easy hair styled.

after shampooing, apply evenly Natur Conditioner Urang Aring & Olive oil into your hair shaft, Rinse off perfectly. For better results, use regularly with Natur Natural Extract Shampoo.

For external use only.

What i love?
1. The fragrance is so fresh and natural
2. Make your hair smoother
3. The final result is natural on my hair

What i hate?
so far until right now i love this product.

How much does it cost Natur Hair Conditioner?
it does cost around 50k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah) or USD$ 3 - 4.
(If i am not mistaken)

Where you can purchase this?
you can purchase this Natur Hair Conditioner at the market nearby your home.
involved are: hypermart, carefour, indomart, alfamart, etc.
easy to find, easy to use.
with the best result, and new fragrance more modern.

Keep In Touch With Natur:
Officially Website:
Facebook Fanpage: Back To Natur
Twitter: @backtonatur
Instagram: @backtonatur

So what do you think?
Drop some comments on my post below..
Let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Event Report: Natur Hair Beauty Dating & Hair Beauty Knowledge

Event Report:
Natur Hair Beauty Dating 
Hair Beauty Knowledge
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
Aku ada kabar gembira buat kalian semua.
Kemaren pada tanggal 29 Agustus 2015, Natur baru saja Launching product baru mereka.
wangi-nya enak banget deh, ga bau jamu seperti produk-produk Natur yang sebelumnya.
Sekarang lebih modern dan juga lebih fresh, walaupun begitu Natur tetap konsisten mempertahankan bahan-bahan alami dalam setiap produknya.

Prestige Hair & Beauty Salon

Acara launching tersebut berlangsung di Prestige Hair & Beauty Salon.
Salon yang bertempat di kemang ini adalah milik Professional Hair Stylist dari Aar Yazuar.
Tempatnya mengusung tema alam dan sangat cozy banget.
Hayo siapa yang penasaran liat review lanjutannya?
yuk, baca reportnya lebih lengkap di bawah ini.

Acara dimulai dengan Hair Treatment dan Blow Styling.
Senang banget deh bisa mendapat Hair Treatment dari Natur.
Secara udah jarang ke salon, karena banyak acara dan kerjaan.
Tetapi sebelum Hair Treatment, Kulit kepala-ku di cek dulu mengenai kesehatannya.

Foto Kondisi Kulit Kepala-ku

Agak shock dan juga ga percaya lihat kondisi kulit kepalaku seperti ini.
Dan apalagi waktu Hair Advisor-nya bilang, kulit kepala ku ketombean -_-
Ga pernah-pernahnya deh punya ketombe. ini pasti gara-gara sudah sangking lama-nya ga hair treatment ke salon.

Terus Hair Advisor-nya bilang, rambut ku tipis.
ini bener juga sih, soalnya kemaren rambutku sempat rontok parah sehabis hair smoothing :')
pengen teriak cin rasanya.
amarah ini bergemuruh. *apaan sih lebay*

Ciri-ciri rambut sehat adalah:
1. Satu pori-pori rambut di tumbuhi 2-4 helai rambut, kalau terdapat 5 helai rambut di dalam satu pori-pori kulit kepala itu sangat ideal alias sehat
2. Tidak berminyak
3. Tidak ketombean
4. Helai rambut tebal, tidak tipis

Sudah tidak tahan lagi rasanya berlama-lama bahas kulit kepalaku yang banyak masalahnya ini.
Mari kita mulai saja ke sesi Hair Treatment-nya.
Ini dia sebagian penampakan dari Prestige Salon.
Bagus yaaaaaa..

Hair Beauty Treatment with Natur
at Prestige Hair & Beauty Salon

Cuci Rambut Dulu
Disini aku mendapatkan full service Hair Treatment.
Mulai dari cuci rambut dengan Shampoo Natur dan juga Blow Styling.

Hair Treatment with Natur

Final Result
Bagus ya, pengen jalan-jalan dulu sebelum pulang kerumah.
sayang abisnya kalau ga dibawa keliling ibu kota :p

Setelah selesai Hair Treatment, kemudian para beauty blogger sudah masuk kedalam sesi acara Hair Beauty Knowledge.
Tetapi sebelum itu, ada makan siangnya dulu ya.

Yummy banget ya
1. Mushroom Soup
2. Fish & Chips
3. Ice Cream Vanilla

Hair Beauty Knowledge with AAR Yazuar

Product Natur
Ada beberapa Hal yang ingin aku sharing ke kalian, setelah apa yang aku dapatkan di dalam acara Hair Beauty Knowledge ini:
1. Shampoo Banyak Busa Mengandung Silicon
ciri-ciri shampoo yang mengandung silicon adalah banyak busa saat dipakai. silicon ini berfungsi untuk memberikan efek sangat halus dirambut. disamping itu busa yang dihasilkan sangat banyak, bisa terjadi penumpukan zat-zat kimia di kulit kepala. Silicon ini kandungannya sangat tidak baik untuk rambut. sedangkan Natur Berbeda dari produk shampo lain yang dijual dipasaran, sangat sedikit busa dan juga sangat alami.

2. Habis pakai shampoo Natur kok jadi banyak putih-putih?
Putih-putih pada rambut itu bukan ketombe, melainkan sisa-sisa silicon dari produk shampoo yang kalian sebelumnya. Natur Shampoo membantu membersihkan sisa silicon pada rambut kalian. sehingga pori-pori rambut bisa bernapas dan membentuk helai rambut baru. jadi jangan panik dulu ya ketika muncul putih-putih di rambut kalian saat memakai shampoo natur.

Senang deh bisa ikut di acara Natur Ini.
Bisa ketemu teman-teman beauty blogger lainnya.
Bertukar pengalaman dan juga menambah pengetahuan di bidang beauty.
sampai jumpa lagi di lain kesempatan <3

Clara, Quin, Vania

Me & Venny

Terima kasih Natur, Rambut-ku menjadi lebih ber-volume, lembut, dan terlihat lebih Natural!
Memang benar Alami Lebih Baik bersama Natur <3

Where is Prestige Hair & Beauty Salon By Aar Yazuar?
Jl. Kemang Utara No. 5e, Bangka - Kemang.
No Hp: 08129396172 
No. Telp: (021)71793193
Aar Yazuar Instagram: @aaryazuar

Keep In Touch With Natur:
Officially Website:
Facebook Fanpage: Back To Natur
Twitter: @backtonatur
Instagram: @backtonatur

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Beautiful In White For Wedding Dresses Christchurch With PickWeddingDresses

By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
If someday i married with someone i love, i really want to marry with him in the chruch.
Have a great and sacral wedding ceremony in the church with my white long wedding dress.
who doesn't? It gonna be very great moment on your special wedding ceremony for every single woman dream in this world.

Today i will show you the wedding dress website can make your dreams come true.
Thank me later after you check all their collections at pickweddingdress website.
See it by yourself if you don't believe. because i wouldn't dare to lie with you guys <3
Imagine you look very beautiful in white wedding dress, walking together with your future husband.
The audience can't keep eyes off of you, because you wearing the finest wedding dress.
And everybody thinks that your wedding dresses is made from very famous designer.
But the secret, you know better where to buy that dress. ;)

Once again i must say,
It might be your low cost budget wedding dress but not cheap quality wedding dress..
Please be a smart buyer.
Find out clearly by yourself for the quality and design.
So you won't regret in the future.

Below is my favorite wedding dress from pickweddingdresses collections.
If you enjoy read my post, please keep continue reading <3

Dress 1
Cost: NZD$ 595.79

Dress 2
Cost: NZD$ 392.59

Dress 3
Cost: NZD$ 394.09

Grab Yours Now!
What are you waiting for?
Your Special Occasion can't wait anymore <3

How Much Does It Cost Pickweddingdresses?
it cost variety start from NZD$299 - NZD$599.
but they always have special offers in every months.
so you can get the finest wedding dresses only below NZD$200.

Where you can purchase this?
at this moment you can find it in the wedding dresses christchurch collections only at pickweddingdresses officially website.

Keep In Touch With PickWeddingDresses:
Official Website:

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx

Flash Sale: Wedding Dresses Hamilton at PickWeddingDresses

By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
Everything cost so much expensive, i am so depressed with economy condition at my country.
This is drive me crazy. Even i dont have any plan to marry this year (still looking for my prince), but i am so worry about my future.
Could i have very best wedding party when my turn is come?
How could i find the finest wedding dress for my special occasion with low cost budget?

All of sudden my anxiety feeling is gone, when i find all the collection from pickweddingdresses.
I am looking at their wedding dresses hamilton collections, they have many choices for wedding dresses.
And you won't regret it to buy their collections with your low cost budget.
This is the best solution i give it to you who has very low cost budget on your special wedding party.
Please keep continue reading my post if you like it.
Might it gonna be your references wedding dresses in the future.

Dress 1
Cost: NZD$ 199.99

Dress 2
Cost: NZD$ 199.99

Dress 3
Cost: NZD$ 199.99

Which one is your favorite?

How Much Does It Cost Pickweddingdresses?
it cost variety start from NZD$199 - NZD$399.
but they always have special offers in every months.
so you can get the finest wedding dresses only below NZD$200.

Where you can purchase this?
at this moment you can find it in the wedding dresses hamilton collections only at pickweddingdresses officially website.

Keep In Touch With PickWeddingDresses:
Official Website:

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx
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