Peach Beauty

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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Makeup Review: Lavie Lash Wildflower - Bluebell

Makeup Review:
Lavie Lash
Wildflower - Bluebell
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
Today i am gonna make a review about eyelashes!
You are gonna love it.
Because its very amazing product i have ever known.
And it made in Indonesia!

My friend as a beauty blogger ever told me about how great lavie lash for your eyelashes.
With the premium quality and affordable price it giving you perfect looks!
Mostly i love their collections so much!
I wish i can buy them all, but my budget is so tight ;')
So i just have a few of them.

So if you curious about my post,
Please keep continue reading <3

Here is the product:

Lavie Lash Wildflower - Bluebell

Product More Details:

More Details Lavie Lash Wildflower - Bluebell

Swatches about this product:

Swatches Lavie Lash Wildflower - Bluebell

and here is picture:

On My Eyelid

Great! <3

Me & Bluebell Lavie Lash

Descriptions Product & Instructions:
Brand: Lavie Lash
Edition: Wildflower - Bluebell

Make eyelashes pitch-perfect layer with a touch of Bluebell capable of giving effect smokey eyes in an instant. Made from 100% Premium Natural Hair.

Instructions of Use:
Take the eyelashes of the packaging by using an applicator such as tweezers. Then apply eyelash glue evenly enough. Stick it on the lash line using the applicator and wait until dry.

What i love?
1. Very soft and light applied on my eyelid
2. Easy to apply
3. Final looks it's natural and blend with my real eyelashes
4. My eyeslahes getting thicker but not too overwhelming

What i hate?
So far until now i love this product.

How much does it cost Lavie Lash Wildflower - Bluebell?
It does cost 44.800 IDR (Indonesia Rupiah) or USD$ 3 - 4.

Where you can purchase LAVIE LASH Wildflower - Bluebell?
You can find it on Sociolla.
Shop beauty product on Sociolla and use my voucher you can get 50k off your purchase.
Enter SBNLANUF at checkout and enjoy your discount!
With minimum purchase 250K IDR (Indonesian Rupiah).
Don't Missed it :)

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so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx


  1. Cetar banget bulu matanya say :). Memang bulu mata lavie lashes selalu cantik ya :)

    1. iya selalu suka sama bulu matanya lavie lash :D

  2. Ini bulu mata favoritku yang baruuu hahahaha. Baru belajar dan langsung suka sama bluebell :3 Tapi kepanjangan aja sih di mata aku haha jadi harus digunting dulu haha

    1. iya dimataku yang besar aja juga kegedean masa.
      kayaknya memang bluebell ini expert untuk memberikan efek besarin mata kita :D

  3. Lagi nyari review buat fake eyelashes, eh nemu ini di grup. Nice review bisa nih beli buat kakak sepupuku yang bentar lagi ultah! Thanks, membantu bgt!

    visit my blog:

    1. wah ikut senang kalau review ini membantu :)
      thank you for dropping by ya :)

  4. Kaaa bulmatnya cakepp!
    Ini gampang dipakenya kak? aku belum pernah masang bulmat sendirii huhu takut nyobanya masa -_-

    XOXO, Cilla

    1. ayo latihan pasang bulu matanya.
      nanti kalau udah bisa pasti koleksi bulu matanya nambah terus deh :p
      ini gampang kok di pake. cocok banget buat pemula..

  5. Dibanding sama bulmatnya d'eyeko lebih enteng yang mana yak? Nice review as usual ^^

    1. sama d'eyeko sama-sama ringan kok mel.
      cuman lavie lashes ini ukurannya lebih panjang.
      kemarin aku pake d'eyeko ukurannya ngepas di kelopak mata.
      tapi untuk masalah design-nya aku lebih suka lavie lashes :D

      thank you for dropping by mel :D

    2. Matamu segitu gede aja kepanjangan apalagi di aku. D'eyeko aja harus dipotong xD
      Iya lavie varian design nya banyak banget dan kebanyakan natural. Mau beli beberapa tapi jarang banget pake falsies LOL.

      Sama2 ;)

    3. iya makanya kan, di gue aja kepanjangan.
      padahal pake lavie nya udah sampe ujung mata. hahaha
      beli aja 2 pasang dulu.
      nanti kalau udah jago juga nambah terus koleksinya :p


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