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Saturday, October 10, 2015

Sponsored Review: Redkank Shampoo

Sponsored Review: 
Redkank Shampoo
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
I have another review again about Redkank product.
But right now i will discuss and review their shampoo collections.
I really love this product, it does having cool sensation after i wash it.
Produce less bubble from this shampoo.
Less bubble which is means silicon free and very good for your hair.
Also, made from natural herbs which is good for your hair as well.

So if you curious about my post,
Please keep continue reading <3

Here is the product:

Redkank Shampoo

Redkank Packaging

Swatches about this product:

Swatches Redkank Shampoo

and here is the final looks picture:

Final Looks
Note: This picture means that Redkank Shampoo nutrition my hair so well
even the function is not for damage hair. it proof good nutrition maintain my hair.
but it does work for less split ended hair
it takes time and worth it

Description Product & Directions:
Brand : Redkank
Edition: Shampoo
Liquid Shampoo which is help to wash hair and help easing itchiness on the scalp.

pour the shampoo on your wet hair, wait for 5 minutes, and the wash it with clean water.

What i love?
1. Healthier hair
2. Smoother
3. Cool sensation after wash it
4. Makes my scalp so fresh and cool

What i hate?
So far until right now i love this product.
The fragrance is too strong.
It smells like "antangin" medicine (Indonesian Traditional Herbal)

How much does it cost Redkank Shampoo?
It does cost 150k IDR (Indonesia Rupiah) or USD$ 12 - 13
For more details you can click this LINK.
Or check it out the official website.

Where you can purchase this?
at this moment, if you want to buy Redkank Shampoo you can purchase it on redkank website:
or you can order it by other contact below:
1. Whatsapp: 087 888 888 555 - 0812 89 888 666
2. BB pin: 553B80F9 / 512DBC9D 
3. Email:

Keep In Touch With Redkank:
Officially Website:
Facebook Fanpage: Redkank Obat Dewa
Twitter: @redkankindo
Instagram: @redkank

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx


  1. Natural and silicon free shampoo???? I am sold. Great review


  2. Great review... seems an awesome product. However if it has a strong fragrance, it will be unpleasant for me.

  3. Seems like a great shampoo, I'd however give it a skip 'coz I'm not a big of strong fragrances in the shampoo! You did a good job reviewing it

    - GIG Love -Chaithra - Style.. A Pastiche

    1. haha but the effect is really good for your hair. :(
      maybe you should pinch your nose while you are washing hair :p

  4. the packaging feels more like some face serum rather than a shampoo! and i thought what produce bubbles are sulphate? silicon gives us the smooth feeling in our hair after washing.... but i may be wrong here too...

    1. yes indeed, silicon is giving you smooth feeling after washing it.
      and thats not good for your hair. but redkank is silicon free.
      so no need worry about it.

  5. wooo i like shampoo that give cool sensation to my scalp ones!!so fresh!!!

  6. Interesting it looks so watery to be a shampoo. I had some herbal shampoo similar from Korea and it worked really well. Traditional medicine is good stuff!

  7. That's the first time, I see this type of packaging for a shampoo, it does look like a hair serum instead. I don't think so I would like it if the fragrance is that strong as you mentioned. It would have been great if you had included the ingredients!!

    1. maybe you can go on their officially website to read further about the ingredients :D

  8. OOOooo your split ends look gone totally! that is miraculous. Never seen any shampoo performs that great on split end!

  9. I would like to have a cool shampoo like this!

  10. Oh wkt itu lo daftar ya yg pas redkank ngepost di grup? Hehehe. Gw sebenernya ga gt suka sampo yg ga byk busanya sih. Habis kyk berasa ga bersih gitu. Hahahaha.. Pdhl msh lbh sehat sampo yg ginian ya? Ckckck, payah ni gw uda kemakan paradigma kl sampoan ga berbusa berarti ga bersih. Hehehehe.

    1. iya gua juga pertamanya ga biasa, tapi lama-lama jadi biasa. dan memang lebih bersih dan sehat :D

  11. I am not a big fan of shampoos with a strong scent as I have sinus issues and it really gives me a headache.

  12. well, it sounds like a great buy... off to check if I can buy it in UK

    1. im not sure if it already sell in UK.
      and not yet provide worldwide shipping :(

  13. The product looks great but I hate strong fragrances, too! May have to give this one a miss

  14. I've not heard of this brand before, but girl, I love your after result <3 Great buy I must say xx

  15. i tend to stay away from shampoos that have a strong herby smell :/

  16. I haven't heard if this shampoo before and my first time to actually see one that is not white or at least closer to that. This looks promising though.

  17. I haven't heard if this shampoo before and my first time to actually see one that is not white or at least closer to that. This looks promising though.

  18. i better not to mention the brand. LOL because its part of ethical. :p
    but yes now you know after read my post


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