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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Review My Salon Experience: Welcome On board To The Beauty Lounge!

Review My Salon Experience: 
Welcome On board To The Beauty Lounge!
By: @ClaraNovK

Hello Peach!
A week ago i went to Kemang, and having a really good treatment at Beauty Lounge.
I took my manicure treatment at Beauty Lounge.
Ladies you gonna love it, Beauty Lounge famous with the Brazillian Blow Out Treatment.

Have you ever heard about this salon?
This is new Salon at kemang, they are launched on November 2015 (if i'm not mistaken).
The concept is really unique, because they are took the concept from airplane lounge.

So if you curious about my post,
Please keep continue reading <3

Here is the place:

Beauty Lounge Outside

Love it!

Pedicure Room

Welcome Aboard!

Very Unique Concept!

My Treatment:

Manicure Time!

Before & After

Thank you so much Beauty Lounge <3

and here is the final looks picture:

My New Nails <3

Always Smile...

Selfie with Rissa (Beauty Lounge Supervisor)

What i love?
1. Friendly service and good price
2. Great concept and comfort environment

What i hate?
So far until right now i love the treatment.
I hope they are start to plan build more room for manicure.
Because all i know Beauty Lounge just having a room for pedicure.
I hope Beauty Lounge also launching more store around west jakarta. :3

How much does it cost for salon treatment?
It does cost depends on what kind of treatment do you take.
Below here the pricelist:

Where you can find the salon?
Jl.Benda Raya no. 20E, Kemang Jak-Sel.
Contact Person: 0812 8215 8115
Line id: beautylounge.jkt
Open Hour: Tuesday-Sunday 9am- 7pm

Keep In Touch With Beauty Lounge:
Facebook Fanpage: Beauty Lounge Jakarta
Instagram: @beautylounge.jkt

so what do you think?
drop some comments on my post below..
let me know about your very honest opinion..

Thank you for reading my blog!
and good luck everyone ..

Clara xxx


  1. Wow.. I will love to visit such kind of salon. Very unique idea.

  2. The 'plane' concept looks so unique :D
    Seems you had fun there ^^
    Thanks for sharing :D
    Nice post :)


  3. ah interesting interior! its a first ive seen something like this. your nails look healthy

  4. The place looks amazing and your manicure look beautiful.

  5. That is a really unique concept for a store for sure! Love those nails! =)

  6. I already knew this place from instagram but i never had any chance to visit it. Nice post!

  7. Such a unique theme for the interior, I love it! More salons need something like that, I think. It'll make them stand out!

  8. hahaha where do you come from btw?
    i hope so :)

  9. love the cute airplane concept by the shop!

  10. Did you have the feeling that you're flying to some exotic place while getting your nails done?
    you look pretty xx

  11. That's pretty cool concept. I wish we have one here though. I'd surely visit more often.

  12. Your nails look pretty and the salon sounds interesting. Glad that you had a great time :)

  13. It's been ages I been to a nail salon. I do mine! I must say they looks very neat and clean, price friendly as well.

    Do drop by... GreenStory

  14. I love that the salon looks like an airplane interior. Lovely place to get a mani and pedi done.

    xoxo - GIG Love - Chai


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